The Theme Team League shall appear here. It is manually updated so won’t be updated as often as the main scoreboard – typically once a month.
2 January – Nature’s Way was caught in the end, with the gong going to Elton Welsby’s Sporting Triangles on the back of a belated SPOTY obit for Steve Smith.
Pos | Team | Theme | Points |
1. | Elton Welsby’s Sporting Triangles | Sports types | 72 |
=2. | Nature’s Way | Names found in nature | 66 |
=2. | The Sick-Bed of Cuchulainn | The Irish | 66 |
4. | One Ball Bigger Than The Other Two | Sports | 61 |
5. | Laughing in the face of Death. | Funny people | 59 |
6. | They think it’s all over | Scottish football | 57 |
7. | A la vie, a la mort | French people | 52 |
8. | Slippery Soap | Soap actors | 51 |
9. | End of the Ballgame | Sports | 50 |
10. | Dead Beats | Musicians | 49 |
=11. | Aaron Aardvark’s Alliteration Association | Alliterative names | 48 |
=11. | Bibliogryphon’s Bookworm Food | Authors | 48 |
13. | Saturday Night Dead | Saturday Night Live | 47 |
=14. | Drop Dead Diva | Extravagant women | 44 |
=14. | Fiona’s 1922 | 1922 babies | 44 |
=14. | Gray Panthers | Centenarians | 44 |
=14. | Jane’s Antique Wrinklies | Old ladies | 44 |
=14. | KICKING BUCKETS INSTEAD OF BALLS | Footballers | 44 |
=19. | All Death Is Consolation | Artists | 38 |
=19. | Pazuzu XP | 1920s births | 38 |
=21. | Deutschland verabschiedet sich! | Germans | 37 |
=21. | Windsor’s OBE | Order of the British Empire recipients | 37 |
=23. | D Ceased | D Names | 36 |
=23. | No More Expenses | UK MPs | 36 |
=25. | Old As Dirt | Centenarians | 35 |
=25. | Pazuzu Bad Boys | Unsavoury characters | 35 |
27. | Dead Leaders | World leaders | 34 |
28. | Sudden Death | Football | 33 |
=29. | …and its goodnight from him | Rons, Ronalds, Ronnies etc. | 31 |
=29. | In The Hole! | Golfers | 31 |
31. | Vive la France… et la mort | The French | 30 |
=32. | Hell to the Chief | World leaders | 29 |
=32. | Perfect 10 | Celebs with 10 letters in their names | 29 |
=32. | Ready For My Closed Lid, Mr. DeMille | Ladies of cinema | 29 |
=35. | Apollogies For Still Living | Astronauts | 28 |
=35. | Complications from a fall | Dictators and other world leaders | 28 |
=35. | Exiting The Stage | Stage stars | 28 |
=35. | Fill the Century or die! | Not everyone that makes 99 makes it to 100 | 28 |
=35. | Stars On Ice | Canadians, eh | 28 |
=35. | Waiting for Ugo | Midlands footballers | 28 |
=41. | Cesar Romero’s Orange Wedges | Guests on Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast | 27 |
=41. | Nice! | Jazz musicians | 27 |
=41. | The Retched pong of Brit sit-com | British sitcoms | 27 |
=44. | 20 Crooners Croakin’ | Crooners | 26 |
=44. | All these moments will be lost | Sci-fi actors | 26 |
=44. | Oscar Strikeouts | Oscar nominees | 26 |
=47. | A Bottle of Lucozade and the warm blanket | 70s actors | 25 |
=47. | Ashes to Ashes XI | Cricketers | 25 |
=47. | Decomposing Blubber | Lardarses | 25 |
=47. | God’s Gonna Gettem | G names | 25 |
=47. | Ncuti Bang Bang | Doctor Who | 25 |
=47. | OAPs (Old American Politicians) | Most of Washington these days | 25 |
=47. | Ruling The Afterlife | World leaders | 25 |
=47. | Rushing to Tim Horton’s for Maple Donuts | Canucks | 25 |
=55. | Can’t Think of a Music Pun | Musicians | 24 |
=55. | Child Actor Graveyard | The entertainment industry’s most vicious cycle | 24 |
=55. | Dying Donkeys | US Democrats who ran for President | 24 |
=55. | Nobel Notables | Nobel laureates | 24 |
=55. | Oh Ronnie, Where Art Thou… | Reagan associates | 24 |
=55. | Political Correctness Has Gone Too Far | Politics | 24 |
=61. | Musical chairs | Musicians | 23 |
=61. | The DOA Tour | Golfers | 23 |
=61. | Turn Off That Telly and Go to Bed! | US TV | 23 |
