Team selections for Derby Dead Pool 2025

Key to symbols

    unique pick (+4 points in the event of a hit)
    joker (double points in the event of a hit)
    drop 40 (+3 points in the event of a hit)

Jump directly to a team:
"Down Under" Death Merchants | (THEME) #1 Hits | (THEME) ...and its goodnight from him | (THEME) 20 Crooners Croakin' | (THEME) 2025 Exit Draft | (THEME) 90s vs 90s | (THEME) 99 Not Out! | (THEME) A la vie, a la mort | (THEME) A Question of Sprouts | (THEME) Aaron Aardvark's Alliteration Association | (THEME) All Death Is Consolation | (THEME) All these moments will be lost | (THEME) Alternative in Death - The Right Deadlihood Award | (THEME) American As Apple Pie | (THEME) And That's a Rap | (THEME) And the nominees are… dead! | (THEME) And the SPOTY Winner is… dead | (THEME) Animals to the Afterlife | (THEME) Apollogies For Still Living | (THEME) Apology Accepted | (THEME) ARTHUR'S THEME | (THEME) Ashes to Ashes XII | (THEME) Assorted Alliterates | (THEME) batstarlord of the whotreklock | (THEME) Bibliogryphon's Bookworm Food | (THEME) BOBBING FOR APPLES | (THEME) Boom, Boom, Out go the lights | (THEME) Buying Max Yasgur's Farm | (THEME) BYE-BYE BORING BROADCASTERS 2025 | (THEME) Cadaverous Mofos | (THEME) Can't Think of a Music Pun | (THEME) Cardavers | (THEME) Clinging on for a 99 | (THEME) CLOG POPPERS | (THEME) Close Up: The Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest Musical | (THEME) Come on Karma, Where's the F@@king Justice | (THEME) Comedy Cremations | (THEME) Complete Phallusies | (THEME) Complications from a fall | (THEME) CRT to DOA | (THEME) D Ceased | (THEME) DCAU Demises | (THEME) Dead And Dusted 2 | (THEME) Dead Beats | (THEME) Dead Continent | (THEME) Dead Leaders | (THEME) Dead... Or are they? | (THEME) Death to all but metal and Dame Shirley Bassey | (THEME) Decaying Orbit-uaries | (THEME) Deutschland verabschiedet sich! | (THEME) Dey Do Die Don't Dey Doh | (THEME) Dieopics | (THEME) Disney Dizzies | (THEME) Dr Who's Next | (THEME) Drop Dead Diva | (THEME) Dying Donkeys | (THEME) Dying of Pretentiousness | (THEME) Dying Probably's Twitter Page | (THEME) Easy as ABC | (THEME) Easy Peasy Japanesey | (THEME) Elton Welsby's Sporting Triangles | (THEME) Empty Chairs at Empty Tables | (THEME) Everybody's Dead Daves | (THEME) Fatal Exceptions | (THEME) Fill the Century or die! | (THEME) Fiona's 1922 | (THEME) Fireball's Play Your Cadavers Right | (THEME) Foreword by The Grim Reaper | (THEME) Formula Fatality | (THEME) Francis Of Wrestle-Easy 2025 | (THEME) From the Middle East to the Middle of the Ground | (THEME) God's Gonna Gettem | (THEME) Gone and Away | (THEME) Gone Solo | (THEME) Good Trouble | (THEME) Goodnight, Seattle | (THEME) Grappling with Mortality | (THEME) Gray Panthers | (THEME) Great Gig in the Sky | (THEME) Hell to the Chief | (THEME) Hell's Gender Neutral Toilets | (THEME) Here's Who You Could Have Won | (THEME) He's Not The Family Guy | (THEME) Hispanics and Lati-no's | (THEME) Hits Of 36 Years Ago And Hits Today | (THEME) Hole-in-one | (THEME) I Hear Voices | (THEME) I Made the News Today, Oh Boy | (THEME) In The Hole! | (THEME) IT'S A COP-OUT 2025 | (THEME) It's a Small World | (THEME) It's time to meet the music | (THEME) Jane's Antique Wrinklies | (THEME) Jaydead | (THEME) Jocks Away | (THEME) Just One More Death | (THEME) KICKING BUCKETS INSTEAD OF BALLS | (THEME) Kiddyfiddler Harriers | (THEME) Kill Bills, Vol. 3 | (THEME) Kiwi fruit sundae | (THEME) Last Christmas | (THEME) Last of The Summer Winos | (THEME) Last surviving original band members III | (THEME) Laughing in the face of Death. | (THEME) Lego Element 4651445 | (THEME) Lt. Colonel Kilgore's Ultimate Surf Party | (THEME) Lullabye-bye of Broadway | (THEME) LW's Latest Hit | (THEME) M6 Toll(ed) | (THEME) MAGA Hit List | (THEME) militant leaders | (THEME) Miss DEAD | (THEME) Mmmmmmmm Drop | (THEME) MST3K Massacre | (THEME) Musical chairs | (THEME) Nature's Way | (THEME) Nature's Way 2 | (THEME) Ncuti Bang Bang | (THEME) Nice! | (THEME) No More Expenses | (THEME) No Mr Bond Villain, I Expect You To Die!!! | (THEME) Nobel Loserettes | (THEME) Nobel Notables | (THEME) Norman Lear and All His Friends | (Theme) Not going in a Black Cab | (THEME) OAPs (Old American Politicians) | (THEME) Old As Dirt | (THEME) Old as Dirt 2 | (THEME) Once Shaggable, Now Baggable | (THEME) One Ball Bigger Than The Other Two | (THEME) Oscar Strikeouts | (THEME) Passing of the Passed | (THEME) Peace, Love, and Death | (THEME) Pennsylvania Pushes Up the Daisies | (THEME) Perfect 10 | (THEME) Play Ball! | (THEME) Players in The Player | (THEME) Poor Little Ghoul | (THEME) Pop goes the Wurzels | (THEME) Punk is Dead | (THEME) Rappers Delight | (THEME) Ready For My Closed Lid, Mr. DeMille | (THEME) Rolls Off The Tongue | (THEME) Ruling The Afterlife | (THEME) Rushing to Tim Horton's for Maple Donuts | (THEME) Russian Box Players | (THEME) Sad Last Days | (THEME) Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel | (THEME) Saturday Night Dead | (THEME) Scrubber Out | (THEME) Shake, Rattle, Roll Over and Play Dead | (THEME) She’s a Dead Skate, Charlie Brown | (THEME) sid and marty coffin | (THEME) Six Feet Under the Dome | (THEME) Slippery Soap | (THEME) snooker loopy c*NTS are we | (THEME) Space Wasters | (THEME) Special:RandomInCategory/Living_people | (THEME) Sportspeople I Think Might Die in 2025 United | (THEME) St. Peter’s Warblers | (THEME) Stars on Hice | (THEME) Stay Golden | (THEME) Sudden Death | (THEME) Thank You For The Music | (THEME) Thanks for being a Sport | (THEME) The Big Brain Theory | (THEME) The Cabinet of the Grim Reaper | (THEME) The Dead Kennedys | (THEME) The Fat Lady's singing... | (THEME) The Gallifrey Regeneration Game | (THEME) The Golden State Strikes Back | (THEME) The Lord God Slayed Them All | (THEME) The Retched pong of Brit sit-com | (THEME) The Sick-Bed of Cuchulainn | (THEME) The Survivors | (THEME) The Talking Dead | (THEME) The Writing's On The Wall | (THEME) There is nothing like a dame | (THEME) They think it's all over | (THEME) They Were the World | (THEME) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, DIE | (THEME) Traded to the Saints | (THEME) Trans Girls Hit squad's hit list | (THEME) Turn Off That Telly and Go to Bed! | (THEME) Unpersons | (THEME) Vive la France... et la mort | (THEME) Waiting for Ugo | (THEME) Wheel meet again | (THEME) Where are all the Garys and Simons? | (THEME) Who Goes Before the 5-0 Arrives? | (THEME) Wishing (I Had an Obituary of You) | (THEME) Yes, I Suppose | ..better to burn out... | 100 Bodies in a Day | 12 Lords A-Leaving, 8 Ladies Dying | 20 Random Guys Part 1 | 20 Random Guys Part 2 | 20 Random Guys Part 3 | 2025 Not Alive | 2025 Not Your Year | 2026? No thank you! | 3rd times the charm | 5 Feet and 1 to Go | A Pelican In The Wilderness | A Spot of Death | A Submarine Torpedoes and Sinks The Love Boat | A Trophy For Atrophy | After You, Madam | Ah, the ol’ team | Also-Ran | Alternative Observations 2025 | Always Look On The Bright Side | Ambulance chaser | And they all died | Angus Young's Highway to Hell | Apricot Crumble | Are You Still Dying, Darling? | ARSE-IN-HOLE | Baby Kissers Taking a Big Sleep | Bad 4 U, You Look Dying & Decaying | Banana's Bruises | Banana's Peel Slippers | Bastard Must've Died | Ben-Hur and Messala Were Lovers | Bennington & Speight's Aerial Silk Workshop | Bladerunner | Blasphemous Rumours 'A' | Blasphemous Rumours 'B' | BLIMEY! | Blodreina | Blueberry Crumble | Blue-Teams | Bought the Peanut Farm | Bourne to Die | BREATHLESS IN SEATTLE | Bucket Of Blood | c. a. daver | Captain Hemlock's Twenty | Carkers Convention 2025 | Casket Ready | Centenarian Club | Coffin Fit | Colnbrook Coroner | Compost Corner | Couldn't Think of a Team Name | Crofty's Coffin Crew | Culled Rush Centenary Cemetery | Curtains for Carter | Dai YaB'stards | Darling Did You Forget to Take A Breath? | Dave's Dead, Aye Dead Drunk | Dave's Grim Underground BO | David Quantick's Showbiz Pals | Day in the Death | DDP Tofoa | Dead And Dusted | Dead and Dusted 1 | Dead but not buried | Dead Ends | Dead Is Dead | Dead Last? Dead Right! | DEAD LOSS | Dead Ringers | Dead Wait | Deader than a Dead Thing | DEADIES 11 | Deadpool Surprise | Death Becomes Them | Death Can Be Funny | Death Is International 2024 | Death Nebula 3000 | Death Stalks United | Death Stinks | | Deathray's Kevorkian Clinic | debs dead ball | Deceased Hose | Departures Board | Diana Rots | Die Now....Die Now....Show Us You've Pegged | Diego | Dirt Nappers | Di's Dies | Do they do qo? | Don't Eat The Figs | Don't Stay Alive in '25 | Down Under the Daisies | Dr Shipman's waiting room | Droller Coaster | Drop Dead Celebration | Drop Dead Gorgeous | Dropping Like Flies | drunkasaskunk | Dust in the Wind | Eddie's Parade of Darkness and Despair | Eternity Tours | Ethnic Cleansing | Evil Grimace | Expiry Date - 2025 | Exu's Exiteers | Fade to Black | Falling Off The Perch | Faster Than A Dead Horse | Fat Kids Always Win at Seasaw | Feng Shui Pig | Final Curtain Call | Finbarr Returns from the Dead | Fiona's Frail & Cancerous Pool | Flat White and Flat Line | Forever young pups | Forgotten But Not Gone | Francis of Arse-Easy 2024 | Freaky Farleys | Free Fallers' | From Here to Eternity | Funeral Furore | Funeral Holmes | Ghost of Alternative Deathlist | GIAC - It's really Serious! | Girlfriend In A Coma | God, It's Brutal Out Here | Going Green | Going Underground | Goneville | Gooseberry Crumble | G-O-T-T-O-G-O! | Graceful Deaths | Grave Danger | Grief Hijackers | Grim McGraw | Haben die Spaten | Had a good innings | Hangman's XX | Harry Rotter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1 | Have I got Pews for you! | Heading Nowhere | Headstone Hunters | Hearse of the Dead Once Again | Heaven Can't Wait | His and Hearse | House Of Soon To Be With The Lord | Huddled Masses | Hunting Halos | I Cannot Believe They're Not Deader | I Couldn't Eat Another Bite | I Know That Ain't Who I Think It Is | I Told You I Was Ill | I Will Not Die, it's the World that Will End! | IBetYouWon'tPrintCunt | I'll sleep when you're dead | Imelda's Terrahawks | It's A Grim World After All | It's Grim Up North | I've Been Dying To Play This | Jackie Treehorn | Jellydead | Jimmy Savile's Paedo FunHouse and Grill | JoeRam | John Key's List | Jumptheshark | Ken Dodds dads dog | Kop-ing it | La Faucheuse | Lard Bazaar | Last Show Before Bedtime | Lidders Late Lamentables | Life Got Cold | Living in a Box | LL's Pool | Long Story Short… It's Over! | Lord Football's Lot | LW's Czech Out | Madonna's Hand Of Bod | Manchester Pity | Mancunian Medley | Manifest Death-stiny | Manuel's Stiffs | Martin Scorsese’s The Departed | Mass Hole Cemetery | Min Reaper | Moldy Oldies | Morbid United F.C. | Moribold Krakatoa's Playhour | Morrigan | Mortem Omnibus | Most Unique Picks 2024 | Mr & Mrs Drummerboy | Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Slaughter | Multiple Stiffies | Naked Florida Gravediggers | Names are for friends, so I don’t need one | Neither There Nor Thereabouts | Newlydeads | Noah Reason & the Youth in Asia | NoSoup4U! | Not at All Well | Now That's What I Call Emeli Sande's In Memoriam | Noz4news | Obituarynotice | Octopus of Odstock | Oh, What a Beautiful Mournin' | Old People Smell Of Piss | Once You Go Black | One Eyed Jacks | ONE-IN-THE-CHAMBER | Only Fools and Corpses | Oscar The Beast | Owt to stop me Coffin | Pan Breed | Partridge As Reaper | Peacocks Anus Horribilis | Pearly Gates | Pedro's catacomb collective | People I Think Might Die In 2025 United | Perhaps' Pointless Punts | Permanent Kip 2024 | Peter Falk's Friends | Phantom's Pick 'n' Mix | Piston Broke | Plan B from Outer Space | Plausible Passings of 2025 | Pool Ghoul | Poppin’ Clogs | Powder Picks Em Off | Pretty Noose | Prowlers Goners '25 | Pull my finger | Puppy power | Puppy-dog eyes | Puzlman's Passing Picks | Rigor Mort Us | RIP It Up and Start Again | Roasting Bodies In Redcar | Rotting Kanzlerin | Sad News FC | Salmon Mousse | SAMSONS AND DELILAHS | SAY HELLO TO THE ANGELS | Say Hi to Uncle George | SeasideEssexXile | See You In Heaven | Shaun of the Dead 69 | Shovelful of Dirt | Shuffle Off | Simply Dead | Skate Dumpers | Skibidi Toilet | Smart Beta | So Long Farewell | Song to the Siren | Sorry For Your Trouble | Southerners Stiffs | Spectre of Death | Statik Charge | Stay safe friends! | Stephen Hawking's Football Boots | Stiff Competition | Still Life | Still_Drunkasaskunk | Stone Dead Cert | Stop the of My Felonies Senor Trump | Substitution Bench and Star Players | Summer in Transylvania | survive while you can | Sweeney Todd's Nutritional Information | Swimming in the Death Pool | Taxidermied Frogs | Team Cat AIDS | Team Terminal | Tentoesup | The Anfield Iron | The Beatles Are Dying In The Wrong Order | The Best and Worst of Us | The B-Team | The Caulkhead Coffin Kickers | The Choir Invisibule | The Conqueror Worm | The Crowdsourced Deathlist | THE DEAD C**T SCROTS | The Deadest Of The Dead | The Death Toll is Catastrophic | The Douglas Bader Dance Troupe 2024 | The End of the World As We Know It | The Forest Lawn Jockeys | The Funeral Director 2025 | The Good, The Bad and Cliff Richard | The Honey Trap | The Living End | The Long Awaited Return Of The Welsh Jury | The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul | The Love Boat | The Marvelous Pneumonia Squad | The Misers | the new team | the old lady | The Old Ones are the Pests | The Policies Of Benjamin Netanyahu | The Really, Really Rottens | The Rotting Corpses of the Undead | The Sound of the Underground | The Spanners | The Sunday Supplement's Premature Review of 2025 | The Walking Dead | They Might All Die | They're Loving Angels Instead | This Mortal Coil | Thomas Jefferson Survives | Time for Me to Fly | Times up! | Time's-2 Team | Time's-up Team | Tiny and Ellie's Pick of the Drops | To Kill A Gabor Sister | Today's the day the maggots have their picnic | Touch of Grey | Trojan Hearse | Tumbling Dice | Two Coins & A Punt | Unusual Suspects | Upside Down Planet | VIRUS? WHAT VIRUS? CORONA'S A BEER! | Wanted Dead, Not Alive | Warning: Dying Can Be Hazardous To Your Health | Wayne Manor | Weakend at Bernies | What’s the Story, Mourning Glory? | Where's My Damn List? | Who Turned out the lights? | Windsor the Troll | Windsor's OBE | Wisconsin Reaper Beater 3.0 | Women's Deaths Matter Too | Worm Fodder | Wormer, he's a dead man! niedermier dead! marmalard dead! | Wot The Deuce | You Could Have Waited, I've Just Put The Kettle On! | You Dirty Rotten Swine, You Deaded Them! | You Have 1 Year To Die…Your Time Starts Now | You Might Be A King or a Little Street Sweeper | You're Dead Now, So Shut Up! | You've got a Shiva In The Dark | Zero Hit's Wishlist | Zipline | Zombie Nation | ZZ Topped: Heaven, Hell or Houston


"Down Under" Death Merchants
First year in DDP.
  1. Buzz Aldrin Drop Forty bonus
  2. Kathy Bates
  3. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus
  4. Billy Connolly Drop Forty bonus
  5. Patrick Duffy
  6. Alan Greenspan
  7. Neil Harvey
  8. Chris Hoy Drop Forty bonus
  9. Eric Idle
  10. Cleo Laine
  11. Joao Marinho Neto
  12. Mahathir Mohamad
  13. Rupert Murdoch
  14. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus
  15. George Soros
  16. Rev. Jimmy Swaggart Joker!
  17. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus
  18. Robert Wagner
  19. Elisabeth Waldo
  20. Bruce Willis Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) #1 Hits
Years in DDP: 10
Best position: 75th
(THEME) Those who have had a UK number 1 hit single either solo or as a group...
  1. J. J. Barrie
  2. P Diddy
  3. Chris Farlowe
  4. Ariana Grande
  5. John Hall
  6. Terry Jacks
  7. plas johnson Unique pick
  8. Lena Martell Unique pick
  9. John McVie
  10. jane morgan
  11. Willie Nelson Drop Forty bonus
  12. Trevor Oakes Unique pick
  13. Walter Parazaider Unique pick
  14. Mike Peters
  15. Mike Sarne
  16. Andy Scott
  17. Andy Taylor Drop Forty bonus
  18. Eddie Thornton Unique pick
  19. Johnny Tillotson Unique pick Joker!
  20. Brian Wilson


(THEME) ...and its goodnight from him
Years in DDP: 14
Best position: 32th
(THEME) A team of Rons, Ronalds, Ronnies etc...
  1. Big Ron Atkinson
  2. Ron Cook
  3. Ronny Cox Unique pick
  4. Ron Davies (Politician) Unique pick
  5. Ron Dennis
  6. Ron "Chopper" Harris Unique pick
  7. Ron Headley
  8. Ronald Isley
  9. Ron Jeremy
  10. Ron Kovic
  11. Ronnie Milsap Unique pick
  12. Ron Paul
  13. Ronald Perelman Unique pick
  14. Ron Rifkin
  15. Rony Robinson Unique pick
  16. Ronnie Schneider Unique pick
  17. Ronald Venetiaan Unique pick Joker!
  18. Ronald Wayne Unique pick
  19. Ronnie Wood
  20. Ron Yerxa Unique pick


(THEME) 20 Crooners Croakin'
Years in DDP: 12
Best position: 199th
(THEME) Will any of these be singing for their last supper?
  1. Paul Anka
  2. Shirley Bassey
  3. Michael Bolton
  4. Pat Boone
  5. Jerry Butler Unique pick
  6. Petula Clark
  7. Phil Collins Drop Forty bonus
  8. Judy Collins
  9. Bob Dylan
  10. Connie Francis
  11. Engelbert Humperdinck
  12. Tom Jones
  13. Barry Manilow
  14. Johnny Mathis
  15. Joni Mitchell
  16. Wayne Newton
  17. Tony Orlando
  18. Bobby Vinton
  19. Dionne Warwick
  20. Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!


