Derby Dead Pool 2025 scoreboard

Key to scoring system and symbols

Age at death  Score  Bonus symbol  Meaning and score 
18-29  12 pts  unique pick (+4 points) 
30-49  10 pts  drop 40 pick (+3 points) 
50-59  9 pts  unnatural causes (+3 points) 
60-69  8 pts  party pooper (+5 points) 
70-79  7 pts  joker (double total points) 
80-89  6 pts 
90-99  5 pts 
100-109  4 pts 
110+  3 pts 

For full details, see the rules and scoring page.

Position Team Hits Score
1Heading Nowhere(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus59
2Banana's Peel Slippers(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Cecile Richards, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus58
3Sorry For Your Trouble(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, David Lynch, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Charlotte Raven, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!55
4Droller Coaster(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Oliviero Toscani, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus53
=5Deceased Hose(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus50
=5They Might All Die(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus50
=7ARSE-IN-HOLE(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus48
=7Dropping Like Flies(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!48
=7Evil Grimace(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Mike Rinder, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus48
10Faster Than A Dead Horse(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, David Lynch, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus47
=112026? No thank you!(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Oliviero Toscani, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus46
=11Day in the Death(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!46
=13Dead Ends(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus40
=13It's A Grim World After All(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus40
=13Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Slaughter(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus40
=13Today's the day the maggots have their picnic(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus40
17Long Story Short… It's Over!Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus39
=18Bennington & Speight's Aerial Silk Workshop(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!38
=18David Quantick's Showbiz Pals(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Charlotte Raven, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus38
=18Stiff Competition(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus38
=21(THEME) A Question of Sprouts(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Jimmy Calderwood, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus37
=21The Love Boat(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Mike Rinder, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus37
=23Are You Still Dying, Darling?(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Marianne Faithfull, David Lynch, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus35
=23Bastard Must've Died(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Iris Cummings, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus35
=23La Faucheuse(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Oliviero Toscani, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus35
=23Pull my fingerMarianne Faithfull, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus35
=23To Kill A Gabor Sister(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Cecile Richards, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus35
=28Fiona's Frail & Cancerous PoolJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Virginia Halas McCaskey, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus33
=28LL's PoolDick Button, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Cecile Richards, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus33
=30(THEME) Elton Welsby's Sporting Triangles(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Jimmy Calderwood, Agnes Keleti, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus31
=30BLIMEY!Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus31
=30Dave's Grim Underground BO(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus31
=30Simply DeadDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!31
=30Windsor the Troll(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus31
=35A Trophy For Atrophy(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus30
=35Ethnic CleansingNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus30
=35I Will Not Die, it's the World that Will End!(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus30
=35Octopus of Odstock(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus30
=35See You In HeavenJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!30
=35Shaun of the Dead 69(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus30
=35The Sound of the Underground(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus30
=35This Mortal CoilDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus30
=4312 Lords A-Leaving, 8 Ladies DyingDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus29
=43Carkers Convention 2025(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus29
=43Fade to Black(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus29
=43Haben die Spaten(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus29
=43Once You Go Black(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus29
=43Pan Breed(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus29
=43Skate Dumpers(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus29
