DDP 2023

The year in which we waited for Godot (Godot being Jimmy Carter) saw Banana take the gold the same year he joined the committee. It was a fairly sedate affair on the competitive end, but the 312 hits smashed the previous record, with Tina Turner the star attraction.

Tina agrees – 2023 was simply the best for Banana

DDP 2023 – Teams: 519 Hits: 312


2023 Archive Links


2023 in review

2023 Scoreboard

Who Died in 2023

Who didn’t get obits

Who wasn’t picked this time

A-Z of teams

A-Z of picks

Drop 40

Theme Team League


Other deaths included Gianluca Vialli, King Constantine of Greece, Gina Lollobrigida, David Crosby, Burt Bacharach, Raquel Welch, John Motson, Betty Boothroyd, Topol, Paul O’Grady, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Nigel Lawson, Terrence Hardiman, Len Goodman, Barry Humphries, Harry Belafonte, Jerry Springer, Rolf Harris, Superstar Billy Graham, the Iron Sheik, Pat Robertson, the Unabomber, Silvio Berlusconi, Cormac McCarthy, Glenda Jackson, Winnie Ewing, Alan Arkin, Tony Bennett, George Alagiah, Sinead O’Connor, Pee-wee Herman, William Friedkin, Michael Parkinson, Bob Barker, Mohammed al-Fayed, Michael Gambon, Dianne Feinstein, Bobby Charlton, Joss Ackland, Rosalynn Carter, Henry Kissinger, Shane McGowan, Sandra Day O’Connor, Norman Lear, and Jacques Delors.


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