(THEME) 2025 Exit Draft
Years in DDP: 5
Best position: 432th
(THEME) Who of these will be taking their ball home with them for the last time?
  1. Lance Armstrong Unique pick Joker!
  2. Chris Cairns
  3. Mark Calaway Unique pick
  4. Margaret Court Unique pick
  5. John Daly
  6. Paul Gascoigne
  7. Chris Gayle Unique pick
  8. Michael Jordan Unique pick
  9. Ryan Lochte Unique pick
  10. Greg Louganis Unique pick
  11. Dan Marino Unique pick
  12. Richie McCaw Unique pick
  13. Mark Nicholas Unique pick
  14. Oscar Pistorius
  15. Dennis Rodman Unique pick
  16. Cristiano Ronaldo Unique pick
  17. Jackie Stewart
  18. Phil "The Power" Taylor Unique pick
  19. Mike Tyson
  20. Delonte West


(THEME) 90s vs 90s
First year in DDP.
  1. Christina Applegate
  2. Stanley Baxter Drop Forty bonus
  3. Nicholas Brendon Unique pick
  4. Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter Unique pick
  5. Macaulay Culkin
  6. Céline Dion
  7. Liam Gallagher Unique pick
  8. Noel Gallagher Unique pick
  9. Rosemary Ann Harris
  10. Vera Miles
  11. Fernanda Montenegro
  12. Milan Panic Unique pick
  13. Joe Pesci
  14. Zhu Rongji
  15. Marion Ross Joker!
  16. Alicia Silverstone Unique pick
  17. Britney Spears
  18. June Squibb
  19. Lisa Stansfield Unique pick
  20. Emmanuel Wamala Unique pick


(THEME) 99 Not Out!
First year in DDP.
  1. Eugenia Apostol
  2. Alan Bergman
  3. Tony Christopher
  4. Lester Crown Unique pick
  5. Phyllis Dalton
  6. Mary de Rachewiltz
  7. Hilda Dianda Unique pick
  8. Leo ESAKI
  9. Irmgard Furchner
  10. Marjorie Grande Unique pick
  11. Lee Grant
  12. Rosie Harris Unique pick
  13. Marv Levy
  14. June Lockhart
  15. Mahathir Mohamad
  16. Pete Murray Joker!
  17. Johanna Quaas Unique pick
  18. Gertrude Shope Unique pick
  19. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus
  20. G. William Whitehurst


(THEME) A la vie, a la mort
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 470th
(THEME) French people
  1. Charles Bietry
  2. Richard Bohringer Unique pick
  3. Bernadette Chirac
  4. Charles Coste Unique pick
  5. Edith Cresson Unique pick
  6. Emilie Dequenne
  7. Jacqueline de Ribes
  8. Michel Drucker Unique pick
  9. Jean-Paul Guerlain Unique pick
  10. Helene Langevin-Joliot
  11. Jean-Pierre Léaud
  12. Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus
  13. Gabriel Matzneff
  14. Edgar Morin Unique pick
  15. Roman Polanski
  16. (singer) Renaud
  17. Line Renaud Unique pick
  18. Boualem Sansal Unique pick Joker!
  19. Jean-Pierre Serre Unique pick
  20. Nadine Trintignant Unique pick


(THEME) A Question of Sprouts
First year in DDP.
  1. Eddie Annand
  2. Lem Barney
  3. Dickie Bird
  4. (wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  5. Geoff Boycott
  6. Jimmy Calderwood
  7. Gordon Cowans
  8. Ronald Draper
  9. Steve Gleason
  10. Mika Immonen
  11. Cliff Jones
  12. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  13. Hughie McIlmoyle
  14. Steve McMichael Drop Forty bonus
  15. Ludek Miklosko Drop Forty bonus
  16. Tony Parkes
  17. Alan Peacock
  18. Nigel Starmer-Smith Drop Forty bonus
  19. Joe Thompson
  20. Dave Watson (defender)


(THEME) Aaron Aardvark's Alliteration Association
Years in DDP: 6
Best position: 114th
(THEME) Theme team with alliterative names, new 'n neat…
  1. Barbara Babcock
  2. Brigitte Bardot
  3. Bobby Bare
  4. Barbara Barrie
  5. Bonnie Bartlett
  6. Brian Blessed
  7. Clem Cattini
  8. Felicia Farr
  9. Frederick Forsyth Unique pick
  10. Ion Iliescu
  11. Jasper Johns
  12. Louise Lasser
  13. Nanette Newman Unique pick
  14. Ozzy Osbourne Drop Forty bonus
  15. Pedro Pires
  16. Salvador Sobral Unique pick Joker!
  17. Ted Turner
  18. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus
  19. Wendy Williams
  20. William J. Winter


(THEME) All Death Is Consolation
Years in DDP: 15
Best position: 191th
(THEME) These suffered for their art. Will they suffer for this team's points?
  1. Roy Ascott Unique pick
  2. Lynda Benglis Unique pick
  3. Peter Blake
  4. Judy Chicago Unique pick
  5. Jim Dine Unique pick
  6. Richard Estes Unique pick
  7. David Hockney Joker!
  8. Jasper Johns
  9. Alex Katz
  10. Yayoi Kusama
  11. Robert Longo Unique pick
  12. Peter Max
  13. Yoko Ono Drop Forty bonus
  14. George PASSMORE Unique pick
  15. Gilbert PROESCH Unique pick
  16. Gerhard Richter
  17. Bridget Riley
  18. Edward Ruscha Unique pick
  19. Gerald Scarfe Unique pick
  20. Ralph Steadman Unique pick


(THEME) All these moments will be lost
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 233th
(THEME) Sci-fi actors, notables and all that other nerdbird stuff.
  1. David Calder Unique pick
  2. Joanna Cassidy Unique pick
  3. Bruce Dern
  4. Brad Dourif
  5. Lou Ferrigno Unique pick
  6. Gil Gerard Unique pick
  7. Erin Gray Unique pick
  8. James Hong Joker!
  9. Peter Jurasik Unique pick
  10. Michael Keating
  11. Walter Koenig
  12. Laurence Luckinbill
  13. Ben Murphy Unique pick
  14. Terry O'Quinn Unique pick
  15. Michael Pennington
  16. Ann Robinson Unique pick
  17. William Sanderson
  18. J. Michael Straczynski Unique pick
  19. David Strathairn Unique pick
  20. Chuck Wagner Unique pick


(THEME) Alternative in Death - The Right Deadlihood Award
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 317th
(THEME) People who won the commonly called "Alternative Nobel Prize"
  1. Leonardo Boff Unique pick
  2. Theo van Boven Unique pick
  3. Erik Dammann Unique pick Joker!
  4. Anwar Fazal Unique pick
  5. Basil Fernando Unique pick
  6. Svetlana Gannushkina Unique pick
  7. Ina May Gaskin Unique pick
  8. Inge Kemp Genefke Unique pick
  9. Wes Jackson Unique pick
  10. Krishnammal Jagannathan Unique pick
  11. Erwin Krautler Unique pick
  12. Frances Moore Lappe Unique pick
  13. Louise Schmeiser Unique pick
  14. Sulak Sivaraksa Unique pick
  15. Michael Succow Unique pick
  16. David Suzuki
  17. Alice Tepper Marlin Unique pick
  18. George Vithoulkas Unique pick
  19. Chico Whitaker Unique pick
  20. Legesse Wolde-Yohannes Unique pick


(THEME) American As Apple Pie
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 233th
(THEME) Hispanics, Latinx and other Donald Trump-baiters from south of the border.
  1. Norma Aleandro Unique pick
  2. Luis Aparicio Unique pick Joker!
  3. Alfonso Arau Unique pick
  4. Martha Argerich
  5. Don Francisco
  6. Charly Garcia
  7. Carolina Herrera Unique pick
  8. Lillian Hurst Unique pick
  9. Alejandro Jodorowsky Unique pick
  10. Juan Marichal Unique pick
  11. Lila Morillo Unique pick
  12. Manny Mota Unique pick
  13. Pilar Pallete Unique pick
  14. Camilo Pascual Unique pick
  15. Elena Poniatowska Unique pick
  16. Omara Portuondo
  17. Jorge Reynolds Pombo Unique pick
  18. Cristina Peri Rossi Unique pick
  19. Manny Sanguillén Unique pick
  20. Luis Carlos Sarmiento Unique pick


(THEME) And That's a Rap
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. (rapper) 6ix9ine
  2. Lil Baby
  3. Cardi B. Unique pick
  4. Bobby Brown
  5. P Diddy
  6. Dr Dre
  7. Machine Gun Kelly Unique pick
  8. Lil Kim Unique pick
  9. Marion "Suge" Knight
  10. The Kid Laroi Unique pick
  11. (rapper) Offset Unique pick
  12. Lil Pump Unique pick
  13. (rapper) Quavo Unique pick
  14. A$AP Rocky Unique pick
  15. Rick Ross Unique pick
  16. 21 Savage Unique pick
  17. Travis Scott Unique pick
  18. (rapper) Stormzy Unique pick
  19. Kanye West Joker!
  20. Lil Xan Unique pick


(THEME) And the nominees are… dead!
First year in DDP.
  1. Carroll Baker
  2. Barbara Barrie
  3. Ann Blyth
  4. Leslie Caron
  5. Robert Duvall
  6. Clint Eastwood Drop Forty bonus
  7. Lee Grant
  8. Joel Grey
  9. Gene Hackman
  10. Rosemary Ann Harris
  11. Fernanda Montenegro
  12. Terry Moore
  13. Rita Moreno
  14. Armin Mueller-Stahl
  15. Nancy Olson
  16. Estelle Parsons
  17. Joan Plowright
  18. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  19. June Squibb
  20. Joanne Woodward Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) And the SPOTY Winner is… dead
First year in DDP.
  1. Ian Black Unique pick
  2. Geoff Boycott
  3. David Broome
  4. David Hemery Unique pick
  5. Geoff Hurst
  6. Dorothy Hyman Unique pick
  7. Tony Jacklin
  8. Ann Jones
  9. Anita Lonsbrough Unique pick
  10. Willie John McBride Unique pick
  11. Bob McGregor Unique pick
  12. Angela Mortimer Joker!
  13. Ann Packer Unique pick
  14. Mary Peters
  15. Mary Rand Unique pick
  16. Harvey Smith
  17. David Steele
  18. Jackie Stewart
  19. Roger Meadows Taylor Unique pick
  20. Billy Walker Unique pick


(THEME) Animals to the Afterlife
First year in DDP.
  1. Ray Anthony
  2. Shirley Bassey
  3. Dickie Bird
  4. Cindy Birdsong
  5. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  6. Esteban Bullrich
  7. Ethel Caterham
  8. James Carter Cathcart
  9. Dick Cheney
  10. Petula Clark
  11. Roy Clarke
  12. Stephen Darby
  13. Derek Jacobi
  14. June Lockhart
  15. Patrick Murray Drop Forty bonus
  16. Pete Murray
  17. Esther Rantzen Drop Forty bonus
  18. Dan Rather
  19. William Roache
  20. James Whale Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Apollogies For Still Living
Years in DDP: 5
Best position: 278th
(THEME) Astronauts
  1. Buzz Aldrin Drop Forty bonus
  2. Joseph P. Allen Unique pick
  3. Guion Bluford Unique pick
  4. Vance Brand
  5. Robert Crippen Unique pick
  6. Roger K. Crouch Unique pick
  7. Charles Duke
  8. Ed Dwight Unique pick
  9. Edward Gibson Unique pick
  10. Fred Haise
  11. Joseph Kerwin
  12. Gene Kranz
  13. Jack Lousma Unique pick
  14. Jim Lovell Joker!
  15. Story Musgrave
  16. Harrison Schmitt
  17. Rusty Schweickart Unique pick
  18. David Scott
  19. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova
  20. Dennis Tito Unique pick


(THEME) Apology Accepted
First year in DDP.
  1. Steve Binder Unique pick
  2. Brian Blessed
  3. Doug Chamberlain Unique pick
  4. Kenneth Colley Unique pick
  5. Hector Elizondo Unique pick
  6. Ann Firbank Unique pick
  7. Weston Gavin Unique pick
  8. James Hong
  9. Alan Oppenheimer Unique pick
  10. Derek Partridge Unique pick
  11. Michael Pennington
  12. Siân Phillips
  13. Clive Revill
  14. Mike Reynell Unique pick
  15. George Roubicek
  16. Leslie Schofield
  17. Carel Struycken
  18. Jack Thompson (Actor) Joker!
  19. John Williams
  20. Michael York


First year in DDP.
  1. Emperor Akihito of Japan
  2. Woody Allen
  3. Joe Biden Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  4. Noam Chomsky Drop Forty bonus
  5. John Cleese
  6. Ray Dalio Unique pick
  7. Clint Eastwood Drop Forty bonus
  8. Farouk el-Baz Unique pick
  9. Harrison Ford
  10. Francesco Guccini Unique pick
  11. Mick Jagger
  12. John Paul Jones
  13. King Juan Carlos Of Spain
  14. Hayao Miyazaki
  15. Willie Nelson Drop Forty bonus
  16. Ozzy Osbourne Drop Forty bonus
  17. Emil Salim Unique pick
  18. Lech Walesa
  19. Roger Waters Unique pick
  20. Bob Weir


(THEME) Ashes to Ashes XII
First year in DDP.
  1. Bob Barber Unique pick
  2. Jimmy Binks Unique pick
  3. Jack Birkenshaw Unique pick
  4. Geoff Boycott Joker!
  5. Alan Brown Unique pick
  6. Norman Gifford Unique pick
  7. John Jameson Unique pick
  8. Barry Knight Unique pick
  9. David Larter Unique pick
  10. Peter Lever Unique pick
  11. Tony Lewis (cricket) Unique pick
  12. Peter Parfitt Unique pick
  13. John Price Unique pick
  14. Roger Prideaux Unique pick
  15. Harold Rhodes Unique pick
  16. Fred Rumsey Unique pick
  17. Eric Russell Unique pick
  18. A. C. Smith Unique pick
  19. Micky Stewart Unique pick
  20. Ken Taylor Unique pick


(THEME) Assorted Alliterates
First year in DDP.
  1. Asma al-Assad Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  2. Brigitte Bardot
  3. Brian Blessed
  4. Clem Cattini
  5. Graeme Garden
  6. Ion Iliescu
  7. Jesse Jackson
  8. Jasper Johns
  9. Kanya King
  10. Lois Lowry Unique pick
  11. Meghan Markle Unique pick
  12. Mitch McConnell
  13. Nick Nolte
  14. Ozzy Osbourne Drop Forty bonus
  15. Priscilla Pointer
  16. Robert Redford
  17. Rachel Robinson
  18. Sly Stone
  19. Ted Turner
  20. Wendy Williams


(THEME) batstarlord of the whotreklock
Years in DDP: 10
Best position: 254th
(THEME) Class this one under "genre shows" and such like…
  1. Colin Baker
  2. Tom Baker Joker!
  3. Christian Bale
  4. Halle Berry Unique pick
  5. David Bradley
  6. Carole Ann Ford
  7. Harrison Ford
  8. Frazer Hines
  9. Val Kilmer
  10. Walter Koenig
  11. Katy Manning
  12. Sylvester McCoy
  13. Ian McKellen
  14. Joaquin Phoenix Unique pick
  15. William Shatner
  16. Mark Sheppard Unique pick
  17. Patrick Stewart
  18. George Takei
  19. Burt Ward
  20. Steven Williams Unique pick


(THEME) Bibliogryphon's Bookworm Food
Years in DDP: 12
Best position: 68th
(THEME) Those who have slaved over the typewriter.
  1. Piers Anthony Unique pick
  2. Christopher Awdry
  3. Peter S. Beagle Unique pick
  4. C. J. Cherryh Unique pick
  5. Samuel R. Delany Unique pick
  6. Lynley Dodd
  7. Margaret Drabble Unique pick Joker!
  8. Sylvia Engdahl Unique pick
  9. Alan Garner Unique pick
  10. Maurice Gee Unique pick
  11. James Kelman Unique pick
  12. Penelope Lively Unique pick
  13. David Lodge Unique pick
  14. Larry Niven Unique pick
  15. Michael Ondaatje Unique pick
  16. Katherine Paterson Unique pick
  17. Robert Rankin Unique pick
  18. Robert Swindells Unique pick
  19. Joan D. Vinge Unique pick
  20. Gloria Whelan Unique pick


First year in DDP.
  1. Bob Beamon Unique pick
  2. Jim Bob Unique pick
  3. Beau Bridges Unique pick
  4. Bob Cousy Joker!
  5. Robert Downey, Jr. Unique pick
  6. Roberto Duran Unique pick
  7. Robert Duvall
  8. Robert Englund Unique pick
  9. Bob Eubanks
  10. Roberta Flack Drop Forty bonus
  11. Bob Geldof
  12. Bobbie Gentry Unique pick
  13. Bobcat Goldthwait Unique pick
  14. Robert Klein
  15. Bob Odenkirk Unique pick
  16. Robin Padilla Unique pick
  17. Robin Roberts Unique pick
  18. Bob Seger
  19. Bob Uecker
  20. Robert Wagner


(THEME) Boom, Boom, Out go the lights
Years in DDP: 6
Best position: 390th
(THEME) The 1960s blues and beat band movement.
  1. Eric Burdon Joker!
  2. Dave Clark
  3. Mike D'Abo Unique pick
  4. Chris Drejy
  5. Chris Farlowe
  6. Hughie Flint Unique pick
  7. Luther Grosvenor Unique pick
  8. Mike Hugg Unique pick
  9. John Paul Jones
  10. Paul Jones Unique pick
  11. Manfred Mann Unique pick
  12. Hank Marvin
  13. Jim McCarty Unique pick
  14. Tom McGuinness Unique pick
  15. John McLaughlin
  16. John McVie
  17. Jimmy Page Unique pick
  18. Alan Price Unique pick
  19. Mick Ralphs Unique pick
  20. Bruce Welch


(THEME) Buying Max Yasgur's Farm
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 383th
(THEME) Folky musicians
  1. Joan Baez Joker!
  2. David Clayton-Thomas Unique pick
  3. Doug Clifford Unique pick
  4. Stu Cook Unique pick
  5. Roger Daltrey
  6. Adolfo de la Parra Unique pick
  7. John Fogerty Unique pick
  8. Arlo Guthrie Unique pick
  9. Mickey HART Unique pick
  10. Mike Heron Unique pick
  11. Bill Kreutzmann Unique pick
  12. Jocko Marcellino Unique pick
  13. Country Joe McDonald Unique pick
  14. Gregg Rolie Unique pick
  15. Carlos Santana
  16. John Sebastian Unique pick
  17. Grace Slick
  18. Sly Stone
  19. Pete Townshend
  20. (singer) Neil Young


Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 169th
(THEME) People you know from the TV
  1. Kate Adie Unique pick Joker!
  2. Michael Aspel
  3. Joan Bakewell
  4. Gyles Brandreth
  5. James Burke
  6. Judith Chalmers
  7. Anna Ford Unique pick
  8. Laurence Fox
  9. Kirsty Gallacher Unique pick
  10. Stuart Hall
  11. Diddy David Hamilton
  12. David Icke
  13. Robert Kilroy-Silk Unique pick
  14. Andrew Neil Unique pick
  15. Bill Oddie
  16. Esther Rantzen Drop Forty bonus
  17. Tony Robinson Unique pick
  18. Alastair Stewart
  19. Chris Tarrant
  20. Dan Wootton Unique pick


(THEME) Cadaverous Mofos
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Gbenga Akinnagbe Unique pick
  2. Paul Ben-Victor Unique pick
  3. Ed Burns Unique pick
  4. Chad Coleman Unique pick
  5. John Doman Unique pick
  6. Steve Earle Unique pick
  7. Frankie Faison Unique pick
  8. Clark Johnson Unique pick
  9. Michael Kostroff Unique pick
  10. Ed Norris Unique pick
  11. Felicia Pearson Unique pick
  12. Clarke Peters Unique pick
  13. Wendell Pierce Unique pick
  14. James Ransone Unique pick
  15. Andre Royo Unique pick
  16. David Simon
  17. Glynn Turman Unique pick
  18. Isiah Whitlock Jr. Unique pick
  19. Delaney Williams Unique pick Joker!
  20. Robert Wisdom Unique pick


(THEME) Can't Think of a Music Pun
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 278th
(THEME) Music people
  1. toni basil Unique pick
  2. Pete Best
  3. Herbert Blomstedt Unique pick Joker!
  4. Wendy Carlos
  5. Alf Clausen Unique pick
  6. Bill Conti Unique pick
  7. Joe DOLCE Unique pick
  8. Jose Feliciano Unique pick
  9. MC Hammer Unique pick
  10. Brian Johnson
  11. Booker T. Jones Unique pick
  12. Mick Jones (Foreigner) Unique pick
  13. Carol Kaye Unique pick
  14. Huey Lewis
  15. John Leyton
  16. Jimmie Nicol Unique pick
  17. Domingo Samudio Unique pick
  18. (singer) SUGGS Unique pick
  19. Betty Weiss Unique pick
  20. Weird Al Yankovic Unique pick


