Frank Field (not that one)


It’s the ultimate sign that Labour contrarian Frank Field is taking the piss out of us deadpoolers when he outlives his namesake. Though that does give a glimmer of hope to music fans everywhere WRT the Simon Cowells. The dead Frank Field was a weatherman and the first professional meteorologist in New York City. He was a colourful enough personality that he enjoyed a friendly rivalry with Johnny Carson, who nicknamed him “NBC’s crack meteorologist” in a string of Tonight Show guest appearances and unexpectedly cropped up in Field’s forecasts.

All the same, Field used his national profile to further serious causes, such as fire safety and the Heimlich manouevre. His life was later saved in the 80s by the manouevre, but there’s no escaping the chokehold of death aged 100. He was a unique joker for cheeky “no, not that one” theme team He’s Making A List, He’s Checking It Twice.

Frank Field
30 March 1923 – 1 July 2023, aged 100
💀💀💀💀 + 👻, 🃏 = 16 POINTS