Bill Campbell


Another year, another “quick hit based off the last-minute “hospice” search” obit. Baseballer Bill Campbell played for a menagerie of teams over his 14-year career, and reached his pinnacle under the Boston Red Sox, where he was deemed an All-Star in 1977. He was 74 and didn’t even need to resort to Yahoo UK chicanery, instead waltzing straight into a Mail obit. Two eagle-eyed teams scouted the hospice news, with Day In The Death on a blistering three hits in a week, while Cancel My Appointments goes from waiting until September to get a hit last time to already having two this year.

Bill Campbell
9 August 1948 – 6 January 2023, aged 74
2 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 7 POINTS)