(THEME) Cardavers
First year in DDP.
  1. David Attenborough Drop Forty bonus
  2. Pamela Austin Unique pick
  3. Gary U.S. Bonds
  4. Ethel Caterham
  5. James Carter Cathcart Joker!
  6. Francis Ford Coppola
  7. Connie Francis
  8. Pope Francis Drop Forty bonus
  9. Morgan Freeman
  10. Erik Jensen
  11. Walter Koenig
  12. Christopher Lloyd
  13. Imelda Marcos
  14. Craig Maxwell
  15. Desmond Morris
  16. Diana Muldaur
  17. Patrick Murray Drop Forty bonus
  18. Bridget Riley
  19. Queen Sofia of Spain Unique pick
  20. Ted Turner


(THEME) Clinging on for a 99
First year in DDP.
  1. Valdas Adamkus
  2. Helene Ahrweiler Unique pick
  3. David Attenborough Drop Forty bonus
  4. Roscoe Bartlett
  5. Margaret Barton
  6. Stanley Baxter Drop Forty bonus
  7. W. Michael Blumenthal
  8. Ruth Brejnholm Unique pick
  9. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus
  10. Alexander Butterfield
  11. Barbara Clegg
  12. William Cowie, Lord Cowie Unique pick
  13. Ronald Draper
  14. Alan Greenspan Joker!
  15. Gyorgy Kurtag
  16. Peter Lax Unique pick
  17. Dave Lee
  18. Judith Magre
  19. Bill Mercer
  20. Alix Princess Napoleon


Years in DDP: 13
Best position: 200th
(THEME) The wonderful world of Pop…
  1. Pat Boone
  2. Petula Clark
  3. Edwyn Collins Unique pick
  4. Phil Collins Drop Forty bonus
  5. Georgie Fame Unique pick
  6. Roberta Flack Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  7. Noddy Holder
  8. Cleo Laine
  9. Wink Martindale
  10. Joni Mitchell
  11. Willie Nelson Drop Forty bonus
  12. Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus
  13. Roger O'Donnell
  14. Hazel O'Connor
  15. Yoko Ono Drop Forty bonus
  16. Linda Ronstadt
  17. Andy Taylor Drop Forty bonus
  18. Frankie Valli
  19. Ian Watkins
  20. Brian Wilson


(THEME) Close Up: The Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest Musical
First year in DDP.
  1. Jimmy Barnes Unique pick
  2. Neale Daniher
  3. Rowan Dean Unique pick
  4. Pete Evans Unique pick
  5. John Farnham
  6. Andrew Forrest Unique pick
  7. Pauline Hanson Unique pick
  8. Derryn Hinch
  9. John Howard
  10. Alan Jones
  11. Paul Keating
  12. Craig Kelly Unique pick
  13. Danielle Laidley Unique pick
  14. Elle Macpherson Unique pick
  15. Miriam Margolyes
  16. Rupert Murdoch
  17. Andrew O'Keefe Unique pick
  18. Clive Palmer Unique pick
  19. Ian Smith Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  20. Dick Smith Unique pick


(THEME) Come on Karma, Where's the F@@king Justice
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 470th
(THEME) Ask yourself, do they deserve it?
  1. Jonathan Aitken Unique pick Joker!
  2. Tim Allen Unique pick
  3. Abu Hamza Al-Masri Unique pick
  4. Jeffrey Archer
  5. Michael Barrymore
  6. Mark Berry Unique pick
  7. Bill Cosby
  8. Heidi Fleiss Unique pick
  9. Barry George Unique pick
  10. Gary Glitter
  11. Ian Huntley
  12. Marion "Suge" Knight
  13. Ghislaine Maxwell
  14. Nick Nolte
  15. Mick Philpott Unique pick
  16. Oscar Pistorius
  17. Ernest Saunders Unique pick
  18. Martha Stewart Unique pick
  19. Donald Trump Drop Forty bonus
  20. Mike Tyson


(THEME) Comedy Cremations
Years in DDP: 10
Best position: 203th
(THEME) Will death have he last laugh with this list of comedy actors?
  1. John Alderton Unique pick
  2. Thelma Barlow
  3. Stanley Baxter Drop Forty bonus
  4. James Bolam
  5. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus
  6. Billy Connolly Drop Forty bonus
  7. Bill Cosby
  8. Michael Crawford
  9. Graeme Garden
  10. Melvyn Hayes
  11. Diane Keen Unique pick
  12. Penelope Keith
  13. Miriam Margolyes
  14. Brian Murphy
  15. Brian Pettifer Unique pick
  16. Patricia Routledge
  17. Prunella Scales Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  18. Jimmy Tarbuck
  19. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus
  20. Richard Wilson


(THEME) Complete Phallusies
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 470th
(THEME) There's a penis hiding in here
  1. Peter Bonerz Joker!
  2. Dick Button
  3. Nick Cannon
  4. Chubby Checker
  5. Harvey Cox Unique pick
  6. Jerry Hardin
  7. Engelbert Humperdinck
  8. Dick Hyman
  9. Brian Knobbs
  10. Rich Little
  11. Peter Max
  12. Bob Pettit Unique pick
  13. Joan Plowright
  14. Priscilla Pointer
  15. Dick Smothers
  16. Bernard Weiner Unique pick
  17. James Whale Drop Forty bonus
  18. Torsten WIESEL
  19. Woody Woodbury
  20. Joanne Woodward Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Complications from a fall
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 115th
(THEME) Dictators and the like
  1. Edward Fenech Adami
  2. Asma al-Assad Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  3. Michel Aoun
  4. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
  5. Raúl Castro
  6. Violeta Chamorro
  7. Pope Francis Drop Forty bonus
  8. Ion Iliescu
  9. Hu Jintao
  10. Vytautas Landsbergis Unique pick
  11. Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus
  12. Jose Mujica
  13. Sam Nujoma
  14. Pratibha Patil Unique pick
  15. Queen Ratna of Nepal
  16. Zhu Rongji
  17. Khieu Samphan
  18. Queen Sirikit
  19. George Vassiliou Unique pick
  20. Abdoulaye Wade Unique pick


Years in DDP: 5
Best position: 197th
(THEME) A theme team of TV presenters, now open for women as well.
  1. Chloe Ashcroft Unique pick
  2. David Attenborough Drop Forty bonus
  3. Joan Bakewell
  4. Henry Blofeld
  5. Melvyn Bragg
  6. Gordon Burns
  7. Billy Connolly Drop Forty bonus
  8. John Craven
  9. Fred Dinenage Unique pick
  10. Noel Edmonds
  11. Stuart Hall Joker!
  12. John Humphrys
  13. David Letterman
  14. Des Lynam
  15. Fiona Phillips
  16. Esther Rantzen Drop Forty bonus
  17. William Shatner
  18. Nigel Starmer-Smith Drop Forty bonus
  19. Jimmy Tarbuck
  20. Chris Tarrant


(THEME) D Ceased
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Diana Armfield
  2. David Attenborough Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  3. Dickie Bird
  4. Dick Button
  5. Dick Cavett
  6. Dick Cheney
  7. P Diddy
  8. Diddy David Hamilton
  9. Douglas Hurd
  10. Dick Hyman
  11. Duke of Kent (Prince Edward)
  12. Don King
  13. Diane Ladd
  14. David Linden
  15. Derek Martin
  16. Desmond Morris
  17. Dieter Rams Unique pick
  18. Carl Hilding "Doc" Severinsen
  19. Dennis Skinner
  20. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) DCAU Demises
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 403th
(THEME) Actors who performed within the DC animated cinematic universe
  1. Patrick Bauchau Unique pick
  2. Victor Brandt Unique pick
  3. John Considine Unique pick
  4. Bill Duke
  5. Paul Eiding Unique pick
  6. Mike Farrell Unique pick
  7. Robert Foxworth Unique pick
  8. Castulo Guerra Unique pick
  9. Lance Henriksen
  10. Udo Kier Unique pick
  11. Patty Maloney Unique pick
  12. Malcolm McDowell
  13. Richard McGonagle Unique pick
  14. Diana Muldaur Joker!
  15. Phil Proctor Unique pick
  16. William Sanderson
  17. Reiner Schone Unique pick
  18. Sab Shimono Unique pick
  19. Renee Taylor Unique pick
  20. Bruce Weitz Unique pick


(THEME) Dead And Dusted 2
Years in DDP: 12
Best position: 187th
(THEME) 70s musicians
  1. Clarence Carter Joker!
  2. Gene Chandler
  3. Neil Diamond
  4. Norman Greenbaum
  5. Debbie Harry
  6. Noddy Holder
  7. Eddie Holman Unique pick
  8. Don McLean Unique pick
  9. Frankie Miller
  10. Anne Murray Unique pick
  11. Tony Orlando
  12. Freda Payne
  13. Cliff Richard
  14. Diana Ross
  15. Leo Sayer
  16. Bobby Sherman Unique pick
  17. Ringo Starr
  18. Ray Stevens
  19. Dionne Warwick
  20. Charles Wright Unique pick


(THEME) Dead Beats
Years in DDP: 10
Best position: 257th
(THEME) A theme team of musicians
  1. Joan Armatrading Unique pick
  2. David Gates Unique pick
  3. Norman Greenbaum
  4. Paul HARDCASTLE Unique pick
  5. Fritz Hilpert Unique pick
  6. Stix Hooper Unique pick
  7. Ralf Hutter Unique pick
  8. Ralph McTell Unique pick
  9. Andy Partridge Unique pick
  10. Freda Payne
  11. Andre RIEU Unique pick
  12. Andy Scott
  13. Bob Seger
  14. Lady Sovereign Unique pick
  15. Andy Taylor Drop Forty bonus
  16. Pete Townshend
  17. Jennifer Warnes Unique pick
  18. Diane Warren Unique pick
  19. Martha Wash Unique pick Joker!
  20. Roy Wood Unique pick


(THEME) Dead Continent
Years in DDP: 12
Best position: 155th
(THEME) Asia is the theme here…
  1. Eugenia Apostol
  2. (singer) Fairuz Unique pick
  3. Kim Hye-Ja Unique pick
  4. Kamini Kaushal Unique pick
  5. Robert Kuok Unique pick
  6. Tatsuya Nakadai Unique pick
  7. Tetsuya Noda Unique pick
  8. Yoko Ono Drop Forty bonus
  9. Rebecca Pan Unique pick
  10. Asha Parekh Unique pick
  11. Queen Ratna of Nepal
  12. Helen Richardson Khan Unique pick
  13. Madjid Samii Unique pick
  14. Mala Sinha Unique pick
  15. Queen Sirikit
  16. Eric Tsang Unique pick
  17. Patrick Tse Unique pick
  18. Bowie Wu Unique pick Joker!
  19. Kim Yong-nam Unique pick
  20. Kim Young-ok Unique pick


(THEME) Dead Leaders
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 184th
(THEME) World leaders, not yet dead enough!
  1. Edward Fenech Adami
  2. Valdas Adamkus
  3. Omar Al-Bashir
  4. Fernando Henrique Cardoso Unique pick
  5. Ingvar Carlsson Unique pick
  6. Jean Chrétien
  7. Raif Dizdarevic Unique pick
  8. Ion Iliescu
  9. Radovan Karadzic Unique pick
  10. Thanin Kraivichien Unique pick
  11. Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Unique pick
  12. Ricardo Lagos Unique pick
  13. Mahathir Mohamad
  14. Alfred Moisiu Unique pick
  15. Jose Mujica Joker!
  16. Pedro Pires
  17. Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada Unique pick
  18. Jose Sarney
  19. Orville Turnquest Unique pick
  20. Chavalit Yongchaiyudh


(THEME) Dead... Or are they?
First year in DDP.
  1. Buzz Aldrin Drop Forty bonus
  2. King Charles III Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  3. Dick Cheney
  4. Noam Chomsky Drop Forty bonus
  5. Alan Dershowitz
  6. Paul Ekman Unique pick
  7. Pope Francis Drop Forty bonus
  8. Clint Hill
  9. David Irving
  10. Jesse Jackson
  11. Andrei Lugovoi
  12. Lee Man-hee Unique pick
  13. Klaus Schwab Unique pick
  14. Norman Scott Unique pick
  15. Larry Silverstein Unique pick
  16. George Soros
  17. Gerry Spence Unique pick
  18. Ted Turner
  19. Erich von Daniken Unique pick
  20. Les Wexner Unique pick


(THEME) Death to all but metal and Dame Shirley Bassey
Years in DDP: 11
Best position: 195th
(THEME) Rock 'n rollers, accompanied by their nan.
  1. Shirley Bassey Joker!
  2. Kenny Collins Unique pick
  3. Phil Collins Drop Forty bonus
  4. Ray Davies Unique pick
  5. Roberta Flack Drop Forty bonus
  6. Paul McCartney
  7. Willie Nelson Drop Forty bonus
  8. Yoko Ono Drop Forty bonus
  9. Ozzy Osbourne Drop Forty bonus
  10. Sharon Osbourne
  11. Marissa Paternoster Unique pick
  12. Marky Ramone
  13. Keith Richards
  14. (singer) Seal Unique pick
  15. Pete Townshend
  16. Robin Trower
  17. jeff tweedy Unique pick
  18. (singer) Unique pick
  19. Edgar Winter Unique pick
  20. Jesse Colin Young Unique pick


(THEME) Decaying Orbit-uaries
Years in DDP: 8
Best position: 124th
(THEME) Astronauts and related scientists...
  1. Loren Acton Unique pick
  2. Buzz Aldrin Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  3. John E. Blaha Unique pick
  4. Charles Duke
  5. Wally Funk Unique pick
  6. Jake Garn Unique pick
  7. Francis Graham-Smith Unique pick
  8. Fred Haise
  9. Margaret Hamilton Unique pick
  10. Gene Kranz
  11. Donald J. Kutyna Unique pick
  12. Jim Lovell
  13. William R. Lucas Unique pick
  14. Story Musgrave
  15. Jim Peebles Unique pick
  16. Roger Penrose
  17. Harrison Schmitt
  18. David Scott
  19. Loren Shriver Unique pick
  20. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova


(THEME) Deutschland verabschiedet sich!
Years in DDP: 11
Best position: 93th
(THEME) It's official - German theme teams are the new wrestlers!
  1. Mario Adorf
  2. Arthur Cohn Unique pick
  3. Justus Frantz Unique pick
  4. Margot Friedlander Unique pick
  5. Maria Luisa Grohs
  6. Jurgen Habermas Unique pick
  7. Heinz Hoenig Unique pick
  8. Horst Janson Unique pick
  9. Georg Koch Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  10. Anita Kupsch Unique pick
  11. Armin Mueller-Stahl
  12. Liselotte Pulver Unique pick
  13. Marianne Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn
  14. Rolf Schimpf Unique pick
  15. Michael Schumacher
  16. Ralph Siegel Unique pick
  17. Rita Sussmuth Unique pick
  18. Ingrid van Bergen Unique pick
  19. Peter Weck
  20. Dorothee Wilms Unique pick


(THEME) Dey Do Die Don't Dey Doh
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 274th
  1. Tom Baker
  2. Clive Barker Joker!
  3. Joe Benton Unique pick
  4. Stan Boardman
  5. David Burke Unique pick
  6. Malandra Burrows Unique pick
  7. Billy Butler Unique pick
  8. Fiona Castle, Countess of Carnarvon Unique pick
  9. Peter Christian Unique pick
  10. Vince Earl Unique pick
  11. Lynda La Plante Unique pick
  12. Mike McCartney Unique pick
  13. Nigel Rees Unique pick
  14. Crissy Rock Unique pick
  15. Patricia Routledge
  16. Tony Scoggo Unique pick
  17. Barbara Steele
  18. Jimmy Tarbuck
  19. Laurie Taylor Unique pick
  20. Rita Tushingham Unique pick


(THEME) Dieopics
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Frank Abagnale Unique pick
  2. Carl Bernstein Unique pick
  3. Dick Cheney
  4. Christina Crawford Unique pick
  5. Pope Francis Drop Forty bonus
  6. LaVona Golden Unique pick
  7. Temple Grandin
  8. Fred Haise
  9. Billie Jean King
  10. Philomena Lee
  11. Jim Lovell
  12. Diana Nyad Unique pick
  13. Priscilla Presley
  14. Patrizia Reggiani Unique pick
  15. Frank Serpico Unique pick
  16. Gloria Steinem
  17. Chesley Sullenberger Unique pick
  18. Richard Williams Unique pick
  19. Brian Wilson Joker!
  20. (journalist) Bob Woodward Unique pick


(THEME) Disney Dizzies
First year in DDP.
  1. Halle Bailey Unique pick
  2. Javier Bardem Unique pick
  3. Jim Carter Unique pick
  4. Idris Elba Unique pick
  5. Luke Evans Unique pick
  6. Joel Fry Unique pick
  7. Josh Gad Unique pick
  8. Jonah Hauer-King Unique pick
  9. Derek Jacobi
  10. Lily James Unique pick
  11. Angelina Jolie Unique pick
  12. Marwan Kenzari Unique pick
  13. Beyonce Knowles Unique pick
  14. Richard Madden Unique pick
  15. Mena Massoud Unique pick
  16. Melissa McCarthy Unique pick
  17. Naomi Scott Unique pick
  18. Will Smith Unique pick
  19. Emma Stone Unique pick
  20. Emma Thompson Unique pick Joker!


(THEME) Dr Who's Next
Years in DDP: 12
Best position: 431th
(THEME) There'll be no regeneration for this lot should they depart this year...
  1. Sophie Aldred Unique pick
  2. Colin Baker
  3. Tom Baker
  4. David Bradley
  5. Peter Capaldi Unique pick
  6. Timothy Dalton Joker!
  7. Peter Davison Unique pick
  8. Carole Ann Ford
  9. Stephen Fry
  10. Frazer Hines
  11. Derek Jacobi
  12. John Leeson
  13. John Levene Unique pick
  14. Katy Manning
  15. Sylvester McCoy
  16. Paul McGann Unique pick
  17. Eric Roberts Unique pick
  18. Zoe Wanamaker Unique pick
  19. Lalla Ward Unique pick
  20. Matthew Waterhouse Unique pick


(THEME) Drop Dead Diva
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 321th
(THEME) Divalicious women, dramatic and flamboyant
  1. Asma al-Assad Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  2. Brigitte Bardot
  3. Cindy Birdsong
  4. Roberta Flack Drop Forty bonus
  5. Tippi Hedren
  6. Sophia Loren
  7. Imelda Marcos
  8. Lee Meriwether
  9. Empress Michiko
  10. Vera Miles
  11. Liza Minnelli
  12. Kim Novak
  13. Leontyne Price
  14. Vanessa Redgrave
  15. Maria Riva
  16. Linda Ronstadt
  17. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus
  18. Prunella Scales Drop Forty bonus
  19. Ornella Vanoni Unique pick
  20. Joanne Woodward Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Dying Donkeys
Years in DDP: 5
Best position: 264th
(THEME) Members of the US Democratic Party
  1. Bruce Babbitt Unique pick
  2. Lois Capps Unique pick
  3. Ben Cayetano Unique pick
  4. Bill Clinton
  5. Michael Dukakis
  6. John Garamendi Unique pick
  7. Frank J. Guarini Unique pick
  8. Tom Harkin Unique pick
  9. Gary Hart
  10. Jesse Jackson Joker!
  11. J. Bennett Johnston Unique pick
  12. Madeleine Kunin Unique pick
  13. Pat Leahy
  14. Barbara Mikulski Unique pick
  15. George Mitchell
  16. Jay Rockefeller Unique pick
  17. David Scott (politician) Unique pick
  18. Donna Shalala Unique pick
  19. Douglas Wilder Unique pick
  20. Lynn Woolsey Unique pick


(THEME) Dying of Pretentiousness
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 372th
(THEME) Artists and entertainers dangerously close to disappearing in their own asses
  1. Melvyn Bragg
  2. Ethan Coen Unique pick
  3. Joel Coen Unique pick
  4. Francis Ford Coppola Joker!
  5. Chrith Eubank Unique pick
  6. David Fincher Unique pick
  7. Terry Gilliam
  8. Loyd Grossman Unique pick
  9. Werner Herzog Unique pick
  10. Jim Jarmusch Unique pick
  11. Terrence Malick Unique pick
  12. Stephen Malkmus Unique pick
  13. Dave Meltzer Unique pick
  14. Chris Morris Unique pick
  15. Christopher Nolan Unique pick
  16. Jordan Peterson Unique pick
  17. David Sedaris Unique pick
  18. David Simon
  19. Dan Smith Unique pick
  20. Wim Wenders Unique pick


