Jacques Chirac

Two-time French president, two-time French prime minister, and a mortal enemy of both George W. Bush and Bono: Jacques Chirac has died aged 86. A promising rugby player in his youth, Chirac was an avowed Communist until his political views were dragged to the right during military service in Algeria. Upon returning to France he was appointed chief of staff to Georges Pompidou, where he first earned the nickname “Le Bulldozer”. He quickly progressed through the roles of agriculture minister, mayor of Paris and prime minister, before winning the presidential elections in 1995.

Outside of France, his two most notable presidential stances were the Bono-angering resumption of nuclear tests at Mururoa Atoll, and the Dubbya-annoying refusal to involve French troops in any invasion of Iraq. His health had been poor ever since 2009, when he was attacked by his pet poodle, Sumo, who was having a bad reaction to antidepressants.

Jacques Chirac
29 November 1932 – 26 September 2019
Died aged 86 (21 hits)