Rush Limbaugh


American loudmouth radio host Rush Limbaugh has died of lung cancer, on the same day that Mount Etna errupted. Experts warned of the toxic danger to human life, and also about the volcano.

Limbaugh had hosted his radio show since the 1980s, and was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1998. He used his show to promote Republican concenrs, and pro-war rhetoric. He would use music to punctuate his monologues, such as Ain’t Got No Home for segments on the homeless. He was a good friend of Roger Ailes. He was a big believer in American exceptionalism, flag wrapped patriotism, and believed that the welfare state trained a person to hate America.

He was not a fan of gays, and used to run segments mocking AIDS deaths by name. He felt the US was too lenient on drugs (to the surprise of 99% of people incarcarated in the country), disagreed with the existence of climate change. He also didn’t agree with green energy, feminism, the existence of Barack Obama, or liberalism. He did believe in George W Bush, torture, bombing Iraq, NAFTA, birtherism, tariffs, calling teenage girls sluts, and that gorillas could disprove the theory of evolution. (Gorillas, for the record, seem to prefer painting and chilling out over political discourse, a lesson to all of us…)

He was picked by nearly everyone. Over 1 in 4 teams picked Rush. He’d never been quite so popular with so many of them. He was the joker for Cancel My Appointments (who made it into the DDP at the 11th hour), Cancerous Hatred, Eternity Tours, Pan Breed (who he?) and Grim McGraw, and many others. The last four champs currently playing – Love Boat, TJS, Spade and The Living End – all nabbed him too.

In recent days, fans of Limbaugh have complained that deadpoolers, such as our sister site The Deathlist, have been biased against Rush Limbaugh. Imagine that. Limbaugh himself didn’t believe that writers could be objective. And he was wrong. On the whole. On the subject of Rush Limbaugh, we’re not. However, everything above is merely a factual statement of his life works, without any editorial comments. Let him live or die in your mind by his actions.

Well, except the volcano comment. But hey, unlike him, we’re only human.

Ok, that’s the intro and the exit which are biased. Damn, was going so well too… Ahem.



Rush Limbaugh
12 January 1951 – 17 February 2021
123 teams