(THEME) Dying Probably's Twitter Page
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Jack Antonoff Unique pick
  2. Jake Auchincloss Unique pick
  3. Joe Biden Drop Forty bonus
  4. Phil Bredesen Unique pick
  5. Sabrina Carpenter
  6. Bob Casey Jr. Unique pick
  7. Hillary Clinton
  8. Ncuti Gatwa Unique pick
  9. Gwen Graham Unique pick
  10. Kamala Harris Joker!
  11. Jared Moskowitz Unique pick
  12. Stephanie Murphy Unique pick
  13. Elon Musk
  14. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Unique pick
  15. James Skoufis Unique pick
  16. Victoria Spartz Unique pick
  17. Taylor Swift
  18. Jade Thirlwall Unique pick
  19. Donald Trump Drop Forty bonus
  20. Hayley Williams Unique pick


(THEME) Easy as ABC
First year in DDP.
  1. Allan Border Joker!
  2. Bob Carolgees Unique pick
  3. Charles Dagnall Unique pick
  4. David Essex Unique pick
  5. Edward Furlong Unique pick
  6. Frank Gray Unique pick
  7. Gary Hart
  8. Hazel Irvine Unique pick
  9. Ivo Josipovic Unique pick
  10. John Kettley Unique pick
  11. Kerry Livgren Unique pick
  12. Larry Mullen Jr. Unique pick
  13. Mike Newell Unique pick
  14. Nancy Olson
  15. Oliver PLATT Unique pick
  16. Pauline Quirke Unique pick
  17. Richard Stilgoe Unique pick
  18. Steven Tyler
  19. Tom Udall Unique pick
  20. Virginia Wade Unique pick


(THEME) Easy Peasy Japanesey
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 308th
(THEME) Japanese people
  1. Masako Ikeda Unique pick
  2. Shima Iwashita Unique pick
  3. Kyoko Kagawa
  4. Rei Kawakubo Unique pick
  5. Yoichi Kotabe Unique pick
  6. Susumu Kurobe Unique pick
  7. Yayoi Kusama Joker!
  8. Hayao Miyazaki
  9. Hideko Mizuno Unique pick
  10. Yasuko Nagazumi Unique pick
  11. Yoshiro Nakamatsu Unique pick
  12. Teruyo Nogami Unique pick
  13. Jiro Ono Unique pick
  14. Takashi Ono Unique pick
  15. Masahiro Shinoda Unique pick
  16. Ushio Shinohara Unique pick
  17. Yasuharu Suematsu Unique pick
  18. Akiko Wakabayashi Unique pick
  19. Sadao Watanabe Unique pick
  20. Yosuke Yamashita Unique pick


(THEME) Elton Welsby's Sporting Triangles
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. (footballer) Amarildo
  2. Eddie Annand
  3. Chic Bates Unique pick
  4. (wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus
  5. Geoff Boycott
  6. George Burley
  7. Jimmy Calderwood
  8. Scott HAMILTON
  9. Russell Hoult Unique pick
  10. Eddie Jordan
  11. Agnes Keleti
  12. Georg Koch Drop Forty bonus
  13. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  14. David "Syd" Lawrence
  15. Doug Nye Unique pick
  16. John Pender Joker!
  17. David Sadler Unique pick
  18. Imran Sherwani Unique pick
  19. Nigel Starmer-Smith Drop Forty bonus
  20. Moamen Zakaria


(THEME) Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
First year in DDP.
  1. Frankie Avalon
  2. Kathy Bates
  3. Christopher Biggins
  4. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus
  5. Carol Burnett
  6. George Chakiris Unique pick
  7. Michael Crawford
  8. Tim Curry
  9. Michael Douglas
  10. Clint Eastwood Drop Forty bonus
  11. Joel Grey
  12. Shirley Jones
  13. Caren Marsh Doll
  14. Liza Minnelli
  15. Rita Moreno
  16. Richard O'Brien
  17. Tommy Steele
  18. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  19. Shani Wallis Unique pick
  20. Michael York


(THEME) Everybody's Dead Daves
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. David Attenborough Drop Forty bonus
  2. David Berkowitz Unique pick
  3. David Brooks Unique pick
  4. Dave Clark
  5. (rapper) Dave Unique pick
  6. David Dickinson
  7. David Dimbleby Unique pick
  8. David Fuller
  9. David Geffen Unique pick
  10. David Gilmour Unique pick
  11. Dave Grusin Unique pick
  12. David Guetta Unique pick
  13. Diddy David Hamilton
  14. David Hockney
  15. David Icke
  16. David Jason
  17. David Linden Joker!
  18. David Miscavige Unique pick
  19. Dave Mustaine Unique pick
  20. David Quantick Unique pick


(THEME) Fatal Exceptions
First year in DDP.
  1. Ray Anthony
  2. Vincent Ball
  3. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus
  4. King Charles III Drop Forty bonus
  5. Noam Chomsky Drop Forty bonus
  6. Robert Duvall
  7. Clint Eastwood Drop Forty bonus
  8. Sandy Gall
  9. Alan Greenspan
  10. Cleo Laine
  11. June Lockhart
  12. Lisa Lu
  13. Shirley MacLaine
  14. Caren Marsh Doll
  15. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus
  16. William Shatner
  17. Dennis Skinner
  18. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  19. Robert Wagner


(THEME) Fill the Century or die!
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Angelo Acerbi
  2. Lise Bourdin Unique pick
  3. Jacqueline Ceballos Unique pick
  4. Tony Christopher
  5. Hermano da Silva Ramos
  6. Mary de Rachewiltz
  7. Jean-Pierre Faye Unique pick
  8. Maurice R. Greenberg Unique pick
  9. Anita Lasker-Wallfisch Unique pick
  10. Lucien Nedzi Unique pick
  11. Bernardo Ruiz Unique pick
  12. Bobby Shantz Unique pick
  13. Ruth Slenczynska
  14. Paul van Hoeydonck Unique pick
  15. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  16. Carlos Velazquez Unique pick
  17. Hartmut von Hentig Unique pick
  18. G. William Whitehurst
  19. Gazi Yasargil
  20. Jutta Zilliacus Unique pick


(THEME) Fiona's 1922
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Eunice Anderson Unique pick
  2. Ray Anthony
  3. John Frank Bookout Jr. Unique pick
  4. Jacques Borker Unique pick
  5. Eli Bornstein Unique pick
  6. Hugo Broch Joker!
  7. Vittorio Casaretti Unique pick
  8. Choomphol Chaiyanitr Unique pick
  9. Gaositwe Chiepe Unique pick
  10. William Leuchtenburg
  11. Induratana Paribatra Unique pick
  12. Jose de Jesus Sahagun de la Parra Unique pick
  13. Rachel Robinson
  14. Maria Isabel Rodriguez Unique pick
  15. Rolf Stoltenberg Unique pick
  16. Pavel Syutkin Unique pick
  17. Annette Warren Unique pick
  18. Ramji Lal Yadav Unique pick
  19. Koho Yamamoto Unique pick
  20. Chen-Ning Yang Unique pick


(THEME) Fireball's Play Your Cadavers Right
Years in DDP: 11
Best position: 154th
(THEME) Game show personalities from around the world
  1. Tony Barber Unique pick
  2. Michael Barrymore
  3. Nick Cannon
  4. Russell Davies Unique pick
  5. Bob Eubanks
  6. Don Francisco
  7. Stephen Fry
  8. Johnny Gilbert
  9. John Humphrys
  10. Des Lynam
  11. Wink Martindale
  12. Richard O'Brien
  13. Jeremy Paxman
  14. Maury Povich Unique pick
  15. Anne Robinson Unique pick
  16. Pat Sajak Unique pick
  17. Gene Shalit
  18. Ben Stein Unique pick
  19. Donald Trump Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  20. Roy Walker Unique pick


(THEME) Foreword by The Grim Reaper
First year in DDP.
  1. Jeffrey Archer
  2. Margaret Atwood
  3. Genevieve Callerot
  4. Graham Caveney
  5. Jilly Cooper
  6. Len Deighton
  7. Antonia Fraser
  8. G. Edward Griffin Unique pick
  9. David Irving
  10. Erica Jong Unique pick
  11. Sophie Kinsella Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  12. Dean Koontz Unique pick
  13. Debbie Macomber Unique pick
  14. George r. r. Martin
  15. Delia Owens Unique pick
  16. James Patterson Unique pick
  17. Danielle Steel Unique pick
  18. Linda Tirado
  19. Chris Van Allsburg Unique pick
  20. Edmund White


(THEME) Formula Fatality
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 340th
(THEME) Return for the racing theme team
  1. Mario Andretti
  2. Rene Arnoux Unique pick
  3. Flavio Briatore Unique pick
  4. Ron Dennis
  5. Bernie Ecclestone
  6. Alexander Fermor-Hesketh, 3rd Baron Hesketh Unique pick
  7. Emerson Fittipaldi
  8. Jacky Ickx Unique pick
  9. Jean-Pierre Jarier Unique pick
  10. (F1) Alan Jones Unique pick
  11. Eddie Jordan
  12. Jacques Laffite
  13. Jochen Mass Unique pick
  14. Riccardo Patrese Unique pick
  15. Nelson Piquet
  16. Keke Rosberg Unique pick
  17. Michael Schumacher Joker!
  18. Jackie Stewart
  19. Jean Todt Unique pick
  20. John Watson Unique pick


(THEME) Francis Of Wrestle-Easy 2025
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 436th
(THEME) Francis expands to wrestling
  1. tully blanchard Unique pick
  2. Michael Buffer Unique pick
  3. Jim Duggan
  4. Ric Flair
  5. Jane Fonda
  6. Dory Funk
  7. Ricky Hatton Unique pick
  8. Hulk Hogan
  9. Lex Luger Unique pick
  10. Vince McMahon
  11. Kendo Nagasaki
  12. Robert Rudolph Remus Unique pick
  13. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
  14. Jim Ross
  15. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  16. Tammy Lynn Sytch
  17. Ted Turner Joker!
  18. Laurence Tureaud Unique pick
  19. Jesse Ventura Unique pick
  20. Barry Windham


(THEME) From the Middle East to the Middle of the Ground
First year in DDP.
  1. Mahmoud Abbas
  2. Salman bin Abdul Aziz
  3. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi
  4. Ziyad al-Nakhalah
  5. Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Unique pick
  6. Saif al-Adel
  7. Asma al-Assad Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  8. Bashar Al-Assad
  9. Farouk al-Sharaa Unique pick
  10. Michel Aoun
  11. Najah Al-Attar Unique pick
  12. Adnan Badran Unique pick
  13. ashraf ghani Unique pick
  14. Efraim Halevy Unique pick
  15. Ahmad Jannati Unique pick
  16. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
  17. Hossein Wahid Khorasani Unique pick
  18. Khaled Mashal
  19. Benjamin Netanyahu
  20. Naim Qassem


(THEME) God's Gonna Gettem
Years in DDP: 8
Best position: 59th
  1. Graham Caveney
  2. Sandy Gall
  3. Graeme Garden
  4. Paul Gascoigne
  5. Rhod Gilbert
  6. Steve Gleason
  7. Gary Glitter
  8. Julian Glover
  9. Trisha Goddard Joker!
  10. Julie Goodyear Drop Forty bonus
  11. Berry Gordy
  12. Alan Greenspan
  13. Pam Grier Unique pick
  14. Merlin Griffiths Unique pick
  15. Gene Hackman
  16. Gerhard Richter
  17. Geoffrey Robinson Unique pick
  18. Gunhild Stordalen Unique pick
  19. Louis van Gaal
  20. Gunther von Hagens


(THEME) Gone and Away
First year in DDP.
  1. Vincent Ball
  2. Lorraine Bayly Unique pick
  3. Anne Charleston Unique pick
  4. Norman Coburn Unique pick
  5. Lyn Collingwood Unique pick
  6. Alan Dale Unique pick
  7. Maggie Dence Unique pick
  8. Terence Donovan Unique pick
  9. Gary Files Unique pick
  10. Ivar Kants Unique pick
  11. Kate Keltie
  12. Sheila Kennelly Unique pick
  13. Maggie Kirkpatrick Unique pick
  14. Joel McIlroy Joker!
  15. Ray Meagher Unique pick
  16. Judy Nunn Unique pick
  17. Roger Oakley Unique pick
  18. Tom Oliver Unique pick
  19. Ian Smith Drop Forty bonus
  20. Fiona Spence


(THEME) Gone Solo
Years in DDP: 6
Best position: 254th
(THEME) The surviving halves of notable couples and double acts.
  1. Mike Batt Unique pick
  2. Alan Bleasdale Unique pick
  3. Billy Connolly Drop Forty bonus
  4. Sara Cox
  5. Anita Dobson
  6. Kate Garraway Unique pick
  7. Paul Michael Glaser Unique pick Joker!
  8. Mark Hamill
  9. Jasmine Harman Unique pick
  10. "Whispering" Bob Harris
  11. Si King Unique pick
  12. Rob Lowe Unique pick
  13. Zayn Malik Unique pick
  14. Yulia Navalnaya
  15. Ronnie O'Sullivan Unique pick
  16. Esther Rantzen Drop Forty bonus
  17. Tom Rosenthal Unique pick
  18. Prunella Scales Drop Forty bonus
  19. Kevin Sinfield Unique pick
  20. Barbra Streisand


(THEME) Good Trouble
First year in DDP.
  1. Angelina Atyam Unique pick
  2. Dana Beal Unique pick
  3. Heather Booth Unique pick
  4. Claudette Colvin
  5. Gerd Fleischer Unique pick
  6. Jane Goodall
  7. Dolores Huerta
  8. Jesse Jackson Joker!
  9. Bernard Lafayette Unique pick
  10. Rigoberta Menchú Unique pick
  11. James Meredith
  12. Diane Nash Unique pick
  13. Dick Oosting Unique pick
  14. Cedric Prakash Unique pick
  15. Ashok Row Kavi Unique pick
  16. Al Sharpton Unique pick
  17. Judy Shepard Unique pick
  18. Gloria Steinem
  19. Andrew Young
  20. Muhammad Yunus Unique pick


(THEME) Goodnight, Seattle
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Dave (Gruber) Allen Unique pick
  2. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  3. Elvis Costello Unique pick
  4. Brian Cox
  5. Ron Dean Unique pick
  6. John Glover Jr. Unique pick
  7. Harriet Sansom Harris Unique pick
  8. Edward Hibbert Unique pick
  9. Derek Jacobi
  10. Patrick Kerr Unique pick
  11. Shelley Long
  12. Millicent Martin
  13. Marsha Mason Unique pick
  14. Tom McGowan Unique pick
  15. Brian Stokes Mitchell Unique pick
  16. Estelle Parsons
  17. Rhea Perlman Unique pick
  18. John Ratzenberger
  19. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus
  20. Harris Yulin Unique pick


(THEME) Grappling with Mortality
Years in DDP: 6
Best position: 203th
(THEME) Professional wrestlers who could be laying down for the undertaker in 2019.
  1. (wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus
  2. Ted DiBiase Unique pick
  3. Jim Duggan
  4. Ric Flair
  5. Dory Funk
  6. Jimmy Hart Unique pick
  7. Hulk Hogan
  8. Marty Jannetty Unique pick
  9. Marty Jones Unique pick
  10. Brian Knobbs
  11. Jerry Lawler
  12. Mil Mascaras Unique pick
  13. Vince McMahon
  14. Bob Orton, Jr. Unique pick
  15. Fred Ottman Unique pick
  16. Jake "The Snake" Roberts Joker!
  17. Jim Ross
  18. Tammy Lynn Sytch
  19. Greg Valentine Unique pick
  20. Barry Windham


(THEME) Gray Panthers
Years in DDP: 16
Best position: 38th
(THEME) Winners of the inaugural Theme Team League with their team of centenarians in 2011.
  1. Ray Anthony Joker!
  2. Anne Baker
  3. Ethel Caterham
  4. John Cruickshank
  5. James Clayton Flowers
  6. Lloyd Geering
  7. Kaiti Grey
  8. Sister Jean
  9. Agnes Keleti
  10. Elizabeth Kelly
  11. Caren Marsh Doll
  12. Virginia Halas McCaskey
  13. Tomiichi Murayama
  14. Song Ping Unique pick
  15. Rachel Robinson
  16. Guillermo Rodriguez
  17. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus
  18. Art Schallock
  19. Naomi Whitehead
  20. Steve Wochy


(THEME) Great Gig in the Sky
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 160th
(THEME) This theme team will be hoping for another day the music dies
  1. Pete Best
  2. Pat Boone
  3. Clarence Carter
  4. Petula Clark
  5. Phil Collins Drop Forty bonus
  6. Roberta Flack Drop Forty bonus
  7. Berry Gordy
  8. Mick Jagger
  9. Cleo Laine
  10. Willie Nelson Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  11. Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus
  12. Yoko Ono Drop Forty bonus
  13. Ozzy Osbourne Drop Forty bonus
  14. Iggy Pop
  15. Keith Richards
  16. Andy Taylor Drop Forty bonus
  17. Joe Walsh Unique pick
  18. Brian Wilson
  19. Ronnie Wood
  20. Bill Wyman


(THEME) Hell to the Chief
Years in DDP: 13
Best position: 105th
(THEME) World Leaders.
  1. Mahmoud Abbas
  2. Salman bin Abdul Aziz
  3. Emperor Akihito of Japan
  4. Asif Ali Zardari
  5. Raúl Castro
  6. Violeta Chamorro
  7. King Charles III Drop Forty bonus
  8. Pope Francis Drop Forty bonus
  9. King Harald V of Norway
  10. John Howard
  11. Ion Iliescu
  12. King Juan Carlos Of Spain
  13. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
  14. Mahathir Mohamad
  15. Tomiichi Murayama Joker!
  16. Sam Nujoma
  17. Vladimir Putin
  18. Guillermo Rodriguez
  19. Jose Sarney
  20. Than Shwe Unique pick


(THEME) Hell's Gender Neutral Toilets
First year in DDP.
  1. Richard Ayoade Unique pick
  2. Da Baby Unique pick
  3. Christopher Biggins
  4. Julie Bindel
  5. Gina Carano Unique pick
  6. Dave Chappelle Unique pick
  7. Joanna Cherry Unique pick
  8. Alice Cooper
  9. Sharron Davies
  10. Rosie Duffield Unique pick
  11. Laurence Fox
  12. Ricky Gervais
  13. Macy Gray Unique pick
  14. Graham Linehan Unique pick
  15. Bette Midler
  16. Ronnie Radke Unique pick
  17. J. K. Rowling Unique pick Joker!
  18. Wes Streeting Unique pick
  19. Andrew Tate
  20. Donald Trump Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Here's Who You Could Have Won
Years in DDP: 8
Best position: 46th
20 names to avoid the LOTM….
  1. Christopher Awdry
  2. Alan Ayckbourn Unique pick
  3. Lawrence Gordon Clark Unique pick
  4. Mary Danby Unique pick
  5. Hunter Davies Unique pick
  6. Lynley Dodd
  7. Brian Glanville Joker!
  8. Peter J. Hammond
  9. Candace Hilligoss Unique pick
  10. Diane Hoh Unique pick
  11. Penelope Jardine Unique pick
  12. Joseph McGrath
  13. Peter Sasdy Unique pick
  14. Jacqueline Simpson Unique pick
  15. Jerzy Skolimowski Unique pick
  16. Philip Springer
  17. Shirley Summerskill Unique pick
  18. Dick Taverne
  19. Tim Waterstone Unique pick
  20. Robert Worcester Unique pick


(THEME) He's Not The Family Guy
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 337th
(THEME) Simpsons did it
  1. Marc Alaimo Unique pick
  2. Meredith Baxter Unique pick
  3. Michael Bell Unique pick
  4. Noel Blanc
  5. John Bunnell Unique pick
  6. Robert Costanzo Unique pick
  7. Brian Doyle-Murray Unique pick
  8. Sam Elliott Unique pick
  9. Michael Gross Unique pick
  10. Bob Gunton Unique pick
  11. Judd Hirsch Unique pick Joker!
  12. Michele Lee Unique pick
  13. Gerald McRaney Unique pick
  14. Belita Moreno Unique pick
  15. Ed O'Neill Unique pick
  16. Christina Pickles Unique pick
  17. Peter Riegert Unique pick
  18. Katharine Ross Unique pick
  19. Wallace Shawn Unique pick
  20. Patrick Stewart


(THEME) Hispanics and Lati-no's
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 321th
(THEME) Soanish and Portuguese speaking people
  1. Nelson Acosta
  2. Carlos Bilardo Unique pick
  3. Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo Unique pick
  4. Sergio Chamy Unique pick
  5. Estela de Carlotto Unique pick
  6. Charly Garcia
  7. Cecilia Gimenez Unique pick
  8. Gustavo Gorriti Unique pick
  9. Julio Iglesias Unique pick
  10. Mirtha Legrand Unique pick
  11. Pasqual Maragall Unique pick
  12. Lina Medina
  13. Jose Mujica
  14. Alvaro Noboa Unique pick
  15. Miguel Pinera
  16. Jordi Pujol
  17. (singer) Raphael Joker!
  18. Lalo Schifrin
  19. Antonio Tejero Unique pick
  20. Carlos Villagran Unique pick


