Fernando Botero


Colombian artist and sculptor Fernando Botero has slimmed down aged 91. His trademark “Boterismo” made the ladies of Rubens look svelte, exaggeratedly plumping up all his subjects whether it be to make a political point or just because it was funny. Indeed, he’d alternate between serious and silly pieces, painting a fattened Mona Lisa or clown after depicting the death of Pablo Escobar or the US torture of prisoners at Abu Gharib. His style seemed destined to create at least one Internet meme, and indeed a 1964 take on Pope Leo X did exactly that. A duet of Latino theme teams put some meat on the bones.

Fernando Botero
19 April 1932 – 15 September 2023, aged 91
2 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀 5 POINTS)