Forget “a science Nobel laureate who still QOed”, Peter Higgs was that very rare science Nobel laureate to have mainstream name recognition. He theorised in the 60s that there was a particle which allowed atoms to have mass. The humble Higgs didn’t like either name scientific circles affixed to this particle – he didn’t like “God particle” as he was atheist, and didn’t like “Higgs boson” because he didn’t feel he should receive sole credit when other scientists hypothesised the particle at around the same time. The Large Hadron Collider, built largely in hopes of discovering the Higgs boson, achieved exactly that in 2012. The Physics Nobel for Higgs was when not if, and the when was next year. He shared the honour with François Englert, one of the scientists who independently developed the same concept. He was 94 and Dead And Dusted 1 and Nobel Notables have more mass on the scoreboard.
Peter Higgs
29 May 1929 – 8 April 2024, aged 94
2 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀 5 POINTS)