(THEME) Hits Of 36 Years Ago And Hits Today
Years in DDP: 9
Best position: 342th
(THEME) People who had Top 30 UK hit singles in 1988
  1. Steven Adler Unique pick
  2. (singer/actress) Cher
  3. Petula Clark
  4. Phil Collins Drop Forty bonus
  5. Alice Cooper
  6. Plácido Domingo
  7. Gladys Knight
  8. Nicko McBrain
  9. Bette Midler
  10. Liza Minnelli Joker!
  11. Van Morrison
  12. Aaron Neville Unique pick
  13. Roger O'Donnell
  14. Alexander O'Neal
  15. Chris Rea
  16. Cliff Richard
  17. Smokey Robinson
  18. Linda Ronstadt
  19. Shaun Ryder
  20. Pete Trewavas Unique pick


(THEME) Hole-in-one
First year in DDP.
  1. Tommy Aaron
  2. Murle Breer Unique pick
  3. Jerilyn Britz Unique pick
  4. JoAnne Carner
  5. Bob Charles
  6. Charles Coody
  7. Kathy Cornelius Joker!
  8. Gloria Ehret Unique pick
  9. Raymond Floyd
  10. Al Geiberger
  11. Lou Graham Unique pick
  12. Judy Kimball Unique pick
  13. Mary Mills
  14. Larry Nelson Unique pick
  15. Bobby Nichols
  16. Jack Nicklaus
  17. Gary Player
  18. Dave Stockton
  19. Lee Trevino
  20. Joyce Ziske Unique pick


(THEME) I Hear Voices
Years in DDP: 13
Best position: 268th
(THEME) Those who lend their dulcet tones to films…
  1. Hank Azaria Unique pick
  2. Cate Bauer
  3. Kathryn Beaumont
  4. Peter Behn
  5. Noel Blanc
  6. Nancy Cartwright Unique pick
  7. Dan Castellaneta Unique pick
  8. Mary Costa
  9. Peter Cullen Unique pick
  10. Donnie Dunagan Joker!
  11. Mark Hamill
  12. Julie Kavner Unique pick
  13. Tom Kenny Unique pick
  14. Maurice Lamarche Unique pick
  15. Seth Macfarlane Unique pick
  16. Tress MacNeille Unique pick
  17. Frank Oz Unique pick
  18. John Ratzenberger
  19. Harry Shearer
  20. Frank Welker Unique pick


(THEME) I Made the News Today, Oh Boy
First year in DDP.
  1. Gracie Abrams Unique pick
  2. Joe Biden Drop Forty bonus
  3. Sabrina Carpenter
  4. Princess Catherine
  5. Caitlin Clark Unique pick
  6. P Diddy
  7. Matt Gaetz Unique pick
  8. Ariana Grande
  9. Rachael Gunn Unique pick
  10. Kamala Harris
  11. Sabrina Ionescu Unique pick
  12. Mikey Madison Unique pick
  13. Elon Musk
  14. Gisele Pelicot Unique pick
  15. Glen Powell Unique pick
  16. Chappell Roan
  17. Claudia Sheinbaum Unique pick
  18. Donald Trump Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  19. Tim Walz Unique pick
  20. Charli XCX Unique pick


(THEME) In The Hole!
Years in DDP: 10
Best position: 130th
(THEME) Is Death going to mark these golfers card this year?
  1. Tommy Aaron
  2. Angel Cabrera Unique pick
  3. JoAnne Carner
  4. Bob Charles
  5. Neil Coles Unique pick Joker!
  6. Charles Coody
  7. Bruce Crampton Unique pick
  8. John Daly
  9. Bruce Devlin Unique pick
  10. Raymond Floyd
  11. Al Geiberger
  12. David Graham (golf) Unique pick
  13. Sandra Haynie Unique pick
  14. Tony Jacklin
  15. Mary Mills
  16. Bobby Nichols
  17. Jack Nicklaus
  18. Gary Player
  19. Dave Stockton
  20. Lee Trevino


Years in DDP: 8
Best position: 239th
(THEME) Will these ex-senior police chiefs "fall down the stairs" in 2023?
  1. Hugh Annesley Unique pick Joker!
  2. Ian Blair Unique pick
  3. Harry Bunch Unique pick
  4. Paul Condon
  5. Cressida Dick Unique pick
  6. David Duckenfield Unique pick
  7. Peter Fahey Unique pick
  8. Ronnie Flanagan Unique pick
  9. Nick Gargan Unique pick
  10. Tim Godwin Unique pick
  11. Phil Gormley Unique pick
  12. Stephen House Unique pick
  13. Peter Joslin Unique pick
  14. Graeme Pearson Unique pick
  15. William Rae Unique pick
  16. Mark Rowley Unique pick
  17. Sue Sim Unique pick
  18. John Stevens Unique pick
  19. Crispian Strachan Unique pick
  20. Andy Trotter Unique pick


(THEME) It's a Small World
First year in DDP.
  1. Julie Andrews
  2. Barbara Barrie
  3. Cate Bauer Joker!
  4. Kathryn Beaumont
  5. Peter Behn
  6. Brian Blessed
  7. Eric Braeden
  8. Donnie Dunagan
  9. Susan Hampshire
  10. Carl Held Unique pick
  11. Polly Holliday
  12. James Hong
  13. Christopher Lloyd
  14. June Lockhart
  15. Ian McKellen
  16. Nancy Olson
  17. Robert Redford
  18. Tommy Sands
  19. George Takei
  20. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) It's time to meet the music
First year in DDP.
  1. Julie Andrews
  2. Joan Baez
  3. Shirley Bassey
  4. Carol Burnett
  5. Ruth Buzzi
  6. Dyan Cannon
  7. John Cleese
  8. Judy Collins
  9. Joel Grey
  10. Gladys Knight
  11. Cleo Laine
  12. Hal Linden
  13. Rich Little
  14. Liza Minnelli
  15. Rita Moreno Joker!
  16. Jaye P. Morgan
  17. Linda Ronstadt
  18. Connie Stevens
  19. Loretta Swit
  20. Paul Williams


(THEME) Jane's Antique Wrinklies
Years in DDP: 8
Best position: 246th
  1. Ann Blyth
  2. Carol Burnett
  3. Joan Collins
  4. Eileen Derbyshire
  5. Barbara Eden
  6. Julie Goodyear Drop Forty bonus
  7. Sheila Hancock
  8. Rosemary Ann Harris
  9. Shirley Jones
  10. Barbara Knox
  11. Phyllida Law
  12. Sophia Loren
  13. Judith Magre
  14. Judy Parfitt
  15. Joan Plowright
  16. Vanessa Redgrave Joker!
  17. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus
  18. Prunella Scales Drop Forty bonus
  19. Connie Stevens
  20. Joanne Woodward Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Jaydead
First year in DDP.
  1. Joan Bakewell
  2. Judy Blume Unique pick
  3. John Castle Unique pick
  4. Julian Chagrin Unique pick
  5. Judith Chalmers
  6. Jane Elliott Unique pick
  7. Jill Freud Unique pick
  8. Jennifer Gay Unique pick
  9. Julie Goodyear Drop Forty bonus
  10. Jasper Johns
  11. Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus
  12. Judy Loe Joker!
  13. Joan Plowright
  14. John RHYS-DAVIES Unique pick
  15. James Van Der Beek
  16. James Whale Drop Forty bonus
  17. Joy Whitby
  18. John Williams
  19. John Woodvine
  20. Joanne Woodward Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Jocks Away
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 288th
  1. Harry Benson Unique pick
  2. Ronnie Browne
  3. Frank Cairney Unique pick
  4. Billy Connolly Drop Forty bonus
  5. Pat Crerand Unique pick
  6. John Fallon Unique pick
  7. Dick GAUGHAN Unique pick Joker!
  8. Archie Goodburn
  9. Ralph Granville Unique pick
  10. James Harkness (Minister) Unique pick
  11. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  12. Alex MacDonald Unique pick
  13. Jimmie MACGREGOR Unique pick
  14. Eileen McCallum Unique pick
  15. Ian McCulloch (actor) Unique pick
  16. Thomas McGoran Unique pick
  17. Ally Miller Unique pick
  18. Doug Moran Unique pick
  19. Dorothy Paul Unique pick
  20. Willie Wood (bowler) Unique pick


(THEME) Just One More Death
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Ed Begley Jr. Unique pick
  2. Ian Buchanan Unique pick
  3. Susan Clark Unique pick
  4. Pat Crowley
  5. Jamie Lee Curtis
  6. Tyne Daly Unique pick
  7. Shera Danese Unique pick
  8. Dick DeBenedictis Unique pick
  9. Bob Dishy
  10. Faye Dunaway Unique pick
  11. Lee Grant
  12. George Hamilton
  13. Ian McShane Unique pick
  14. Vera Miles
  15. William Shatner
  16. Helen Shaver Unique pick
  17. Martin Sheen
  18. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  19. Joyce Van Patten Unique pick
  20. George Wendt


Years in DDP: 13
Best position: 14th
(THEME) This international football theme team had a superb 2014, winning the TTL and earning a place in the top 20 overall.
  2. Ken Brown Unique pick
  3. Lorenzo Buffon Unique pick
  4. Bryan Douglas
  5. EDDIE GRAY Unique pick
  6. Sigfried Held Unique pick
  7. Cliff Jones
  8. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  9. EDDIE MCCREADIE Unique pick
  10. Colin McDonald Joker!
  11. Wilf McGuinness Unique pick
  12. Ludek Miklosko Drop Forty bonus
  13. Wolfgang Overath Unique pick
  14. (footballer) Pepe Unique pick
  15. Pat Rice
  16. Kenny Sansom Unique pick
  17. Willi Schulz Unique pick
  18. Danny Wallace Unique pick
  19. Bob Wilson
  20. Dino Zoff Unique pick


(THEME) Kiddyfiddler Harriers
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 285th
(THEME) First they preyed, now we do
  1. Prince Andrew
  2. Mark Bridger Unique pick
  3. Sidney Cooke Joker!
  4. Alan Dershowitz
  5. Joseph Fritzl
  6. David Fuller
  7. Gary Glitter
  8. Stuart Hall
  9. Roy Harper Unique pick
  10. Ian Huntley
  11. Robert "R." Kelly
  12. Jonathan King
  13. Ghislaine Maxwell
  14. Geoffrey Prime Unique pick
  15. Urfan Sharif
  16. Fred Talbot
  17. David Tudor Unique pick
  18. Ian Watkins
  19. Justin Welby Unique pick
  20. Bill Wyman


(THEME) Kill Bills, Vol. 3
First year in DDP.
  1. Bill Archer Unique pick
  2. Billy Boy Arnold Unique pick
  3. William M. Bass
  4. William H. Bassett Unique pick
  5. William Andreas Brown Unique pick
  6. Billy Green Bush Unique pick
  7. Billy Connolly Drop Forty bonus
  8. Bill Cosby
  9. William Daniels
  10. Billy Hunter Unique pick
  11. William KENNEDY Unique pick
  12. Bill Mercer
  13. Willie Nelson Drop Forty bonus
  14. William J. Perry
  15. William "The Refrigerator" Perry Joker!
  16. Bill Persky Unique pick
  17. William Roache
  18. Bill Rodgers
  19. William Smithers
  20. William J. Winter


(THEME) Kiwi fruit sundae
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 470th
(THEME) New Zealanders
  1. Judy Bailey Unique pick
  2. Ken Blackburn Unique pick
  3. Jim Bolger (New Zealand) Unique pick
  4. Bruce Bolton Unique pick
  5. John D'Arcy Unique pick
  6. Johnny Devlin Unique pick
  7. Roger Douglas Unique pick
  8. Graham Dowling Unique pick
  9. Tony Garea Unique pick
  10. Lloyd Geering
  11. Richard Hadlee
  12. Kate Harcourt
  13. Roger Harris Unique pick
  14. Aileen Kars
  15. Nev MacEwan Unique pick
  16. Geoffrey Palmer (politician) Unique pick
  17. Clive Revill
  18. John Rowles Unique pick
  19. Grahame Thorne Unique pick Joker!
  20. John Walker


(THEME) Last Christmas
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 127th
(THEME) Actors, singers and writers with connections to the Christmas holiday
  1. Julie Andrews
  2. Michael Caine
  3. Richard Carpenter Unique pick
  4. Santa Claus Unique pick
  5. Elizabeth Franz Unique pick
  6. Karolyn Grimes
  7. Noddy Holder
  8. Brenda Lee
  9. Darlene Love
  10. Shirley MacLaine
  11. Johnny Mathis
  12. Margaret O'Brien Unique pick
  13. Yoko Ono Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  14. Chris Rea
  15. Clive Revill
  16. Elmo Shropshire
  17. Shakin' Stevens
  18. Brenda Vaccaro
  19. John Williams
  20. Brian Wilson


(THEME) Last of The Summer Winos
Years in DDP: 12
Best position: 315th
(THEME) Ay up, it's a team of veterans from the long-running Brit sit-com 'Last of the Summer Wine'.
  1. Russ Abbot Unique pick
  2. Tommy Cannon
  3. Johnnie Casson Unique pick
  4. Roy Clarke Joker!
  5. Keith Clifford Unique pick
  6. Louis Emerick Unique pick
  7. Stuart Fell Unique pick
  8. Mike Grady Unique pick
  9. Nigel Hess Unique pick
  10. Philip Jackson Unique pick
  11. Ken Kitson Unique pick
  12. Jonathan Linsley Unique pick
  13. Brian Murphy
  14. Maggie Ollerenshaw Unique pick
  15. Sarah Thomas Unique pick
  16. Helen Turaya Unique pick
  17. Julie T. Wallace Unique pick
  18. June Watson Unique pick
  19. Jim Whelan Unique pick
  20. David Williams (actor) Unique pick


(THEME) Last surviving original band members III
First year in DDP.
  1. Pete Agnew
  2. James Alexander Unique pick
  3. Ray Anthony
  4. Eric Clapton Unique pick
  5. Micky Dolenz Joker!
  6. Barry Gibb
  7. Garth Hudson
  8. David Johansen
  9. John Lee "Jaimoe" Johnson Unique pick
  10. Robbie van Leeuwen Unique pick
  11. Joey Molland Unique pick
  12. Sam Moore
  13. Carl Palmer
  14. Michelle Phillips
  15. Ruth POINTER
  16. Diana Ross
  17. Andy Scott
  18. Dean Torrence
  19. Michael Tubridy Unique pick
  20. Otis Williams


(THEME) Laughing in the face of Death.
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 321th
(THEME) Funny people
  1. Woody Allen
  2. Stanley Baxter Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  3. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus
  4. Ruth Buzzi
  5. John Cleese
  6. Bill Cosby
  7. Wendy Craig
  8. Barbara Eden
  9. Terry Gilliam
  10. Elliott Gould
  11. Stuart Hall
  12. Tom Lehrer
  13. Hal Linden
  14. Rich Little
  15. Brian Murphy
  16. Marion Ross
  17. Patricia Routledge
  18. Prunella Scales Drop Forty bonus
  19. Loretta Swit
  20. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Lego Element 4651445
First year in DDP.
  1. Kathryn Beaumont
  2. Caroline Blakiston Unique pick
  3. Michael Caine
  4. Julie CHRISTIE
  5. John Cleese
  6. Billy Connolly Drop Forty bonus
  7. Mary Costa
  8. Paul Dooley
  9. Mike Edmonds Unique pick
  10. Simon Fisher-Becker Unique pick
  11. Michael J. Fox
  12. Jane Goodall
  13. Rosemary Ann Harris
  14. Miriam Margolyes
  15. Ian McKellen
  16. Olivia Munn
  17. Sam Neill
  18. Julie Newmar
  19. Jack Nicholson
  20. Vanessa Redgrave Joker!


(THEME) Lt. Colonel Kilgore's Ultimate Surf Party
Years in DDP: 15
Best position: 166th
(THEME) Col. Kilgore returns with a team of Vietnam related people. You weren't there, man!
  1. Peter Arnett Unique pick
  2. Wesley Clark Unique pick
  3. Francis Ford Coppola
  4. Peter Davis Unique pick
  5. Robert Duvall Joker!
  6. Joe Estevez Unique pick
  7. Laurence Fishburne
  8. Harrison Ford
  9. James Goodale Unique pick
  10. Albert Hall Unique pick
  11. Morton Halperin Unique pick
  12. Edward l. Hubbard Unique pick
  13. John Kerry Unique pick
  14. Ron Kovic
  15. John Milius Unique pick
  16. Walter Murch Unique pick
  17. Keith Payne Unique pick
  18. Martin Sheen
  19. Vittorio Storaro Unique pick
  20. Victor Yannacone Unique pick


(THEME) Lullabye-bye of Broadway
Years in DDP: 9
Best position: 252th
(THEME) Stars of the stage on Broadway, New York…
  1. Julie Andrews
  2. Betty Buckley Unique pick
  3. Len Cariou Unique pick
  4. Michael Crawford
  5. John Cullum Unique pick
  6. Tim Curry
  7. Jim Dale
  8. Blythe Danner Unique pick
  9. Harvey Fierstein Unique pick
  10. Joel Grey
  11. Rosemary Ann Harris
  12. George Hearn
  13. Derek Jacobi
  14. Frank Langella
  15. Andrew Lloyd Webber
  16. Joan Plowright
  17. Priscilla Pointer
  18. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  19. Tommy Tune Unique pick
  20. Sam Waterston


(THEME) LW's Latest Hit
First year in DDP.
  1. Rod Argent
  2. Cindy Birdsong
  3. Clarence Carter
  4. David Allan Coe Unique pick
  5. Judy Collins
  6. Marianne Faithfull
  7. Roberta Flack Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  8. Ian HUNTER
  9. Wanda Jackson
  10. Barry McGuire
  11. Johnny Mathis
  12. John McNally Unique pick
  13. Garnet Mimms Unique pick
  14. Sam Moore
  15. John Sheahan Unique pick
  16. Mike Stoller
  17. Paul Stookey Unique pick
  18. Marty Wilde
  19. Ronnie Wood
  20. Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) M6 Toll(ed)
Years in DDP: 13
Best position: 124th
(THEME) Who of these Midlands characters will end up in the (very) Black Country?
  1. Dennis Amiss
  2. Bev Bevan Unique pick
  3. Alan Buckley Unique pick
  4. edward clayton Unique pick
  5. David Daker Unique pick
  6. Steve Gibbons Unique pick
  7. Elgar Howarth Unique pick
  8. Ann Jones
  9. Charles Kay Unique pick
  10. Ace Kefford Unique pick
  11. Dave Latchford Unique pick
  12. Sue Lawley Unique pick
  13. Peter McEnery Unique pick
  14. Valerie Minifie Unique pick
  15. Maggie Moone Unique pick
  16. Bob Warman Unique pick
  17. Leila Williams Unique pick
  18. David Winnick Unique pick Joker!
  19. Nicholas Winterton Unique pick
  20. Muff Winwood Unique pick


Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 355th
(THEME) People who dared to speak out against the orange menace
  1. Joy Behar Unique pick
  2. Jill Biden Unique pick
  3. Joe Biden Drop Forty bonus
  4. Dick Cheney
  5. Liz Cheney Unique pick
  6. Bill Clinton
  7. Gerry Connolly
  8. Robert De Niro Unique pick
  9. Kitty Dukakis
  10. Dr. Anthony Fauci Unique pick
  11. Doris Kearns Goodwin Unique pick
  12. Pat Leahy
  13. Sander Levin
  14. Bette Midler
  15. Grace Napolitano Unique pick
  16. Paul Pelosi Unique pick
  17. Nancy Pelosi Joker!
  18. Dan Rather
  19. Bernie Sanders Unique pick
  20. Jennifer Wexton


(THEME) militant leaders
First year in DDP.
  1. Mazloum Abdi Unique pick
  2. Iyad Ag Ghaly Unique pick
  3. Khalil al-Hayya
  4. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi
  5. Ziyad al-Nakhalah
  6. Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi Unique pick
  7. Saif al-Adel
  8. Galvarino Apablaza Unique pick
  9. Paresh Baruah Unique pick
  10. Abdul Rashid Dostum Unique pick
  11. Nayef Hawatmeh Unique pick
  12. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
  13. Murat Karayilan Unique pick
  14. Horst Mahler Unique pick
  15. Khaled Mashal Joker!
  16. Thuingaleng Muivah Unique pick
  17. Naim Qassem
  18. Fusako Shigenobu Unique pick
  19. Mohammed Sinwar
  20. Benjamin Yeaten Unique pick


