Jamie Reid


Graphic designer and anarchist Jamie Reid helped shape the rebellious look of punk rock with his pulpy collage style evocative of ransom notes. He most famously collaborated with the Sex Pistols, and was the brains behind their album and single covers. His vandalised Queen Elizabeth II portrait for God Save the Queen stands as a defining image of punk and was ranked as the greatest record cover of all time in a 2001 Q survey. Well, the Queen and Qs go hand in hand if last year was any indication. In contrast to John Lydon’s rightward lurch, Reid was committed to the punk spirit to the end, backing movements like Occupy and Extinction Rebellion and creating Trump cut-ups in a similar fashion to his famed cover of Her Maj. He was 76 and a unique for Stone Dead Cert.

Jamie Reid
16 January 1947 – 8 August 2023, aged 76
💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 + 👻 = 11 POINTS