=43Summer in Transylvania(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus29
=51Culled Rush Centenary CemeteryNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!28
=51Manuel's StiffsJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus28
=51Mass Hole Cemetery(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus28
=51Plan B from Outer SpaceJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Sam Nujoma, Oliviero Toscani, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus28
=51Skibidi Toilet(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus28
=51The Crowdsourced DeathlistJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus28
=57DiegoDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!27
=57Still_DrunkasaskunkDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Charlotte Raven, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus27
=57The Death Toll is CatastrophicJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus27
=57Zipline(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Cecile Richards, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus27
61GonevilleDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus26
=62(THEME) Sudden DeathJimmy Calderwood Joker!, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus25
=62Dead and Dusted 1Denis Law Drop Forty bonus, Brian Murphy, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus25
=62GIAC - It's really Serious!Barbara Clegg, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Charlotte Raven25
=62Substitution Bench and Star Players(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Oliviero Toscani, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus25
=66DEADIES 11Genevieve Callerot, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus23
=66Women's Deaths Matter TooMarianne Faithfull, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Joan Plowright23
=68(THEME) LW's Latest HitMarianne Faithfull, Sam Moore, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus22
=68(THEME) Pop goes the WurzelsLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!22
=68(THEME) The Sick-Bed of CuchulainnLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!22
=68(THEME) UnpersonsLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!22
=68Harry Rotter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!22
=68Noah Reason & the Youth in AsiaLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!22
=68Spectre of DeathLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus Joker!22
=75Angus Young's Highway to Hell(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus21
=75Blue-TeamsJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus Joker!, Joan Plowright21
=75Funeral HolmesNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus21
=75Going UndergroundNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus21
=75John Key's ListNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus21
=75Shovelful of Dirt(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus21
=75The Beatles Are Dying In The Wrong OrderNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus21
=75The B-TeamNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus21
=75You Might Be A King or a Little Street SweeperNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus21
=84(THEME) Sportspeople I Think Might Die in 2025 UnitedDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, John Tudor Unique pick20
=84Bought the Peanut FarmDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84Colnbrook CoronerDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84Dead Ringers(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus20
=84Death Can Be FunnyDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84Die Now....Die Now....Show Us You've PeggedDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84drunkasaskunkLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus20
=84Eternity ToursLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus20
=84Expiry Date - 2025Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus20
=84Forgotten But Not GoneDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84Girlfriend In A ComaDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84Going GreenDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84Now That's What I Call Emeli Sande's In MemoriamDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84Smart BetaLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus20
=84Team Cat AIDSDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84The MisersLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus20
=84The SpannersDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84The Walking DeadDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=84You Have 1 Year To Die…Your Time Starts NowDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus20
=103(THEME) M6 Toll(ed)Elgar Howarth Unique pick, Charles Kay Unique pick19
=103A Submarine Torpedoes and Sinks The Love BoatJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus19
=103Ben-Hur and Messala Were Lovers(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus19
=103DDP Tofoa(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus19
=103Deathlist.netJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus19
=103Grave DangerJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus19
=103LW's Czech Out(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus19
=103People I Think Might Die In 2025 UnitedLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Mike Rinder19
=103SAMSONS AND DELILAHS(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus19
=103Still Life(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus19
=103The Living EndNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus19