First year in DDP.
  1. Penelope Coelen Unique pick
  2. Antigone Costanda Unique pick
  3. Reita Faria Unique pick
  4. Myrna Hansen Unique pick
  5. Madeleine Hartog-Bel Unique pick
  6. Aspara Hongsakula Unique pick
  7. Arlene Howell Unique pick
  8. Akiko Kojima Unique pick
  9. Armi Kuusela Unique pick Joker!
  10. Lesley Langley Unique pick
  11. Catharina Lodders Unique pick
  12. Inge Lowenstein Unique pick
  13. Christiane Martel Unique pick
  14. Carol Morris Unique pick
  15. Denise Perrier Unique pick
  16. Ann Sidney Unique pick
  17. Miriam Stevenson Unique pick
  18. Ieda Maria Vargas Unique pick
  19. Ora Vered Unique pick
  20. Gladys Zender Unique pick


(THEME) Mmmmmmmm Drop
First year in DDP.
  1. Mehmet Ali Ağca
  2. Mike Beckwith
  3. Michael Bolton
  4. Michael Campbell Unique pick
  5. Marianne Faithfull
  6. Mari Grug Joker!
  7. Madge Hindle
  8. Mary Beth Hurt Unique pick
  9. Mika Immonen
  10. Matt James
  11. Michael Jopling
  12. Michael Keating
  13. Queen Margrethe II
  14. Mark Patton Unique pick
  15. Mikheil Saakashvili Unique pick
  16. Mary Schmucker
  17. Michael Tilson Thomas Drop Forty bonus
  18. Mark Volman
  19. Moamen Zakaria
  20. Milos Zeman


(THEME) MST3K Massacre
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 253th
Made a respectable Top 30 finish in their rookie year
  1. Greydon Clark Unique pick
  2. Tommy Cook Unique pick
  3. Mara Corday Unique pick
  4. Elinor Donahue
  5. Bob Dornan Unique pick
  6. Vikki Dougan Unique pick
  7. Michael Forest Unique pick
  8. Brett Halsey Unique pick
  9. Salome Jens Unique pick
  10. Yvonne Lime Unique pick
  11. Mickey Lolich Unique pick
  12. Donna Martell Unique pick
  13. Joyce Meadows Unique pick
  14. Cliff Potts Unique pick
  15. Bill Rebane Unique pick Joker!
  16. Jan Shepard Unique pick
  17. Roy Thinnes Unique pick
  18. Peggy Webber Unique pick
  19. Fred Williamson Unique pick
  20. H.M. Wynant


(THEME) Musical chairs
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 184th
(THEME) A return of this music based team
  1. (rapper) 6ix9ine
  2. Martha Argerich
  3. Michael Bolton Joker!
  4. Marianne Faithfull
  5. Roberta Flack Drop Forty bonus
  6. Garth Hudson
  7. Keith Jarrett
  8. Ozzy Osbourne Drop Forty bonus
  9. Arvo Pärt Unique pick
  10. Ernest Ranglin Unique pick
  11. Steve Reich Unique pick
  12. Sonny Rollins
  13. Lalo Schifrin
  14. Sly Stone
  15. Bill Ward
  16. Dionne Warwick
  17. Brian Wilson
  18. Robert Wyatt
  19. La Monte Young Unique pick
  20. Tom Ze Unique pick


(THEME) Nature's Way
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Dickie Bird
  2. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus
  3. Violeta Chamorro
  4. Noam Chomsky Drop Forty bonus
  5. Stephen Darby
  6. Clint Eastwood Drop Forty bonus
  7. Bernie Ecclestone
  8. Sandy Gall
  9. Steve Gleason
  10. Cliff Jones
  11. Jean Marsh
  12. Millicent Martin
  13. Fernanda Montenegro
  14. Randy Moss
  15. Esther Rantzen Drop Forty bonus
  16. William Roache
  17. James Van Der Beek
  18. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  19. James Whale Drop Forty bonus
  20. Joanne Woodward Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Nature's Way 2
First year in DDP.
  1. Herb Alpert
  2. Ray Anthony
  3. Ken Bates
  4. Claire Bloom
  6. Theo Burrell Drop Forty bonus
  7. Graham Caveney
  8. Petula Clark
  9. Roy Clarke
  10. Joan Collins
  11. Joe Doering
  12. Ninette Finch
  13. Berry Gordy
  14. Toni Hilland
  15. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  16. Caren Marsh Doll
  17. Craig Maxwell Joker!
  18. Patrick Murray Drop Forty bonus
  19. Pete Murray
  20. Nigel Starmer-Smith Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Ncuti Bang Bang
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Colin Baker
  2. Tom Baker Joker!
  3. Michael Craig
  4. Nick Evans Unique pick
  5. Roy Evans
  6. Janet Fielding Unique pick
  7. Carole Ann Ford
  8. Sheila Hancock
  9. Frazer Hines
  10. Colin Jeavons
  11. Jean Marsh
  12. Derek Martin
  13. Kenton Moore Unique pick
  14. Carmen Munroe
  15. Donald Pelmear Unique pick
  16. Edward de Souza
  17. Laurie Webb Unique pick
  18. Anneke Wills
  19. John Woodvine
  20. Gabriel Woolf


(THEME) Nice!
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 278th
(THEME) Cool cats playing jazz, nice!
  1. George Benson Unique pick
  2. Kenny Burrell Unique pick
  3. Ron Carter Unique pick
  4. Joe Chambers Unique pick
  5. Billy Cobham Unique pick
  6. Jack DeJohnette Unique pick
  7. Jerry Goodman Unique pick
  8. Herbie Hancock Unique pick
  9. Dave Holland Unique pick
  10. Keith Jarrett
  11. Charles Lloyd Unique pick
  12. Bennie Maupin Unique pick
  13. John McLaughlin
  14. Airto Moreira Unique pick
  15. Sonny Rollins Joker!
  16. Archie Shepp Unique pick
  17. James Spaulding Unique pick
  18. Miroslav Vitous Unique pick
  19. Lenny White Unique pick
  20. Reggie Workman Unique pick


(THEME) No More Expenses
Years in DDP: 9
Best position: 146th
(THEME) Those hard-working, underpaid elected representatives of UK democracy…
  1. Alf Dubs
  2. Roy Hattersley
  3. Michael Heseltine
  4. Terence Higgins Unique pick
  5. Douglas Hurd
  6. Michael Jopling
  7. Ken Livingstone
  8. John MacGregor Unique pick
  9. James Mackay
  10. Bill O'Brien Unique pick
  11. Sally Oppenheim-Barnes Unique pick
  12. David Owen Unique pick
  13. Eileen Paisley
  14. Bill Rodgers
  15. Joan Seccombe
  16. Barry Sheerman Unique pick
  17. Roger Sims Unique pick
  18. Dennis Skinner Joker!
  19. Dick Taverne
  20. Norman Tebbit


(THEME) No Mr Bond Villain, I Expect You To Die!!!
Years in DDP: 12
Best position: 333th
(THEME) A team of Bond villains. Shocking, shimply shocking…
  1. Woody Allen Joker!
  2. Sean Bean Unique pick
  3. Kabir Bedi Unique pick
  4. Steven Berkoff Unique pick
  5. Klaus Maria Brandauer Unique pick
  6. Robert Carlyle Unique pick
  7. Robert Davi Unique pick
  8. Benicio del Toro Unique pick
  9. Joe Don Baker
  10. Bruce Glover
  11. Julian Glover
  12. Jeroen Krabbe Unique pick
  13. Rami Malek Unique pick
  14. Sophie Marceau Unique pick
  15. Wayne Newton
  16. Jonathan Pryce Unique pick
  17. Putter Smith Unique pick
  18. Don Stroud Unique pick
  19. Christopher Walken
  20. Christoph Waltz Unique pick


(THEME) Nobel Loserettes
Years in DDP: 9
Best position: 250th
(THEME) Return of the female Nobel-winners team…
  1. svetlana alexievich Unique pick
  2. Frances Arnold Unique pick
  3. Francoise Barre-Sinoussi Unique pick
  4. Elizabeth Blackburn Unique pick
  5. Linda B. Buck Unique pick
  6. Máiread Corrigan-Maguire Unique pick
  7. Shirin Ebadi Unique pick
  8. Annie Ernaux Unique pick
  9. Claudia Goldin Unique pick
  10. Elfriede Jelinek Unique pick
  11. Katalin Kariko Unique pick
  12. Aung San Suu Kyi
  13. Anne L'Huillier Unique pick
  14. Herta Müller Unique pick
  15. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Unique pick
  16. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Unique pick
  17. Donna Strickland Unique pick
  18. Jody Williams Unique pick
  19. Ada Yonath Unique pick
  20. Tu Youyou Joker!


(THEME) Nobel Notables
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 306th
(THEME) Nobel Prize winners with QO potential
  1. William C. Campbell Unique pick
  2. J.M. Coetzee Unique pick
  3. Angus Deaton Unique pick
  4. Bob Dylan
  5. Mohamed ElBaradei Unique pick
  6. Tenzin Gyatso
  7. Peter Handke Unique pick
  8. Geoffrey Hinton Unique pick
  9. Aung San Suu Kyi
  10. Mairead Maguire Unique pick
  11. Roger Penrose
  12. Adolfo PEREZ ESQUIVEL Unique pick
  13. Maria Ressa Unique pick
  14. Amartya Sen Unique pick
  15. Wole Soyinka Unique pick
  16. Mario Vargas Llosa Unique pick
  17. Lech Walesa Joker!
  18. John E. Walker Unique pick
  19. Dr James Watson
  20. Tu Youyou


(THEME) Norman Lear and All His Friends
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 424th
(THEME) One degree of separation from Norman Lear, in one case, even zero
  1. Adrienne Barbeau Unique pick
  2. Mary Jo Catlett Unique pick
  3. Mindy Cohn Unique pick
  4. James Cromwell Unique pick
  5. William Daniels
  6. Marla Gibbs
  7. Lee Grant Joker!
  8. Geri Jewell Unique pick
  9. Rita Moreno
  10. Greg Mullavey Unique pick
  11. Jenny O’Hara Unique pick
  12. Mackenzie Phillips Unique pick
  13. Mary Kay Place Unique pick
  14. rob reiner Unique pick
  15. Ron Rifkin
  16. Sally Struthers Unique pick
  17. Holland Taylor Unique pick
  18. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus
  19. Jimmie Walker
  20. Demond Wilson Unique pick


(Theme) Not going in a Black Cab
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Tony Caunter Unique pick
  2. Brian Croucher Unique pick
  3. Peter Dean Unique pick
  4. Sheila Hancock
  5. Joan Hooley Unique pick
  6. Madhur Jaffrey
  7. Michael Keating
  8. Elizabeth Kelly
  9. Elaine Lordan Unique pick
  10. Derek Martin
  11. Ann Mitchell Unique pick
  12. Polly Perkins Unique pick
  13. Gavin Richards Unique pick
  14. Leslie Schofield
  15. Corinne Skinner-Carter Unique pick
  16. Pam St. Clement
  17. Christopher Timothy Unique pick
  18. Rudolph Walker
  19. Daniella Westbrook Joker!
  20. Kate Williams


(THEME) OAPs (Old American Politicians)
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 229th
(THEME) Old American Politicians
  1. Joanne C. Benson Unique pick
  2. Joe Biden Drop Forty bonus
  3. Nicholas F. Brady
  4. Gloria Butler Unique pick
  5. Dick Cheney
  6. Elizabeth Dole
  7. Michael Dukakis
  8. Kay Granger
  9. Chuck Grassley
  10. Ed Harbison Unique pick
  11. Pat Leahy
  12. Edwin Meese
  13. Nancy Pelosi
  14. Pat Roberts Unique pick
  15. Pat Saiki
  16. Jim Sensenbrenner Unique pick
  17. Richard Shelby
  18. (senator) Alan Simpson
  19. J. T. Waggoner Unique pick Joker!
  20. Jennifer Wexton


(THEME) Old As Dirt
Years in DDP: 11
Best position: 41th
(THEME) Those who have passed the 100 mark. Potential for lots of hits but few points...
  1. Ray Anthony
  2. Diana Armfield
  3. David Attenborough Drop Forty bonus
  4. Anne Baker Joker!
  5. Mel Brooks Drop Forty bonus
  6. John Cruickshank
  7. Frank Gehry
  8. Lee Grant
  9. Alan Greenspan
  10. Marjorie Johnson Unique pick
  11. Elizabeth Kirkby Unique pick
  12. June Lockhart
  13. Jim Lovell
  14. Caren Marsh Doll
  15. Brenda Milner
  16. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus
  17. Gene Shalit
  18. Fauja Singh
  19. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Old as Dirt 2
First year in DDP.
  1. Marshall Allen Unique pick
  2. Ray Anthony
  3. Gene Barge Unique pick
  4. Dennis Binder Unique pick
  5. Hazel P. Chinery Unique pick
  6. Petula Clark
  7. Shirley Jones
  8. Cleo Laine
  9. Wink Martindale
  10. Jaye P. Morgan
  11. jane morgan
  12. Willie Nelson Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  13. Yoko Ono Drop Forty bonus
  14. Johnny Pate Unique pick
  15. Sonny Rollins
  16. Carl Hilding "Doc" Severinsen
  17. Mike Stoller
  18. Frankie Valli
  19. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus
  20. Ray Walker Unique pick


(THEME) Once Shaggable, Now Baggable
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 359th
  1. Annette Andre
  2. Ursula Andress
  3. Francesca Annis Unique pick
  4. (actress) Ann-Margaret
  5. Brigitte Bardot
  6. Elsa Cardenas Unique pick
  7. Claudia Cardinale
  8. Sally Carr Unique pick
  9. Angela Douglas Unique pick
  10. Marianne Faithfull
  11. Jane Fonda
  12. Eve Graham Unique pick
  13. Susan Hampshire
  14. Barbara Lord Unique pick
  15. Sophia Loren
  16. Francoise Pascal Unique pick
  17. Fiona Richmond Unique pick
  18. Clodagh Rodgers Unique pick
  19. Jill St. John Joker!
  20. Lana Wood Unique pick


(THEME) One Ball Bigger Than The Other Two
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Nick Anderton
  2. Eddie Annand
  3. Dickie Bird
  4. Stephen Darby Joker!
  5. Ronald Draper
  6. Steve Gleason
  7. Richard Hadlee
  8. Ron Headley
  9. Cliff Jones
  10. Rod Laver
  11. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  12. Jeanette Lee
  13. Sudarshan Maharaj Unique pick
  14. Craig Maxwell
  15. Steve McMichael Drop Forty bonus
  16. William "The Refrigerator" Perry
  17. Nigel Starmer-Smith Drop Forty bonus
  18. Sean Wallace
  19. Dave Watson (defender)
  20. Rex Williams


(THEME) Oscar Strikeouts
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 223th
(THEME) Oscar nominees without competitive Oscars
  1. Alan Alda
  2. (actress) Ann-Margaret
  3. Carroll Baker
  4. Barbara Barrie
  5. Ann Blyth
  6. Leslie Caron
  7. Bruce Dern
  8. Rosemary Ann Harris
  9. Sally Kirkland
  10. Diane Ladd
  11. Frank Langella
  12. Fernanda Montenegro
  13. Terry Moore
  14. Armin Mueller-Stahl
  15. Nancy Olson
  16. Joan Plowright Joker!
  17. June Squibb
  18. Terence Stamp
  19. Russ Tamblyn Unique pick
  20. Liv Ullmann


(THEME) Passing of the Passed
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 313th
(THEME) One of the more esoteric theme teams: celebrities this girl has passed in the street.
  1. Alex Brooker Unique pick
  2. Dominic Brunt Unique pick
  3. Chris Chittell Unique pick
  4. Jane Cox Unique pick
  5. Sara Cox
  6. Chris Evans Unique pick
  7. Stephen Fry Joker!
  8. Bob Geldof
  9. Ruud Gullit Unique pick
  10. Lauren Harries
  11. Melvyn Hayes
  12. Jeff Hordley Unique pick
  13. Robert Lindsay Unique pick
  14. Victor McGuire Unique pick
  15. Nick Miles Unique pick
  16. Lucy Pargeter Unique pick
  17. Wayne Sleep
  18. Peter Tatchell Unique pick
  19. John Thomson Unique pick
  20. Prince William of Wales Unique pick


(THEME) Peace, Love, and Death
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Joan Baez
  2. Stewart Brand Unique pick
  3. Tommy Chong
  4. Peter Coyote Unique pick
  5. Robert Crumb Unique pick
  6. Bob Dylan
  7. Jane Fonda
  8. Wavy Gravy Unique pick
  9. Alan Haber Unique pick
  10. Cheech Marin Unique pick
  11. Ralph Nader
  12. Graham Nash Unique pick
  13. Jack Nicholson
  14. Yoko Ono Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  15. Ed Sanders Unique pick
  16. John Searle Unique pick
  17. Dick Smothers
  18. Gary Snyder Unique pick
  19. Gloria Steinem
  20. (singer) Neil Young


(THEME) Pennsylvania Pushes Up the Daisies
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Mario Andretti
  2. Ray Anthony
  3. Frankie Avalon
  4. Cindy Birdsong
  5. Chubby Checker
  6. Noam Chomsky Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  7. Pat Crowley
  8. Jim Gardner Unique pick
  9. Marilyn Horne
  10. Keith Jarrett
  11. Shirley Jones
  12. Patti Labelle Unique pick
  13. Bam Margera
  14. Chris Matthews Unique pick
  15. David Newell
  16. Ed Rendell Unique pick
  17. Dave Roberts Unique pick
  18. Sonny Vaccaro Unique pick
  19. Bobby Vinton
  20. Danny Woodburn Unique pick


(THEME) Perfect 10
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 228th
(THEME) The stars who have ten letters in their name. Hobbled by the death of Heinz Wolff in the pre-match warm-up, can they still do us proud?
  1. Felipe Alou Unique pick Joker!
  2. Asha Bhosle Unique pick
  3. Erika Blanc Unique pick
  4. Ralph Brand Unique pick
  5. Tinto Brass Unique pick
  6. Anne Briggs Unique pick
  7. Jimmy Cliff Unique pick
  8. Wendy Craig
  9. Jenny Craig Unique pick
  10. Roy Emerson Unique pick
  11. Susan Engel Unique pick
  12. Gary Farmer Unique pick
  13. Paddy Jones Unique pick
  14. Chasey Lain Unique pick
  15. Peggy Miley Unique pick
  16. Janette Oke Unique pick
  17. Corinne Orr Unique pick
  18. Jost Vacano Unique pick
  19. Anne Vernon
  20. Jack Warner Unique pick


(THEME) Play Ball!
First year in DDP.
  1. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  2. Donnie Allison Unique pick
  3. Terry Bradshaw Unique pick
  4. Rod Carew Unique pick
  5. Kathy Cornelius
  6. Bob Cousy
  7. Mike Ditka
  8. Steve Gleason
  9. Bob Hainlen Unique pick
  10. Chris Hoy Drop Forty bonus
  11. Marta Karolyi Unique pick
  12. Agnes Keleti
  13. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  14. Tiana Mangakahia
  15. Steve McMichael Drop Forty bonus
  16. Randy Moss
  17. Ryne Sandberg Joker!
  18. Art Schallock
  19. Katie Schumacher-Cawley Unique pick
  20. Joe Thompson


(THEME) Players in The Player
First year in DDP.
  1. Michael Bowen Unique pick
  2. Gary Busey
  3. (singer/actress) Cher
  4. Cathy Lee Crosby Unique pick
  5. Paul Dooley Joker!
  6. Felicia Farr
  7. Dennis Franz Unique pick
  8. Scott Glenn Unique pick
  9. Elliott Gould
  10. Joel Grey
  11. Sally Kirkland
  12. Malcolm McDowell
  13. Nick Nolte
  14. Alan Rudolph Unique pick
  15. Jill St. John
  16. Joan Tewkesbury Unique pick
  17. Lily Tomlin
  18. Robert Wagner
  19. Bruce Willis Drop Forty bonus
  20. (rapper) Young MC Unique pick


(THEME) Poor Little Ghoul
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 385th
(THEME) Soul and blues musicians about to turn blue and soulless
  1. Frankie Avalon
  2. Archie Bell Unique pick
  3. Gary U.S. Bonds
  4. Lou Christie Unique pick
  5. Dave Baby Cortez Unique pick
  6. Johnny Farina Unique pick
  7. Santo Farina Unique pick
  8. Ruby Nash Garnett Unique pick
  9. Bobby Goldsboro Unique pick
  10. Mark Lindsay Unique pick
  11. Barry McGuire Joker!
  12. Shirley Owens Unique pick
  13. Vito Picone Unique pick
  14. Johnny Rivers Unique pick
  15. Tommy Roe
  16. Jay Siegel Unique pick
  17. Billy Swan Unique pick
  18. Nino Tempo Unique pick
  19. Dean Torrence
  20. Gary Troxel Unique pick


