Henry Silva


Hollywood tough guy Henry Silva has died aged 95. Raised in Spanish Harlem, which hardened his skin and fast, his sharp and chilly face beckoned for villainous roles. With dozens of gangster, thug, and all-around baddie roles to his name, he made early impressions in Frank Sinatra films – first as one of the titular thieves in the original Ocean’s 11 (he was the last survivor of the 11), then as a communist agent houseboy who thrillingly spars with Ol’ Blue Eyes in The Manchurian Candidate. He starred as the eponymous hitman in Johnny Cool, who mows down most of the supporting cast. By the mid-60s he was a regular in Spaghetti Westerns, where he applied his macho gravitas to heroic roles as well as villains. He had one last dash of dastardly in his final hours, dying a day before his birthday to deprive Morbid Krakatoa’s Playhour of a party pooper bonus.

Henry Silva
15 September 1926 – 14 September 2022, aged 95
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