64. | Complete Phallusies | Names with shlong slang in them | 22 |
=65. | Body with No Arms No Legs Floating in Ocean | Bobs | 21 |
=65. | Comedy Cremations | Comedy actors | 21 |
=65. | Everybody’s Dead, Dave | Daves | 21 |
=65. | Sung Their Last Song | Singers | 21 |
=65. | The Dead Kennedys | Kennedy Center honorees | 21 |
=70. | Jocks Away | Scots | 19 |
=70. | MST3K Massacre | MST3K subjects | 19 |
=70. | Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel | Batman | 19 |
=73. | Buying Max Yasgur’s Farm | Folkies | 17 |
=73. | Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown | New Hollywood | 17 |
=73. | MAGA Hit List | Trump non-fans | 17 |
=76. | #1 Hits | UK chart toppers | 16 |
=76. | Everybody’s Dead Daves | Daves | 16 |
=76. | Fireball’s Play Your Cadavers Right | Gameshow hosts | 16 |
=76. | Meddling Kids and their Dead Dog | Ruh roh Raggy, folk facing their Scooby Doom | 16 |
=76. | Norman Lear and All His Friends | Norman Lear and actors in his many sitcoms | 16 |
=76. | Six Feet Under the Dome | Congresscritters | 16 |
=82. | American As Apple Pie | Hispanics | 15 |
=82. | Decaying Orbit-uaries | Space types | 15 |
=82. | Here’s Who You Could Have Won | Interesting oldies | 15 |
=85. | Have I Got Death For You | Have I Got News for You | 14 |
=85. | Last Christmas | Christmas-associated celebs | 14 |
=85. | One Century Is Enough, Madam! | Centenarian women | 14 |
=88. | Arthur’s Theme: Jimmy White and the 19 Dwarfs | Jimmy White with little people | 13 |
=88. | Lullabye-bye of Broadway | Broadway | 13 |
=90. | Musicians We Lost in 2024 | Musicians | 12 |
=90. | The Talking Dead | TV hosts | 12 |
=90. | Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, DIE | Actors in TTSS adaptations | 12 |
=93. | Grappling with Mortality | Wrestlers | 11 |
=93. | Picked by Youtube | The teamrunner’s YouTube playlist | 11 |
=93. | The Final Bill | The Bill | 11 |
=93. | Wishing (I Had an Obituary of You) | 80s musicians | 11 |
=97. | Cut! Take(n)! | Film directors | 10 |
=97. | DCAU Demises | DC Animated Cinematic Universe | 10 |
=97. | Formula Fatality | F1 | 10 |
=97. | He’s Not The Family Guy | Family Guy voices | 10 |
=97. | I Hear Voices | Voice actors | 10 |
=97. | Just One More Death | Columbo guest stars, with and without Alzheimer’s | 10 |
=97. | Kicking the Bouquet | Flowery names | 10 |
=97. | Kiwi fruit sundae | New Zealanders | 10 |
=97. | Nearly Dead Kennedys | Kennedy Center honorees | 10 |
=97. | Poor Little Ghoul | US charttoppers | 10 |
=97. | She’s a Dead Skate, Charlie Brown | Ice skaters | 10 |
=97. | St. Peter’s Warblers | Musicians | 10 |
=97. | Thank You For The Music | Musicians | 10 |
=97. | That Was Your Life | This Is Your Life | 10 |
=97. | The Fat Lady’s singing… | Opera | 10 |
=112. | Alternative in Death – The Right Deadlihood Award | Recipients of the Alternative Nobel Prize | 9 |
=112. | Dead Continent | Asians | 9 |
=112. | Di, just Die! | Names with “di” in them | 9 |
=112. | Not going in a Black Cab | EastEnders | 9 |
=112. | Special:RandomInCategory/Living_people | The 20 best picks of 4000 randomly generated Wikipedia bios | 9 |
117. | Who’s laughing now? | Comedians | 8 |
=118. | 2024 Exit Draft | Sport | 7 |
=118. | Come on Karma, Where’s the F@@king Justice | Evading justice for how long? | 7 |
=118. | Lil Tay Is Not Dead but Alive With Soul | Death hoax victims | 7 |
=118. | Miscreants | Criminals | 7 |
=118. | Once Shaggable, Now Baggable | Old ladies eyecatching in their heyday | 7 |
=123. | A Chris Goodbye | Chrises | 6 |
=123. | Bourbon Barrel-Aged | Kentuckians | 6 |
=123. | Death to all but metal and Dame Shirley Bassey | Rockers and their nan | 6 |
=123. | Easy Peasy Japanesey | Japanese people | 6 |
=123. | Goodnight, Seattle | Frasier alums… I’m listening | 6 |