(THEME) Pop goes the Wurzels
Years in DDP: 6
Best position: 189th
(THEME) Pop pop, pop music.
  1. Tommy Banner Unique pick
  2. Joe Brown
  3. Pete Budd Unique pick
  4. Clarence Carter
  5. Clem Cattini
  6. Dion DiMucci
  7. Roberta Flack Drop Forty bonus
  8. Gary Glitter
  9. Berry Gordy
  10. Athol Guy Unique pick
  11. Jackie Lee
  12. Ketty Lester Unique pick
  13. John Leyton
  14. jane morgan
  15. Pete Murray
  16. Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  17. Freda Payne
  18. Martha Reeves
  19. Andy Taylor Drop Forty bonus
  20. Marty Wilde


(THEME) Punk is Dead
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 285th
(THEME) Punk musicians
  1. Viv Albertine Unique pick
  2. Wattie Buchan Joker!
  3. Rick Buckler Unique pick
  4. Jake Burns Unique pick
  5. Steve Diggle Unique pick
  6. Vic Godard Unique pick
  7. Charlie Harper Unique pick
  8. Topper Headon Unique pick
  9. Brian James Unique pick
  10. David Johansen
  11. Steve Jones Unique pick
  12. (singer) Knox Unique pick
  13. Pablo Labritain Unique pick
  14. Peter Perrett Unique pick
  15. Jimmy Pursey Unique pick
  16. Marky Ramone
  17. Penny Rimbaud Unique pick
  18. Max Splodge Unique pick
  19. Dan Treacy Unique pick
  20. Ed Tudor-Pole Unique pick


(THEME) Rappers Delight
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 470th
(THEME) Rappers living the dangerous life
  1. (rapper) 22Gz Unique pick Joker!
  2. (rapper) 24kGoldn Unique pick
  3. 50 Cent Unique pick
  4. (rapper) 6ix9ine
  5. Lil Baby
  6. Bhad Bhabie
  7. Kodak Black Unique pick
  8. Chris Brown Unique pick
  9. P Diddy
  10. Dr Dre
  11. (rapper) Eminem
  12. Grandmaster Flash Unique pick
  13. Fivio Foreign Unique pick
  14. Sheff G Unique pick
  15. Sleepy Hallow Unique pick
  16. Baby Keem Unique pick
  17. Lil Nas X Unique pick
  18. Pooh Shiesty Unique pick
  19. Kid Trunks Unique pick
  20. Fetty Wap Unique pick


(THEME) Ready For My Closed Lid, Mr. DeMille
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Brigitte Auber
  2. Claire Bloom
  3. Julie Goodyear Drop Forty bonus
  4. Lee Grant
  5. Rosemary Ann Harris
  6. Tippi Hedren
  7. June Lockhart Joker!
  8. Lisa Lu
  9. Caren Marsh Doll
  10. Claire Maurier
  11. Nancy Olson
  12. Genevieve Page Unique pick
  13. Joan Plowright
  14. Maria Riva
  15. Marion Ross
  16. Patricia Routledge
  17. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus
  18. June Squibb
  19. Mamie Van Doren Unique pick
  20. Joanne Woodward Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Rolls Off The Tongue
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 223th
(THEME)People with interesting sounding names
  1. Maude Apatow Unique pick
  2. John Wayne Bobbitt Unique pick
  3. Peter Bonerz
  4. Young Boozer Unique pick
  5. Bambos Charalambous Unique pick
  6. Hopewell Chin'ono Unique pick
  7. Bob Dishy
  8. Roy Face Unique pick
  9. Marlin Fitzwater Unique pick
  10. Jerry Kill Unique pick
  11. Swoosie Kurtz Unique pick
  12. Bobby Mukkamala Unique pick
  13. Fatos Nano Unique pick Joker!
  14. Devin Ratray Unique pick
  15. Socrates Rizzo Unique pick
  16. Ludwig Scotty Unique pick
  17. Otis Sistrunk Unique pick
  18. Anna Smashnova Unique pick
  19. Mighty Sparrow
  20. Floyd Vivino Unique pick


(THEME) Ruling The Afterlife
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 181th
(THEME) World leaders
  1. Salman bin Abdul Aziz
  2. King Albert II Unique pick
  3. Paul Biya
  4. Muhammadu Buhari Unique pick
  5. Raúl Castro
  6. Bernadette Chirac
  7. Jean Chrétien
  8. Pope Francis Drop Forty bonus
  9. King Harald V of Norway Joker!
  10. Ion Iliescu
  11. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
  12. Imelda Marcos
  13. Queen Margrethe II
  14. Empress Michiko
  15. Mahathir Mohamad
  16. Jose Mujica
  17. Sam Nujoma
  18. Isabel Peron
  19. Queen Sirikit
  20. Khaleda Zia


(THEME) Rushing to Tim Horton's for Maple Donuts
Years in DDP: 11
Best position: 203th
(THEME) Get out the maple syrup, it's the Canadians!
  1. Denys Arcand Unique pick
  2. Randy Bachman Unique pick
  3. J. J. Barrie
  4. scotty bowman Unique pick
  5. Miquel Brown Unique pick
  6. Genevieve Bujold Unique pick
  7. Tantoo Cardinal
  8. Don Cherry Unique pick Joker!
  9. Bonnie Dobson Unique pick
  10. Sidney j. Furie Unique pick
  11. Alan Hamel Unique pick
  12. Martha Johnson Unique pick
  13. Geddy Lee Unique pick
  14. Ruta Lee Unique pick
  15. Antonine Maillet Unique pick
  16. Terre Nash Unique pick
  17. Bob Pulford Unique pick
  18. David Suzuki
  19. Norm Ullman Unique pick
  20. Lyman Ward Unique pick


(THEME) Russian Box Players
First year in DDP.
  1. Oleg Basilashvili Unique pick
  2. Nikolay Drozdov Unique pick
  3. Svetlana Druzhinina Unique pick
  4. Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina Unique pick
  5. Larisa Golubkina Unique pick
  6. Ivan Krasko
  7. Raisa Kurvyakova Unique pick
  8. Vasily Livanov Unique pick
  9. Stanislav Lyubshin Unique pick
  10. Alexander Mitta Joker!
  11. Sergey Nikonenko Unique pick
  12. Aleksandra Pakhmutova Unique pick
  13. Tatyana Piletskaya Unique pick
  14. Mintimer Shaimiev Unique pick
  15. Georgy Shtil Unique pick
  16. Oleg Strizhenov Unique pick
  17. Margarita Terekhova Unique pick
  18. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova
  19. Vladimir Zamansky Unique pick
  20. Alexander Zatsepin Unique pick


(THEME) Sad Last Days
Years in DDP: 9
Best position: 233rd
(THEME) Dedicated to those National Enquirer headline grabbers. It's all true I tell yuz…
  1. Alan Alda
  2. Ursula Andress
  3. Chevy Chase
  4. (singer/actress) Cher
  5. Bill Clinton
  6. Bill Cosby Drop Forty bonus
  7. Macaulay Culkin Joker!
  8. Michael Douglas
  9. Katherine Jackson
  10. Val Kilmer
  11. Sophia Loren
  12. Jack Nicholson Drop Forty bonus
  13. Yoko Ono
  14. Valerie Perrine
  15. Priscilla Presley
  16. Robert Redford
  17. Linda Ronstadt
  18. Robert Wagner
  19. Bruce Willis
  20. Joanne Woodward Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel
Years in DDP: 13
Best position: 221th
(THEME) The Caped Crusader is the theme here. BIFF! BAM! POW!
  1. Ben Affleck
  2. John Astin Joker!
  3. Christian Bale
  4. Michael Caine
  5. Jim Carrey
  6. George Clooney Unique pick
  7. Joan Collins
  8. Danny DeVito
  9. Jeremy Irons Unique pick
  10. Michael Keaton Unique pick
  11. Val Kilmer
  12. Tommy Lee Jones Unique pick
  13. Lee Meriwether
  14. Julie Newmar
  15. Jack Nicholson
  16. Chris O'Donnell Unique pick
  17. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  18. Jill St. John
  19. Christopher Walken
  20. Burt Ward


(THEME) Saturday Night Dead
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 431th
(THEME) Saturday Night Live hosts and cast members
  1. Candice Bergen Unique pick
  2. Delta Burke Unique pick
  3. Ellen Burstyn
  4. Dick Cavett
  5. Chevy Chase
  6. Tim Curry
  7. Angie Dickinson
  8. Elliott Gould
  9. Eric Idle
  10. Victoria Jackson Joker!
  11. Robert Klein
  12. Louise Lasser
  13. Garrett Morris Unique pick
  14. Ralph Nader
  15. Randy Newman Unique pick
  16. Paula Prentiss
  17. Dick Smothers
  18. Fran Tarkenton Unique pick
  19. Bob Uecker
  20. James Van Der Beek


(THEME) Scrubber Out
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 432th
(THEME) With the stars of adult entertainment enjoying a life expectancy similar to that of pro-wrestlers these days, this team could stand a great shot
  1. Asa Akira Unique pick
  2. tori black Unique pick
  3. Adriana Chechik Unique pick
  4. Sophie Dee Unique pick
  5. Liza Del Sierra Unique pick
  6. Nina Hartley Unique pick
  7. Madison Ivy Unique pick
  8. Josephine Jackson Unique pick
  9. Anissa Kate Unique pick
  10. Natasha Nice Unique pick
  11. Lauren Phillips Unique pick
  12. Alanah Rae Unique pick
  13. Diana Rius Unique pick
  14. Richelle Ryan Unique pick
  15. Skylar Snow Unique pick
  16. Georgina Spelvin Unique pick
  17. India Summer Unique pick
  18. Dayna Vendetta Unique pick
  19. Angela White Unique pick
  20. Emily Willis Joker!


(THEME) Shake, Rattle, Roll Over and Play Dead
Years in DDP: 13
Best position: 215th
(THEME) Rock and pop stars is the theme…
  1. Freddy Cannon Unique pick
  2. Gene Chandler
  3. Chubby Checker
  4. Sonny Curtis Unique pick
  5. Dion DiMucci
  6. Fabian Forte Unique pick
  7. Berry Gordy
  8. Brenda Lee
  9. Darlene Love
  10. Mike Love Unique pick
  11. Martha Reeves
  12. Cliff Richard
  13. Keith Richards
  14. Grace Slick
  15. Ringo Starr
  16. Mike Stoller
  17. Sly Stone
  18. Frankie Valli
  19. Brian Wilson
  20. Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!


(THEME) She’s a Dead Skate, Charlie Brown
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 419th
(THEME) Skating the ice
  1. Tenley Albright Unique pick
  2. Dick Button Joker!
  3. Dianne de Leeuw Unique pick
  4. Jacqueline du Bief Unique pick
  5. Christine Haigler Unique pick
  6. Dorothy Hamill Unique pick
  7. Scott HAMILTON
  8. Tonya Harding Unique pick
  9. Carol Heiss Unique pick
  10. David Jenkins Unique pick
  11. Hayes Alan Jenkins
  12. Peter Kennedy Unique pick
  13. John Nicks Unique pick
  14. Irina Rodnina Unique pick
  15. Barbara Roles Unique pick
  16. Todd Sand Unique pick
  17. Sissy Schwarz Unique pick
  18. JoJo Starbuck Unique pick
  19. Tatiana Tarasova Unique pick
  20. Eteri Tutberidze Unique pick


(THEME) sid and marty coffin
Years in DDP: 11
Best position: 238th
(THEME) The Canadian children's puppeteers who sued McDonald's for pinching their act (and won!) is the theme…
  1. Woody Allen
  2. Rick Astley Unique pick
  3. Scott BAIO Unique pick
  4. Ruth Buzzi Joker!
  5. Tim Curry
  6. Rick Dees Unique pick
  7. Bruce Dern
  8. Wesley Eure Unique pick
  9. Deidre Hall Unique pick
  10. Bill Hudson Unique pick
  11. Sid Krofft
  12. John McIndoe Unique pick
  13. Ted Nichols Unique pick
  14. Marie Osmond Unique pick
  15. Butch Patrick Unique pick
  16. Paul Simon
  17. Mike Tyson
  18. Jimmie Walker
  19. Johnny Whitaker Unique pick
  20. Paul Williams


(THEME) Six Feet Under the Dome
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
(THEME) Current & former members of the US Congress
  1. Joe Biden Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  2. Rudy Boschwitz Unique pick
  3. Norm Coleman
  4. Gerry Connolly
  5. Al D'Amato Unique pick
  6. Elizabeth Dole
  7. Kay Granger
  8. Chuck Grassley
  9. Raul Grijalva
  10. Lee Hamilton Unique pick
  11. Pat Leahy
  12. Sander Levin
  13. Mitch McConnell
  14. George Mitchell
  15. Bob Packwood
  16. Charles Rangel Unique pick
  17. David Scott
  18. Richard Shelby
  19. (senator) Alan Simpson
  20. Andrew Young


(THEME) Slippery Soap
Years in DDP: 9
Best position: 159th
(THEME) Veteran soap actors…
  1. Norman Bowler Unique pick
  2. Eileen Derbyshire
  3. Helen Fraser Unique pick
  4. Julie Goodyear Drop Forty bonus
  5. Patricia Greene
  6. Malcolm Hebden Unique pick
  7. Tippi Hedren
  8. Madge Hindle
  9. Renny Lister Unique pick
  10. Judy Loe
  11. Angela Piper Unique pick
  12. Jane Rossington
  13. Patricia Routledge
  14. Eva Marie Saint Drop Forty bonus
  15. Prunella Scales Drop Forty bonus
  16. Ian Smith Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  17. Edward de Souza
  18. Bill Steel
  19. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus
  20. Daniella Westbrook


(THEME) snooker loopy c*NTS are we
First year in DDP.
  1. Maureen baynton Unique pick
  2. Tony drago Unique pick
  3. Ray Edmonds Unique pick
  4. Geoff Foulds Unique pick
  5. Adrian Gunnell Unique pick
  6. Steve James Unique pick
  7. Mike Massey Unique pick
  8. Tony Meo Unique pick
  9. Paul Mifsud Unique pick
  10. Paddy Morgan Unique pick
  11. Maurice Parkin Unique pick
  12. leo scullion Unique pick
  13. Kirk Stevens Unique pick
  14. Wael Talaat Unique pick
  15. David Taylor Unique pick
  16. Geoff Thompson Unique pick
  17. Jimmy Van Rensberg Unique pick
  18. John Virgo Unique pick
  19. John Williams
  20. Rex Williams Joker!


(THEME) Space Wasters
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 209th
(THEME) Crooks, murderers and perverts
  1. Joe Arpaio Unique pick
  2. Jim Bakker
  3. Sidney Cooke
  4. Bill Cosby
  5. Joseph James Deangelo Unique pick
  6. Joseph Fritzl
  7. Irmgard Furchner
  8. Stuart Hall
  9. dennis hastert Unique pick
  10. Ron Jeremy
  11. Bob Packwood
  12. Roman Polanski
  13. Charlie Rose Unique pick
  14. Jerry Sandusky
  15. Charles Sobhraj Unique pick
  16. Rev. Jimmy Swaggart
  17. Donald Trump Drop Forty bonus
  18. Harvey Weinstein Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  19. Rose West
  20. Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Special:RandomInCategory/Living_people
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 296th
(THEME) 4000 random Wikipedia articles opened in the category 'Living people', and pick the 20 who I believe are most likely to be hits this year.
  1. Sihem Bensedrine Unique pick
  2. Micah Bowie Unique pick
  3. Jane Campbell Unique pick
  4. Princess Catherine
  5. Omer Sarfraz Cheema Unique pick
  6. (singer) Elyana Unique pick
  7. Chris Evert
  8. Felicity Green Unique pick Joker!
  9. Sheikh Sajjad Gul Unique pick
  10. Maggi Hambling Unique pick
  11. Tommy Hunt Unique pick
  12. Brian "Liver King" Johnson
  13. George Khabbaz Unique pick
  14. Jake LLOYD Unique pick
  15. Marilyn Maye Unique pick
  16. George Nigh Unique pick
  17. Diabao Praddo Unique pick
  18. L. A. Reid Unique pick
  19. Carmen Vazquez Rivera Unique pick
  20. Maksym Zhorin Unique pick


(THEME) Sportspeople I Think Might Die in 2025 United
First year in DDP.
  1. Wilfred Benitez
  2. Jason Bowen
  3. Greg Brooks Unique pick
  4. Stephen Darby
  5. Aidon Davis Unique pick
  6. Steve Gleason
  7. Archie Goodburn
  8. Eddie Jordan
  9. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  10. Terry McDermott
  11. Steve McMichael Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  12. Ludek Miklosko Drop Forty bonus
  13. Angela Mortimer
  14. Randy Moss
  15. George Reilly Unique pick
  16. Frank Sedgman
  17. Fauja Singh
  18. John Tudor Unique pick
  19. Juan Carlos Unzue
  20. Dave Watson (defender)


(THEME) St. Peter’s Warblers
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 149th
(THEME) A theme of musicians, clearly
  1. Shirley Bassey
  2. Cindy Birdsong
  3. Michael Bolton
  4. Pat Boone
  5. Chubby Checker
  6. Petula Clark
  7. Dion DiMucci
  8. Roberta Flack Drop Forty bonus
  9. Connie Francis
  10. Berry Gordy
  11. Cleo Laine
  12. Johnny Mathis
  13. jane morgan
  14. Yoko Ono Drop Forty bonus
  15. Smokey Robinson
  16. Tommy Steele Joker!
  17. Ray Stevens
  18. Frankie Valli
  19. Leroy Van Dyke
  20. Bobby Vinton


(THEME) Stars on Hice
First year in DDP.
  1. Toshiko Akiyoshi Unique pick
  2. George Ariyoshi Unique pick
  3. Bernadette Chirac
  4. Alex Delvecchio Unique pick
  5. Will Hutchins
  6. Sophie Kinsella Drop Forty bonus
  7. Hilary Knight Unique pick
  8. Sid Krofft
  9. Rudolph A. Marcus
  10. Brenda Milner Joker!
  11. Mahathir Mohamad
  12. Tomiichi Murayama
  13. Thomas Noguchi Unique pick
  14. Cynthia Ozick Unique pick
  15. Stu Phillips
  16. John POLANYI Unique pick
  17. Phil Roman Unique pick
  18. Shintaro Tsuji
  19. Gilles Vigneault Unique pick
  20. Jacqueline White


(THEME) Stay Golden
First year in DDP.
  1. Barbara Babcock
  2. Bonnie Bartlett
  3. Oliver Clark Unique pick
  4. Bob Dishy
  5. Elinor Donahue
  6. Paul Dooley
  7. Lou Felder Unique pick
  8. Johnny Gilbert
  9. Lynn Hamilton
  10. George Hearn
  11. Polly Holliday
  12. Terry Kiser
  13. Monte Landis Unique pick
  14. Hal Linden
  15. Monte Markham Unique pick
  16. Jim McKrell Unique pick
  17. Rita Moreno
  18. Ronnie Schell Unique pick
  19. Brenda Vaccaro
  20. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus Joker!


