DDP Archive

Oh boy, here it is, the entire history of the Derby Dead Pool from 1996 onwards in one place.

DDP Host Hall of Fame

1996-2002 – Big Iain, the founder. In 2003 it was announced the Big Man was leaving “for the time being”.

2003-2007 – The duo of Rude Kid and Siegfried Baboon turned the DDP from a small English affair with a few overseas visitors into the international game we all love today.

2008-2009 – DDP’s answer to James Bond, Mr Octopus of Odstock ran the game for two years and made rule changes that fundamentally changed deadpooling for the better, such as banning teams picking children and scheduled executions…

2010-2017 – The Man in Black ran the game for 8 years, and was THE DDP host for many of us. He was so good at hosting he expanded the game well beyond the ability to be run by one person alone.

2018-19 – Spade Cooley stepped in for two years at short notice and kept the game going, and also migrated it over to its current new website.

The Committee Years

2020-2022, Grim, processes all the team entries, a long and laborious job without which the game couldn’t run. He’s the guy who mostly answers emails too.

2020-present, Reptile, Zen Master, whose solution to everything is sit everyone down for a nice drink and sort out their differences. Does the tech side most of the year like updating the scores pages. Also once went through 10, 000 lines of code to find one bug in the website.

2020-2021 – msc, in his own words the writer of bad puns and long winded obits, steered the front page for two years. Established (with Reptile and Grim) the long-overdue FFBI ban and created the very archive page you’re reading now.

2022-on – DI, current front page host whose legacy remains to be seen!

2023-on – Banana, who took over GUN’s post with the team entry.


The original DDP Trophy, now more missing than the Jules Rimet…


The awards ceremony was held in the house next door to Chellaston Cemetery, in the presence of the Organisers and the winner, the winner’s Ma and Pa, and a small misogynist green parrot. Nick was noticeably moved by the occasion (or by dysentery perhaps), and claimed to have enjoyed the occasion, but wanted to go and watch Star Trek.”

Main Page
Who Died in 1996
Notable Debuts – Nick J, Jesus Jones, Hoppo, Big Iain

Main Page
Surviving 1997 DDP obits

Main Page
Surviving 1998 DDP obits
Who Picked Who
An early trailblazer hunts for clues…
WINNER – Drunkasaskunk
Notable Debuts – Drunkasaskunk, Finbar

Main Page
Surviving 1999 DDP obits
List of the Missed
Deadpool Tips from Last Century
Brief DDP Chat
WINNER – Drunkasaskunk
Notable Debuts – Mr C, The Vrydolak

Main Page
Obit for MT Graves, DDP’s posthumous winner
Surviving 2000 DDP obits
Who Picked Whom
List of the Missed
Big Iain’s Stats Part 1
Big Iain’s Stats Part 2
Scoring method in 2000
The original DDP rules (updated for 2000)
WINNER – MT Graves
Notable Debuts – MT Graves (RIP), Rude Kid

Main Page
Surviving 2001 DDP obits
Who Picked Whom
List of the Missed
Qualifying obit seeking is now an art in itself – here’s how it looked back in 2001!
WINNER – Whittaker’s Choice
Notable Debuts – Whittaker’s Choice, Joe Ram, One Foot in the Grave

Main Page
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Missed
2002 Drop, err, 10
List of Jokers
Brief DDP Chat here along with Big Iain’s views on acceptable picks
Notable Debuts – Siegfried Baboon, The Plymouth Jury

Main Page
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Missed
Inane Analysis
Insane Analysis
WINNER – Otis, You Want A Treat?
Notable Debuts – Otis You Want a Treat?, Drummerboy

Main Page
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Missed
Inane Analysis
Insane Analysis
Deathlist Forum Chat
WINNER – Deathlist.net
Notable Debuts – Dave’s Dead Aye Dead Drunk, Deathlist.net, Octopus of Odstock, Coffin-Dodgers

Main Page
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Missed
Inane Analysis
Deathlist Forum Chat
WINNER – Fallen Sparrow
Notable Debuts – Crazycarl, Eejit, Fallen Sparrow, Grobler’s Stiff Ones, Meet Your Maker, Pooil Vaaish, Stab in the Dark, The Grey Horde

Main Page
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Missed
Deathlist Forum Chat  (yes, it’s Page 2 of the last one!)
WINNER – Meet Your Maker
Notable Debuts – Canadian Paul, Dead Ends, Eternity Tours, Go Fish, Godot’s Waiting List, Going Green, Going Underground, Madonna’s Hand of Bod, The Living End, They’re Dead Y’Know, This Mortal Coil, Tomb It May Concern, Windsor the Troll

