Milan Kundera


Czech literary heavyweight Milan Kundera had a vaguely scintillating history with deadpooling in recent years. Droller Coaster tipped in 2018 that a famous writer was seriously ill – the mystery scribe was Kundera, seriously ill with heart failure. His ticker ticked on for yonks, even forging through a death hoax in 2020. Last year, he became an unlikely rock star hereabouts when former Czech President Vaclav Klaus cryptically suggested he was lucky to make his 93rd birthday. He had another year in the tank, but the fuel has now run out aged 94.

Initially a staunch Communist, Kundera soured on the oppressive ruling regime and satirised it with debut novel The Joke. His book, alongside his support of the Velvet Revolution, rendered him persona non grata in Czechoslovakia and he relocated to France. From there he continued to crank out reputed tomes, including his best recognised, the film-adapted The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Other works included Life Is Elsewhere (yep), Immortality (nope), and The Festival of Insignificance (an allegory for when deadpoolers complain about celebrity death droughts). He was picked by fifteen teams, including a joker pick for Vive la France… et la mort.

Milan Kundera
1 April 1929 – 11 July 2023, aged 94
15 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀 5 POINTS, 🃏 (x1) 10 POINTS)