(THEME) Sudden Death
Years in DDP: 11
Best position: 68th
(THEME) Football, fussball, voetbal etc...
  1. Mike Bailey Unique pick
  3. Jimmy Calderwood Joker!
  4. Gordon Cowans
  5. Stephen Darby
  6. John Deehan Unique pick
  7. Bryan Douglas
  8. Colin Gibson Unique pick
  9. Brian Horton Unique pick
  10. Alan Hudson Unique pick
  11. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  12. Mick Lyons Unique pick
  13. Terry McDermott
  14. Colin McDonald
  15. Alan Mullery Unique pick
  16. Terry Paine Unique pick
  17. Tony Parkes
  18. Gary Parkinson Unique pick
  19. Alan Peacock
  20. Dave Watson (defender)


(THEME) Thank You For The Music
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. T. L. Barrett Unique pick Joker!
  2. Jorge Ben Unique pick
  3. Roberto Carlos Unique pick
  4. Hermine Demoriane Unique pick
  5. Christiane F Unique pick
  6. Gilberto Gil Unique pick
  7. Wanda Jackson
  8. Meiko Kaji Unique pick
  9. Dandy Livingstone Unique pick
  10. Ney Matogrosso Unique pick
  11. (singer) Mina Unique pick
  12. (musician) Palmolive Unique pick
  13. Linda Perhacs Unique pick
  14. Jeanne Pruett Unique pick
  15. Irmin Schmidt Unique pick
  16. Meic Stevens Unique pick
  17. (musician) Tonetta Unique pick
  18. Caetano Veloso Unique pick
  19. Robert Wyatt
  20. Kourosh YAGHMAEI Unique pick


(THEME) Thanks for being a Sport
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 184th
(THEME) Sports Men and Women
  1. Sam Allardyce Unique pick
  2. Dennis Amiss
  3. Bill Beaumont Unique pick
  4. Dickie Bird
  5. Henry Blofeld
  6. Geoff Boycott
  7. Mike Brearley Unique pick
  8. Willie Carson Joker!
  9. Mick CHANNON Unique pick
  10. Bernard Gallacher Unique pick
  11. Larisa Latynina Unique pick
  12. Rod Laver
  13. Jeanette Lee
  14. Angela Mortimer
  15. Rosa Mota Unique pick
  16. Bobby Orr Unique pick
  17. Kathrine Switzer Unique pick
  18. Lee Trevino
  19. Christine Truman Unique pick
  20. Alex Zanardi Unique pick


(THEME) The Big Brain Theory
First year in DDP.
  1. Mayim Bialik Unique pick
  2. Bill Cosby
  3. Brian Edward COX Unique pick
  4. Lenny Henry Unique pick
  5. Dexter Holland Unique pick
  6. Vitali Klitschko Unique pick
  7. Wladimir Klitschko Unique pick
  8. Ria Lina Unique pick
  9. Loretta Long Unique pick Joker!
  10. Brian May
  11. Morris Mott Unique pick
  12. Christopher Nowinski Unique pick
  13. Shaquille O’Neal Unique pick
  14. Tom Osborne Unique pick
  15. (singer) Serrini Unique pick
  16. Sam Shepard Unique pick
  17. John Urschel Unique pick
  18. Indre Viskontas Unique pick
  19. Sophie Ward Unique pick
  20. Mikhail Youzhny Unique pick


(THEME) The Cabinet of the Grim Reaper
First year in DDP.
  1. James Baker Unique pick
  2. W. Michael Blumenthal Joker!
  3. Nicholas F. Brady
  4. William Cohen Unique pick
  5. Elizabeth Dole
  6. Barbara Franklin Unique pick
  7. Carla Anderson Hills
  8. Donald Hodel Unique pick
  9. Alphonso Jackson Unique pick
  10. Ray Marshall Unique pick
  11. Lynn M. Martin Unique pick
  12. Edwin Meese
  13. Leon Panetta
  14. William J. Perry
  15. Anthony Principi Unique pick
  16. Tom Ridge Unique pick
  17. Wilbur Ross
  18. Samuel K. Skinner Unique pick
  19. Tommy Thompson Unique pick
  20. Ann Veneman Unique pick


(THEME) The Dead Kennedys
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 248th
  1. Martha Argerich
  2. Martina Arroyo Unique pick
  3. Joan Baez
  4. Plácido Domingo
  5. Clint Eastwood Drop Forty bonus
  6. Philip Glass Unique pick
  7. Buddy Guy Unique pick
  8. John Kander
  9. Zubin Mehta Unique pick
  10. Joni Mitchell
  11. Leontyne Price
  12. Sonny Rollins
  13. Linda Ronstadt
  14. Carlos Santana
  15. Twyla Tharp Unique pick
  16. Michael Tilson Thomas Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  17. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus
  18. Edward Villella Unique pick
  19. Dionne Warwick
  20. Joanne Woodward Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) The Fat Lady's singing...
Years in DDP: 6
Best position: 345th
(THEME) Opera
  1. Janet Baker
  2. Josephine Barstow Unique pick
  3. Jane Berbie Unique pick
  4. Richard Bonynge Unique pick
  5. Jose Carreras Unique pick
  6. Fiorenza Cossotto Unique pick
  7. Jose van Dam Unique pick
  8. Plácido Domingo
  9. Reri Grist Unique pick
  10. Marilyn Horne
  11. Gillian Knight Unique pick
  12. Rene Kollo Unique pick
  13. Valerie Masterson Unique pick
  14. Sherrill Milnes Unique pick Joker!
  15. Cynthia Morey Unique pick
  16. Leontyne Price
  17. Ruggero Raimondi Unique pick
  18. Tamara Sinyavskaya Unique pick
  19. Teresa Stratas Unique pick
  20. Christoph von Dohnanyi Unique pick


(THEME) The Gallifrey Regeneration Game
Years in DDP: 6
Best position: 401th
(THEME) Oldest living Dr Who actors. Steven Moffat will contrive a way for them to survive come what may…
  1. Tony Adams (Actor) Unique pick
  2. Christopher Benjamin Unique pick
  3. Christopher H. Bidmead Unique pick
  4. Forbes Collins Unique pick
  5. Vernon Dobtcheff Unique pick Joker!
  6. Donald Douglas Unique pick
  7. Roy Evans
  8. David Garfield Unique pick
  9. Hannah Gordon Unique pick
  10. Janet Henfrey Unique pick
  11. Philip Hinchcliffe Unique pick
  12. Ian Hogg Unique pick
  13. Martin Jarvis Unique pick
  14. Milton Johns Unique pick
  15. Mary Peach Unique pick
  16. anne reid
  17. Eric Saward Unique pick
  18. Wanda Ventham Unique pick
  19. Tristan de Vere Cole Unique pick
  20. Anneke Wills


(THEME) The Golden State Strikes Back
First year in DDP.
  1. Herb Alpert
  2. Nicole Aniston Unique pick
  3. Robert Duvall
  4. Clint Eastwood Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  5. Sally Field Unique pick
  6. Gene Hackman
  7. Kamala Harris
  8. Paris Hilton Unique pick
  9. Dustin Hoffman
  10. Diane Keaton Unique pick
  11. Lee Meriwether
  12. Ron Mix Unique pick
  13. Julie Newmar
  14. Gavin Newsom Unique pick
  15. Robert Redford
  16. Octavia Red Unique pick
  17. Tasha Reign Unique pick
  18. Michael Savage Unique pick
  19. Darryl Strawberry Unique pick
  20. Tiger Woods Unique pick


(THEME) The Lord God Slayed Them All
Years in DDP: 2
Best position:
  1. Wayne Allard Unique pick
  2. Hamish Denny Unique pick
  3. Peter Doherty Unique pick
  4. Herbert Haupt Unique pick
  5. Mark Johnston Unique pick
  6. Richard M. Linnehan Unique pick
  7. Zoltan Magyar Unique pick
  8. Keith Meldrum Unique pick
  9. Denis Napthine Unique pick
  10. Rich Nye Unique pick
  11. Peter Ostrum Unique pick
  12. John Oxx Unique pick
  13. Sonny Perdue Unique pick
  14. Brian Perry Unique pick
  15. James Rollins Unique pick
  16. Elmo Shropshire Joker!
  17. Des Thompson Unique pick
  18. James Thomson Unique pick
  19. Debbye Turner Unique pick
  20. Dermot Weld Unique pick


(THEME) The Retched pong of Brit sit-com
Years in DDP: 5
Best position: 222th
(THEME) Brit sitcom actors
  1. Stanley Baxter Drop Forty bonus
  2. James Bolam
  3. Peter Cellier
  4. Roy Clarke
  5. Peter Cleall Unique pick
  6. Wendy Craig
  7. Annette Crosbie
  8. Sheila Hancock
  9. Ram John Holder
  10. Nerys Hughes Unique pick
  11. Penelope Keith
  12. Elsie Kelly Unique pick
  13. Mike Kinsey
  14. Michael Knowles
  15. Andria Lawrence Unique pick
  16. Carmen Munroe
  17. Brian Murphy
  18. Patrick Murray Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  19. Richard O'Sullivan
  20. Richard Wilson


(THEME) The Sick-Bed of Cuchulainn
Years in DDP: 6
Best position: 81th
(THEME) The Emerald Isle.
  1. Audrey Dalton Unique pick
  2. Ronnie Delany Unique pick
  3. Robin Eames
  4. James Hamilton Unique pick
  5. Johanna Harwood
  6. Jennifer Johnston Unique pick
  7. Eddie Jordan
  8. Henry Kelly Unique pick
  9. Jackie Lee
  10. Philomena Lee
  11. Annie Maguire Unique pick
  12. George Morrison Unique pick
  13. Henry Mountcharles Unique pick
  14. Sam Neill
  15. Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  16. Mick O'Dwyer Unique pick
  17. Rory O'Hanlon Unique pick
  18. Mary O'Hara Unique pick
  19. MICHAEL SMURFIT Unique pick
  20. John Walker


(THEME) The Survivors
Years in DDP: 8
Best position: 288th
(THEME) Some more survivors but for how long?
  1. Peter Asher Unique pick
  2. John Astin Joker!
  3. Max Baer, Jr. Unique pick
  4. (singer/actress) Cher
  5. Joyce DeWitt Unique pick
  6. Micky Dolenz
  7. Barry Gibb
  8. Merald "Bubba" Knight Unique pick
  9. Tina Louise
  10. Jerry Mathers Unique pick
  11. Bill Medley
  12. Sam Moore
  13. Carl Palmer
  14. Michelle Phillips
  15. Diana Ross
  16. Andy Scott
  17. Dick Smothers
  18. Toni Tennille Unique pick
  19. Otis Williams
  20. Brian Wilson


(THEME) The Talking Dead
Years in DDP: 4
Best position: 249th
(THEME) The Talking Dead
  1. David Attenborough Drop Forty bonus
  2. James Burke
  3. Dick Cavett
  4. Tom Keene Unique pick
  5. Jay Leno
  6. David Letterman
  7. Tim Lovejoy Unique pick
  8. Dennis Miller Unique pick
  9. Piers Morgan
  10. Ozzy Osbourne Drop Forty bonus
  11. Sharon Osbourne
  12. Esther Rantzen Drop Forty bonus
  13. Geraldo Rivera
  14. Orion Samuelson Unique pick
  15. Frank Skinner Unique pick
  16. Rick Steves
  17. Ted Turner
  18. John Tesh
  19. James Whale Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  20. Wendy Williams


(THEME) The Writing's On The Wall
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 436th
(THEME) Bond movie theme song singers - I expect you to die
  1. (singer) Adele Unique pick
  2. Shirley Bassey
  3. Rita Coolidge Unique pick
  4. Sheryl Crow Unique pick
  5. Sheena Easton Unique pick
  6. Billie Eilish Unique pick
  7. Lani Hall Unique pick
  8. Morten Harket Unique pick
  9. Tom Jones
  10. Alicia Keys Unique pick
  11. Gladys Knight Joker!
  12. Simon Le Bon
  13. (singer) Lulu
  14. (singer) Madonna
  15. Shirley Manson Unique pick
  16. Paul McCartney
  17. Carly Simon
  18. Nancy Sinatra
  19. Sam Smith Unique pick
  20. Jack White Unique pick


(THEME) There is nothing like a dame
Years in DDP: 5
Best position: 141th
(THEME) Now with one more dame and one fewer Queen
  1. Julie Andrews
  2. Eileen Atkins
  3. Janet Baker
  4. Shirley Bassey
  5. Elizabeth Butler-Sloss Unique pick
  6. Joan Collins
  7. Judi Dench
  8. Antonia Fraser
  9. Jane Goodall
  10. Cleo Laine
  11. Virginia McKenna Unique pick
  12. Siân Phillips
  13. Joan Plowright
  14. Shirley Porter Unique pick
  15. Vanessa Redgrave Joker!
  16. Stella Rimington Unique pick
  17. Patricia Routledge
  18. Steve SHIRLEY Unique pick
  19. Julie Walters
  20. Jacqueline Wilson Unique pick


(THEME) They think it's all over
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 66th
  1. Eddie Annand
  2. George Burley
  3. George Connelly Unique pick
  4. Tommy Craig Unique pick
  5. Alex Cropley
  6. David Harvey Unique pick
  7. Drew Jarvie Unique pick
  8. Denis Law Drop Forty bonus
  9. John MacPhail Unique pick
  10. Hughie McIlmoyle
  11. Frank McLintock Unique pick
  12. Neil McNab Unique pick
  13. Bobby Moncur Unique pick
  14. Jackie Plenderleith Unique pick
  15. Bobby Seith Unique pick
  16. Colin Stein Unique pick
  17. Alex Stuart Unique pick Joker!
  18. Gerry Sweeney Unique pick
  19. Ian Ure Unique pick
  20. Ian Wallace (football) Unique pick


(THEME) They Were the World
First year in DDP.
  1. Dan Aykroyd Unique pick
  2. Tom Bahler Unique pick
  3. Lindsey Buckingham Unique pick
  4. Kim Carnes Unique pick
  5. Bob Dylan
  6. Bob Geldof
  7. La Toya Jackson
  8. Billy Joel
  9. Huey Lewis
  10. Willie Nelson Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  11. Michael Omartian Unique pick
  12. Jeffrey Osborne Unique pick
  13. Steve Perry Unique pick
  14. Ruth POINTER
  15. Lionel Richie Unique pick
  16. Smokey Robinson
  17. Diana Ross
  18. Bruce Springsteen Unique pick
  19. Dionne Warwick
  20. Stevie Wonder


(THEME) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, DIE
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 359th
(THEME) John le Carre's 1974 masterpiece and those who've appeared in the various adaptations of it.
  1. Mario Adorf Joker!
  2. Eileen Atkins
  3. Simon Russell Beale Unique pick
  4. Kathy Burke Unique pick
  5. Michael Byrne Unique pick
  6. Benedict Cumberbatch Unique pick
  7. Lucy Fleming Unique pick
  8. Peter Guinness Unique pick
  9. Alex Jennings Unique pick
  10. Maureen Lipman Unique pick
  11. Linda Marlowe Unique pick
  12. Gary Oldman
  13. Bill Paterson Unique pick
  14. Siân Phillips
  15. Alec Sabin Unique pick
  16. Mike Sarne
  17. Tusse Silberg Unique pick
  18. John Standing Unique pick
  19. Patrick Stewart
  20. Norma West Unique pick


(THEME) Traded to the Saints
First year in DDP.
  1. Le'Veon Bell Unique pick
  2. Leeman Bennett Unique pick
  3. Raymond Berry Unique pick
  4. O. J. Brigance Unique pick
  5. Antonio Brown Unique pick
  6. Lee Corso Unique pick
  7. Mike Ditka
  8. Steve Gleason
  9. Sonny Jurgensen Unique pick
  10. Jim Kelly Unique pick
  11. Marv Levy
  12. Steve McMichael Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  13. Pete Medhurst Unique pick
  14. Matt Millen Unique pick
  15. Lenny Moore Unique pick
  16. Randy Moss
  17. William "The Refrigerator" Perry
  18. Dick Vermeil Unique pick
  19. Sean Wallace
  20. Nikhil Webb Walker Unique pick


(THEME) Trans Girls Hit squad's hit list
Years in DDP: 5
Best position: 438th
(THEME) A list of TERFs and people dedicated to giving trans people even more shit than they already get
  1. Julie Bindel
  2. Benjamin Cohen Unique pick
  3. Sharron Davies
  4. Ron DeSantis Unique pick
  5. Snoop Dogg Unique pick
  6. Stephen Fry Joker!
  7. Ricky Gervais
  8. Germaine Greer
  9. katie hopkins Unique pick
  10. Caitlyn Jenner
  11. Piers Morgan
  12. Jenni Murray Unique pick
  13. Elon Musk
  14. Martina Navratilova
  15. Posie Parker Unique pick
  16. Eddie Redmayne Unique pick
  17. Dwight Schultz Unique pick
  18. Keir Starmer Unique pick
  19. Donald Trump Drop Forty bonus
  20. Liz Truss


(THEME) Turn Off That Telly and Go to Bed!
Years in DDP: 12
Best position: 127th
(THEME) US TV is the theme here. It'll make your eyes square y'know…
  1. John Astin Joker!
  2. Barbara Bain
  3. Carol Burnett
  4. Ruth Buzzi
  5. Dick Cavett
  6. Barbara Eden
  7. Jamie Farr
  8. Marla Gibbs
  9. Shirley Jones
  10. Bernie Kopell Unique pick
  11. Sid Krofft
  12. Hal Linden
  13. June Lockhart
  14. Kent McCord Unique pick
  15. Pat Priest
  16. Dan Rather
  17. Marion Ross
  18. Carl Hilding "Doc" Severinsen
  19. William Shatner
  20. Dick Van Dyke Drop Forty bonus


(THEME) Unpersons
Years in DDP: 9
Best position: 257th
(THEME) Competitors in the reality show Big Brother. Grim is in the diary room…
  1. Big Ron Atkinson
  2. Amanda Barrie Unique pick
  3. Dirk Benedict
  4. Gary Busey
  5. Bobby Davro Unique pick
  6. Christopher Ellison
  7. Julie Goodyear Drop Forty bonus
  8. Germaine Greer
  9. Lauren Harries
  10. La Toya Jackson
  11. Bruce Jones Unique pick
  12. Angel McKenzie Unique pick
  13. Ken Morley
  14. Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  15. Alexander O'Neal
  16. Katie "Jordan" Price
  17. Louis Walsh
  18. Denise Welch Unique pick
  19. James Whale Drop Forty bonus
  20. Kim Woodburn Unique pick


(THEME) Vive la France... et la mort
Years in DDP: 8
Best position: 187th
(THEME) 20 famous french folk, which is 20 more than Luxembourg
  1. Brigitte Bardot
  2. Dominique Boschero Unique pick
  3. Leslie Caron
  4. Monique Chaumette Unique pick
  5. Bernadette Chirac
  6. Marthe Cohn Unique pick
  7. Bernard de La Villardiere Unique pick
  8. Jacqueline de Ribes
  9. Brigitte Fontaine
  10. Catherine Laborde Unique pick
  11. Helene Langevin-Joliot
  12. Jean-Pierre Léaud
  13. Herbert Leonard Unique pick
  14. Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus Joker!
  15. Gabriel Matzneff
  16. Alix Princess Napoleon
  17. Roman Polanski
  18. (singer) Renaud
  19. Pierre Richard
  20. Nadine De Rothschild Unique pick


(THEME) Waiting for Ugo
Years in DDP: 7
Best position: 333th
(THEME) Those who've plied their footballing trade in the Midlands.
  1. Willie Anderson Unique pick
  2. Des Bremner Unique pick
  3. Harry Burrows Unique pick
  4. Frank Carrodus Unique pick
  5. Lew Chatterley Unique pick
  6. Gordon Cowans Joker!
  7. Alex Cropley
  8. Jim Cumbes Unique pick
  9. Keith Leonard Unique pick
  10. Ivor Linton Unique pick
  11. Johnny MacLeod Unique pick
  12. Pat McMahon Unique pick
  13. Ken McNaught Unique pick
  14. Peter McParland
  15. Brendan Ormsby Unique pick
  16. Leighton Phillips Unique pick
  17. Dave Pountney Unique pick
  18. Jimmy Rimmer Unique pick
  19. Geoff Vowden Unique pick
  20. Jim Walker Unique pick


(THEME) Wheel meet again
First year in DDP.
  1. Giacomo Agostini Unique pick
  2. Mario Andretti
  3. Richard Attwood Unique pick
  4. Mike Beckwith
  5. Derek Bell Unique pick
  6. Barry Briggs Unique pick
  7. Bernie Ecclestone
  8. A. J. Foyt
  9. Ove Fundin
  10. Don Garlits Unique pick
  11. Gene Hackman Joker!
  12. Alf Hagon Unique pick
  13. Les Harris Unique pick
  14. Hans Herrmann
  15. Jacques Laffite
  16. Anders Michanek Unique pick
  17. Shirley Muldowney Unique pick
  18. Richard Petty
  19. johnny Rutherford Unique pick
  20. Jackie Stewart


(THEME) Where are all the Garys and Simons?
Years in DDP: 3
Best position: 470th
(THEME) Garys and Simons
  1. Gary Barlow Unique pick
  2. Gary Busey
  3. simon callow Unique pick
  4. Simon Cowell Unique pick
  5. Simon Fuller Unique pick
  6. Gary Glitter Joker!
  7. Simon Hart Unique pick
  8. Simon Le Bon
  9. Gary Lineker Unique pick
  10. Gary Mabbutt Unique pick
  11. Simon Mignolet Unique pick
  12. Gary Neville Unique pick
  13. Gary Numan Unique pick
  14. Gary Oldman
  15. Simon Pegg
  16. Gary Player
  17. Simon Rattle Unique pick
  18. Gary Sinise Unique pick
  19. Simon Weston Unique pick
  20. Simon Winchester Unique pick


(THEME) Who Goes Before the 5-0 Arrives?
Years in DDP: 15
Best position: 253th
(THEME) Team of those under 50 who need to watch their step… only some of the people on this team are now much older - we are confused
  1. Travis Barker Unique pick Joker!
  2. Justin Bieber Unique pick
  3. Hailey Bieber Unique pick
  4. Russell Brand Unique pick
  5. Amanda Bynes
  6. Miley Cyrus
  7. Stacey Ferguson Unique pick
  8. Seth Green Unique pick
  9. Prince Harry
  10. Amber Heard Unique pick
  11. Kim Jong-Un
  12. (singer) Ke$ha Unique pick
  13. Ashton Kutcher Unique pick
  14. Shia Labeouf Unique pick
  15. Lindsay Lohan Unique pick
  16. Danny Masterson Unique pick
  17. frankie muniz