Sacheen Littlefeather


Nowadays, you have to slap someone to generate headlines at the Oscars, but back in the day legitimate causes could gain attention. Sacheen Littlefeather will forever be remembered as the Native American girl who stood in for Marlon Brando’s Godfather gong to draw attention to both the Wounded Knee Occupation and Native American stereotypes in US media. Her minute-long speech met equal parts cheers and boos, and it took nearly 50 years for the Academy to formally apologise to her over the hostile treatment she endured. A long-term bout with metastatic breast cancer made her a cult DDP pick for years, and her death aged 76 sees Salmon Mousse and The Sound of the Underground rise up the top ten totem pole while Deceased Hose soars with a joker hit.

Sacheen Littlefeather
14 November 1946 – 2 October 2022, aged 76
10 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 7 POINTS, 🃏 (x1) 14 POINTS)