Tsuneko Sasamoto


Pioneering Japanese photojournalist Tsuneko Sasamoto has gone negative aged 107. Her homeland’s first female photojournalist, she was veered onto her career path after her father discouraged her from painting. She captured Japan’s rise from collapsing empire to economic superpower through her photos, which featured subjects ranging from the prominent (Douglas MacArthur) to the humble (impoverished children, student protestors). Sasamoto remained active past her centenary and credited her longevity to an upbeat attitude and, borrowing a page from Calment and Tanaka, a daily wine and chocolate. An obit thought to be a longshot has instead come through the Daily Mail to the benefit of One Century Is Enough, Madam!

Tsuneko Sasamoto
1 September 1914 – 15 August 2022, aged 107
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