=103Thomas Jefferson Survives(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus19
=115(THEME) 20 Crooners Croakin'Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!18
=115(THEME) Shake, Rattle, Roll Over and Play DeadPeter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!18
=1152025 Not Your YearMarianne Faithfull, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus18
=115Deader than a Dead ThingMarianne Faithfull, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus18
=115Free Fallers'Denis Law Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus18
=115Hearse of the Dead Once AgainDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus18
=115Stay safe friends!Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!18
=115The Rotting Corpses of the UndeadMarianne Faithfull, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus18
=115You've got a Shiva In The DarkPeter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus Joker!18
=124Ah, the ol’ teamDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus17
=124Captain Hemlock's TwentyJules Feiffer, William Leuchtenburg, Cecile Richards17
=124Death Nebula 3000Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus17
=124I Cannot Believe They're Not DeaderDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus17
=124Poppin’ ClogsDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus17
=124Salmon MousseSteve DiMeglio, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus17
=124the old ladyJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus17
=131(THEME) Vive la France... et la mortJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus Joker!16
=131Couldn't Think of a Team NameJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus Joker!16
=131debs dead ballMarianne Faithfull, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus16
=131Drop Dead GorgeousLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Joan Plowright16
=131Oh, What a Beautiful Mournin'Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus, Joan Plowright16
=131Puzlman's Passing PicksDick Button, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus16
=131The Best and Worst of UsJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus Joker!16
=138It's Grim Up NorthGarth Hudson, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus15
=138TentoesupVirginia Halas McCaskey, Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus15
=140BlodreinaGarth Hudson, Jean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus14
=140Windsor's OBEDenis Law Drop Forty bonus, Joan Plowright14
=142(THEME) Complications from a fallJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Sam Nujoma13
=142(THEME) JaydeadJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus, Joan Plowright13
=142(THEME) Musical chairsMarianne Faithfull, Garth Hudson13
=142(THEME) Play Ball!Agnes Keleti, Denis Law Drop Forty bonus13
=142(THEME) Traded to the SaintsPete Medhurst Unique pick13
=142Do they do qo?Tommy Brown Unique pick, Agnes Keleti13
=142The Policies Of Benjamin NetanyahuAgnes Keleti, Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus13
149(THEME) Last surviving original band members IIIGarth Hudson, Sam Moore12
=150(THEME) CLOG POPPERSLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150(THEME) Great Gig in the SkyLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Also-RanLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Blasphemous Rumours 'A'Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Compost CornerLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Crofty's Coffin CrewLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Darling Did You Forget to Take A Breath?Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Dave's Dead, Aye Dead DrunkLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Dead Last? Dead Right!Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Deadpool SurpriseLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Deathray's Kevorkian ClinicLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Di's DiesLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Dr Shipman's waiting roomLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Drop Dead CelebrationLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Exu's ExiteersLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Fat Kids Always Win at SeasawLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Feng Shui PigLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Finbarr Returns from the DeadLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Freaky FarleysLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150His and HearseLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Hunting HalosLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150I Told You I Was IllLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150I'll sleep when you're deadLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150JellydeadLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Jimmy Savile's Paedo FunHouse and GrillLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Min ReaperLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Mortem OmnibusLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Multiple StiffiesLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Only Fools and CorpsesLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Partridge As ReaperLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150RIP It Up and Start AgainLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Sad News FCLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150SeasideEssexXileLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150So Long FarewellLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Southerners StiffsLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Stephen Hawking's