Discus thrower Olga Fikotová was Czechoslovakia’s only gold winner at the 1956 Olympics, having honed her discus technique by throwing in sync to “The Blue Danube”. At the event, she bumped elbows with American hammer thrower Hal Connolly and the pair fell in love. The dalliance was headline-grabbing and seemingly futile in the throes of the Cold War, and it was only after the running superstar Emil Zátopek fought for them were they allowed to marry. She moved to the United States, and after being forbidden by Czechoslovakia to represent them at future Olympics, partook in the next four Olympics under the stars and stripes. Her marriage ended in divorce in 1975, and in retirement she was an active environmentalist and animal rights campaigner. She was 91 and a pick for two teams.
Olga Fikotova
13 November 1932 – 12 April 2024, aged 91
2 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀 5 POINTS)