Zoleka Mandela


Nelson’s granddaughter, Zoleka Mandela had a rough go at things herself – she survived sexual abuse as a child, struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, lost two of her children at young ages, and dealt with breast cancer on-and-off for over a decade. She chronicled her experiences into writing, and was recognised by the BBC as one of its 100 Women in 2016. She was 43 and announced another cancer recurrence last year, but the trickiness in timing these long-term battles meant she wasn’t too popular hereabouts. More of a B Team name than an A Team name. But with lots of the canon soldiering on, the upshot is Banana’s Bruises jumping to second, behind… Banana’s Peel Slippers. Will I need to whip out the Spider-Man pointing at himself meme for the Year In Review?

Zoleka Mandela
9 April 1980 – 25 September 2023, aged 43
2 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 10 POINTS)