Jimmy Lydon


1940s Hollywood actor Jimmy Lydon has died aged 98. Most noted for roles in his teens and early 20s, his best-received role was as the eldest son in 1947 comedy Life with Father. Also highly popular was a string of leading roles in the Henry Aldrich series of B movies, based off a popular radio programme of the time which depicted a do-gooder, accident-prone high schooler. He gave Liz Taylor her first onscreen kiss in Cynthia, and starred in early, short-lived soap opera The First Hundred Years, which fell a year and two months short of predicting his lifespan. He remained an industry presence into the 80s, often in a behind-the-scenes capacity on hits such as 77 Sunset Strip and M*A*S*H. Lydon was a unique hit for Obituarynotice.

Jimmy Lydon
30 May 1923 – 9 March 2022, aged 98
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