Bobby Welch


Have we really been nearing a decade since Ronnie Biggs died? Now the last of the Great Train Robbery lags has departed the station. Bobby Welch was aligned with the South Coast Raiders and part of the muscle in the £2.61 million heist. Though thrown a hefty jail sentence like the rest of the robbers, he later found time to play for Fleetwood Mac alongside solo hits like “Ebony Eyes” and “Sentimental Lady”. After 2016 he became the last man standing (or sitting – he had a leg amputated in recent years) from the Great Train Robbery, and his death aged 94 delivers a haul for Diana Rots and drunkasaskunk.

Bobby Welch
12 March 1929 – 1 November 2023, aged 94
2 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀 5 POINTS)