=123. | Great Gig in the Sky | Musicians | 6 |
=123. | Hispanics and Lati-no’s | Hispanics | 6 |
=123. | Hits Of 36 Years Ago And Hits Today | 1987 UK Top 30 hits | 6 |
=123. | Last ones, Part II | Last survivors | 6 |
=123. | Shake, Rattle, Roll Over and Play Dead | 50s/60s rock and pop | 6 |
=123. | The Elders of Reality TV | Older reality TV stars | 6 |
=123. | The Survivors | Last survivors | 6 |
=123. | There is nothing like a dame | Dames, without their boss this time | 6 |
=136. | CLOG POPPERS | Popsters | 5 |
=136. | CRT to DOA | TV presenters | 5 |
=136. | Dey Do Die Don’t Dey Doh | Scousers | 5 |
=136. | Facing the Music | Musicians | 5 |
=136. | Last of The Summer Winos | Last of the Summer Wine | 5 |
=136. | Last Show Before Bedtime | UK telly | 5 |
=136. | Laugh-in to the Grave | Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In | 5 |
=136. | Nobel Loserettes | Ladies with Nobels | 5 |
144. | Pennsylvania Pushes Up the Daisies | The Keystone State | 4 |
=145. | All the Colors Have Faded Away | Colourful names | 0 |
=145. | And That’s a Rap | Rappers | 0 |
=145. | batstarlord of the whotreklock | Nerd shows | 0 |
=145. | Bearded Wonders | Non-shavers | 0 |
=145. | Boom, Boom, Out go the lights | Blues and beat musicians | 0 |
=145. | BYE-BYE BORING BROADCASTERS 2024 | Broadcasters | 0 |
=145. | Cadaverous Mofos | The Wire | 0 |
=145. | Dead And Dusted 2 | 70s musicians | 0 |
=145. | Desert Island Deaths | Desert Island Discs | 0 |
=145. | Dieopics | Biopic subjects | 0 |
=145. | Dr Who’s Next | Doctor Who | 0 |
=145. | Dying of Pretentiousness | Snooty types | 0 |
=145. | Dying Probably’s Twitter Page | People who showed on this showrunner’s Twitter feed | 0 |
=145. | Five Minute Bell Ends | Five-minute bell ringers (a cricket thing) | 0 |
=145. | Francis Of Wrestle-Easy 2024 | Wrasslers | 0 |
=145. | Gala Gallows | Here-and-now celebrities | 0 |
=145. | George Smith is Dead! | As it says… | 0 |
=145. | Get Me Points For When You Go-Go | 80s musicians | 0 |
=145. | Gone Solo | Surviving halves | 0 |
=145. | IT’S A COP-OUT 2024 | Coppers | 0 |
=145. | Kiddyfiddler Harriers | Paedos | 0 |
=145. | Lt. Colonel Kilgore’s Ultimate Surf Party | Vietnam figures | 0 |
=145. | M6 Toll(ed) | Midlands | 0 |
=145. | No Mr Bond Villain, I Expect You To Die!!! | Bond villains | 0 |
=145. | Not Gone Yet, But Still Forgotten | Obscurities | 0 |
=145. | OzEDeath List: Proudly Brought To You By Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest | Aussies | 0 |
=145. | Passing of the Passed | Celebs the team runner passed by in the street | 0 |
=145. | Peace, Love, and Death | 1960s counterculture figures | 0 |
=145. | Political Correctness Gone Mad | Politicians | 0 |
=145. | Pop goes the Wurzels | Popsters | 0 |
=145. | Punk is Dead | Punk musicians | 0 |
=145. | Quinn -v- Curtis | Anthonys and Tonys | 0 |
=145. | Rappers Delight | Rappers | 0 |
=145. | Red Ink Pen | Current musicians | 0 |
=145. | Rolls Off The Tongue | Interesting names | 0 |
=145. | Sad Last Days | National Enquirer “near death”s | 0 |
=145. | Scrubber Out | Porn stars | 0 |
=145. | sid and marty coffin | Sid and Marty Krofft | 0 |
=145. | Songbirds in the Cemetery | Lady singers | 0 |
=145. | Space Wasters | Lice | 0 |
=145. | Thanks for being a Sport | Sportspeople | 0 |
=145. | The Gallifrey Regeneration Game | Doctor Who | 0 |
=145. | The Lord God Slayed Them All | Veterinarians | 0 |
=145. | The Writing’s On The Wall | Singers | 0 |
=145. | Thou Shall Seek Death | Religious leaders | 0 |
=145. | Trans Girls Hit squad’s hit list | T*RFs | 0 |
=145. | Unpersons | Big Brother participants | 0 |
=145. | Where are all the Garys and Simons? | Garys and Simons | 0 |
=145. | Who Goes Before the 5-0 Arrives? | Under 50s | 0 |