Harry Whittington


What a country America is – where the sitting Vice President can shoot a guy and not even be the first example. Some 200 years after Aaron Burr shot Broadway star Alexander Hamilton, Prince of Darkness Dick Cheney went quail hunting with Texan lawyer Harry Whittington in early 2006. Cheney shot at a bird that flew in Whittington’s direction, and the bullets punctured Whittington’s face, neck, and upper torso. Despite suffering a heart attack and collapsed lung, the then-78-year-old Whittington survived. Cheney didn’t apologise for the incident in its immediate aftermath, forever tarnishing ol’ Dick’s immaculate reputation. Whittington was 95 and Champion Funeral Home and Dead and Deader V: Carrion My Wayward Son felt he was no long shot.

Harry Whittington
3 March 1927 – 4 February 2023, aged 95
2 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀 5 POINTS)