Jason Smith


Newcastle councillor Jason Smith undoubtedly seemed a nice chap, and didn’t deserve the pancreatic cancer diagnosis that led to his death aged 50. But beyond that there’s little to say about his life. His death was slightly more interesting – local obits were published on the 24th, but none from the BBC, making him poised to be the biggest List of the Lost-er since that Toto chap who didn’t do “Africa”, “Hold the Line”, or “Rosanna”. After a disgruntled DDPer took the BBC Newcastle offices hostage, the Beeb finally obliged three days later, and all was happy in deadpool land once more. An “in it to win it” pick if there ever was one, he was on all the usual suspects.

Jason Smith
c. 1973 – 24 January 2024, aged 50
22 TEAMS (💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 9 POINTS)