The Amazing Johnathan


Outrageous Vegas magician The Amazing Johnathan makes his disappearing act aged 63, following years of ticker woes. The stage name of John Szeles, Johnathan deemed himself the “Freddy Krueger of Comedy” for his gory tricks. This both involved apparent self-mutilation (such as sucking on his dangling eyeball) and morbid variants of magic cliches (creating a “bird” from a handkerchief before smashing it into a feathery mess with his palms). He seemed the type of character whose sense of humour would have gelled with the Derby Dead Pool! A heart condition diagnosed in 2007 went terminal in 2014, but he defied his previous prognosis and intermittently performed in the years leading up to his death. He was a unique pick for The Good, The Bad and Cliff Richard.

The Amazing Johnathan
9 September 1958 – 22 February 2022, aged 63
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