Lowell Weicker


Lowell Weicker was the last Republican senator to represent Connecticut, but the Democratic victory in his 1988 defeat proved a Pyrrhic one for Team Donkey as it gave them Joe Lieberman. Indeed, the liberal Weicker was such a pre-Gingrich relic that Lieberman challenged him from the right. Weicker first gained attention as the first Republican senator to call for Nixon’s resignation, and over the course of his three terms he developed a reputation as a vocal advocate for disabled rights and a sharp critic of the religious right. He later served one term as governor of Connecticut under a third-party banner, and his death aged 92 gains for Champion Funeral Home.

Lowell Weicker
16 May 1931 – 28 June 2023, aged 92
💀💀💀💀💀 + 👻 = 9 POINTS