James McDivitt


Apollo astronaut James McDivitt has died aged 93. Unlike most of his contemporaries, flight was not a childhood dream of his, but he enjoyed being a fighter pilot during the Korean War and became part of NASA’s second wave of key astronauts alongside Neil Armstrong and Jim Lovell. He commanded Gemini 4, where Ed White became the first American to spacewalk, and Apollo 9, which confirmed the lunar landing module was usable. Though his missions were often overlooked due to not landing on the Moon, they paved the way for making Apollo 11 and beyond reality. He later became the Apollo programme manager for its final few missions. He was picked by four teams, including that Gemini twin duo of space theme teams, Apollogies For Still Living and Decaying Orbit-uaries.

James McDivitt
10 June 1929 – 13 October 2022, aged 93
4 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀 5 POINTS)