Jim Lehrer


Journalist Jim Lehrer has died aged 85. Lehrer started off as reporter for the Dallas newspapers, and luckily for him a news story broke in 1963 in Dallas. Nah, can’t think what it was either, something about a rich guy getting shot. JR? Anyhow, in 1972, Lehrer moved to PBS TV broadcasting, just in time to become nationally known for covering the Watergate scandal. All very suspicious, next thing you’ll be telling me he took a trip to the USSR right before Perestroika too.

Jim Lehrer became a sort of US David Dimbleby, the go to guy when you need a moderator for your Presidential candidates in a debate. Between 1988 and 2012 he moderated twelve of them, before his style of letting the candidates answer the questions posed proved to be unpopular. A prolific writer married for sixty years to an equally prolific writer in Kate Lehrer, Jim was also an avid collector of antique toy buses, and a winner of many awards for his journalism.

He was a unique hit for theme team Our Top Story Tonight.



Jim Lehrer
19 May 1934 – 20 January 2020
unique hit