Main Page
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Missed
The List of the Lost
Deathlist Forum Chat 
WINNER – Meet Your Maker
Notable Debuts – Carkers Convention, Deceased Hose, Lard Bazaar, Wormer He’s a Dead Man! Marmalard, Dead! Niedermeyer…

Main Page
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Deathlist Forum Chat
WINNER – The Living End
Notable Debuts – Norfolk and Good, Ethnic Cleansing, If I’m Spared Myself (AKA I’m Sorry for your Trouble), I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead, Misers

Main Page
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Deathlist Forum Chat
WINNER – Tonight, Matthew, I’m Going To Be Badly-Torn Boy
Notable Debuts – Gray Panthers, Hippoposthumous, Not Gone Yet Still Forgotten (or is that infamous debuts?), People I Think May Die in 2009 United, The Beatles Are Dying in the Wrong Order, WEP 2.0

Main Page
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Deathlist Forum Chat
WINNER – Octopus of Odstock
Notable Debuts – ‘arry-Kiri, Cant Sleep Clown Will Eat Them, Daniel Faraday’s Notebook (AKA Poochie), Fuck a 40oz (AKA David Quantick’s Showbiz Pals), Star Dust, Time’s Up Team

Main Page
Theme Team League
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Drop 40
Deathlist Forum Chat
WINNER – The Living End
Notable Debuts – And It’s Goodnight from Him, Crossing the Styx, DDP Tofoa, Inigo I Hope We Win, Golden Slumbers

Main Page
Theme Team League
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Drop 40
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
WINNER – The Living End
Notable Debuts –  Hell to the Chief, Pan Breed, Phantom’s Pick n Mix, The Bedsoring 20s, The Old Ones are the Pests

Main Page
Theme Team League
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Drop 40
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
WINNER – David Quantick’s Showbiz Pals
Notable Debuts – Bibliogryphon’s Bookworm Food, Last of the Summer Winos, Mercarte, Thomas Jefferson Survives

Main Page
Theme Team League
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Drop 40
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
WINNER – David Quantick’s Showbiz Pals
Notable Debuts – Deathray’s Kevorkian Clinic, Shaun of the Dead

Main Page
Theme Team League
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Drop 40
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
WINNER – David Quantick’s Showbiz Pals
Notable Debuts – Comedy Cremations, Pity da Foolz, The Love Boat

Main Page
Theme Team League 
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Drop 40
20th Anniversary Top 20 DDP players
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
WINNER – David Quantick’s Showbiz Pals
Notable Debuts – 12 Lords a-leaving, 8 Ladies Dying, Cancel My Appointments, Cancerous Hatred, Gris Gris, Hits of 36 Years Ago and Hits Today, To Kill a Gabor Sister

Main Page
Theme Team League
Celebrities Picked
Who Died
Who Picked Whom
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Drop 40
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
WINNER – Golden Slumbers
Notable Debuts – The Exit Draft, Advent Avalanche, Apricot/Blueberry/Gooseberry Crumbles, CENTAURIANS, Day in the Death, Decaying Orbit-uaries, Drollercoaster, Lynch Mob, The Heeflich Manoeuvre

Main Page
Who Died
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Who Picked Whom
Celebrities Picked
Drop 40
Theme Team League
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits (Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
WINNER – Pity da Foolz
Notable Debuts – Banana’s Peel Slippers, GUN Away/Fishing, Jackie Treehorn

Main Page
Who Died
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Who Picked Whom
Celebrities Picked
Drop 40
Theme Team League
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits A-Z
WINNER – Thomas Jefferson Survives
Notable Debuts – Bleaching the Bottom of the Barrel, Fade To Black, Once You Go Black, Smart Beta List, The Crowdsourced Deathlist, The Old Lady

Main Page
Who Died
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Who Picked Whom
Celebrities Picked
Drop 40
Theme Team League
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits A-Z
WINNER – The Love Boat
Notable Debuts – Haben die Spaten

Main Page
Who Died
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Who Picked Whom
Celebrities Picked
Drop 40
Theme Team League
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits A-Z
WINNER – Salmon Mousse
Notable Debuts – En Passant, Quite Unwell Illustrious Mortals, Salmon Mousse

Main Page
Who Died
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Who Picked Whom
Celebrities Picked
Drop 40
Theme Team League
Deathlist Forum Chat
Obits A-Z
WINNER – David Quantick’s Showbiz Pals

Main Page
Who Died
List of the Lost
List of the Missed
Who Picked Whom
Celebrities Picked
Drop 40
Theme Team League
Deathlist Forum Chat
WINNER – Banana’s Peel Slippers

The Old 2003-2018 website