Football BootsLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Stone Dead CertLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150The Anfield IronLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150The Caulkhead Coffin KickersLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150The Choir InvisibuleLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150THE DEAD C**T SCROTSLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150The End of the World As We Know ItLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150The Marvelous Pneumonia SquadLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150They're Loving Angels InsteadLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Tiny and Ellie's Pick of the DropsLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Two Coins & A PuntLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Warning: Dying Can Be Hazardous To Your HealthLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Weakend at BerniesLinda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150Wormer, he's a dead man! niedermier dead! marmalard dead!Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=150You Could Have Waited, I've Just Put The Kettle On!Linda Nolan Drop Forty bonus11
=200(THEME) Bibliogryphon's Bookworm FoodDavid Lodge Unique pick10
=200(THEME) Complete PhallusiesDick Button, Joan Plowright10
=200(THEME) Deutschland verabschiedet sich!Horst Janson Unique pick10
=200(THEME) Grappling with Mortality(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus10
=200(THEME) Oscar StrikeoutsJoan Plowright Joker!10
=200(THEME) She’s a Dead Skate, Charlie BrownDick Button Joker!10
=200Death Is International 2024Prince Karim Aga Khan Unique pick10
=200One Eyed JacksNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus10
=200Pretty Noose(wrestler) Black Bart Drop Forty bonus10
=200Shuffle OffNigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus10
=200Time's-up TeamP.H. Moriarty Unique pick10
=200You Dirty Rotten Swine, You Deaded Them!Nigel McCrery Drop Forty bonus10
=212(THEME) Jocks AwayDenis Law Drop Forty bonus9
=212(THEME) MST3K MassacreJan Shepard Unique pick9
=212(THEME) Nature's Way 2Denis Law Drop Forty bonus9
=212(THEME) No More ExpensesSally Oppenheim-Barnes Unique pick9
=212(THEME) Old as Dirt 2Gene Barge Unique pick9
=212(THEME) One Ball Bigger Than The Other TwoDenis Law Drop Forty bonus9
=212(THEME) Space WastersPeter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus9
=212(THEME) The Gallifrey Regeneration GameChristopher Benjamin Unique pick9
=212(THEME) They think it's all overDenis Law Drop Forty bonus9
=212Blasphemous Rumours 'B'Denis Law Drop Forty bonus9
=212Dead WaitPeter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus9
=212Imelda's TerrahawksDenis Law Drop Forty bonus9
=212NewlydeadsPeter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus9
=212ObituarynoticeTony Book Unique pick9
=212Old People Smell Of PissDenis Law Drop Forty bonus9
=212Perhaps' Pointless PuntsChad Morgan Unique pick9
=212Phantom's Pick 'n' MixDenis Law Drop Forty bonus9
=212Plausible Passings of 2025Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus9
=212Rigor Mort UsTom Robbins Unique pick9
=212Roasting Bodies In RedcarPeter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus9
=212Statik ChargePeter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus9
=212The Old Ones are the PestsGenevieve Callerot, Joan Plowright9
=212The Sunday Supplement's Premature Review of 2025Peter Yarrow Drop Forty bonus9
=236(THEME) A la vie, a la mortJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus8
=236(THEME) Gray PanthersAgnes Keleti, Virginia Halas McCaskey8
=236Banana's BruisesSteve DiMeglio8
=236BladerunnerJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus8
=236Heaven Can't WaitJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus8
=236Jackie TreehornCecile Richards8
=236Lord Football's LotJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus8
=236Peter Falk's FriendsJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus8
=236Time for Me to FlyMike Rinder8
=236Touch of GreyJean-Marie Le Pen Drop Forty bonus8
=246(THEME) Mmmmmmmm DropMarianne Faithfull7
=246(THEME) Once Shaggable, Now BaggableMarianne Faithfull7
=246Dirt NappersMarianne Faithfull7
=246G-O-T-T-O-G-O!David Lynch7
250(THEME) The SurvivorsSam Moore6
=251(THEME) 99 Not Out!Phyllis Dalton5
=251(THEME) And the nominees are… dead!Joan Plowright5
=251(THEME) Clinging on for a 99Barbara Clegg5
=251(THEME) Comedy CremationsBrian Murphy5
=251(THEME) D CeasedDick Button5
=251(THEME) Hell to the ChiefSam Nujoma5
=251(THEME) Jane's Antique WrinkliesJoan Plowright5
=251(THEME) Last of The Summer WinosBrian Murphy5
=251(THEME) Laughing in the face of Death.Brian Murphy5
=251(THEME) Lullabye-bye of BroadwayJoan Plowright5
=251(THEME) Ready For My Closed Lid, Mr. DeMilleJoan Plowright5
=251(THEME) Ruling The AfterlifeSam Nujoma5
=251(THEME) Saturday Night DeadBob Uecker5
=251(THEME) The Retched pong of Brit sit-comBrian Murphy5
=251(THEME) There is nothing like a dameJoan Plowright5
=251100 Bodies in a DayBrian Murphy5
=251After You, MadamJoan Plowright5
=251Bourne to DieBrian Murphy5
=251Don't Stay Alive in '25Brian Murphy5
=251Grief HijackersBrian Murphy5
=251Grim McGrawJules Feiffer5
=251Had a good inningsBrian Murphy5
=251Last Show Before BedtimeBrian Murphy5
=251NoSoup4U!Sam Nujoma5
=251Pearly GatesJules Feiffer5
=251The Deadest Of The DeadPhyllis Dalton5
=251The Funeral Director 2025Brian Murphy5
=279(THEME) Fiona's 1922William Leuchtenburg4
=279(THEME) Foreword by The Grim ReaperGenevieve Callerot4
=279Ambulance chaserIris Cummings4
=279Centenarian ClubGenevieve Callerot4
=279Dead And DustedGenevieve Callerot4
=279I've Been Dying To Play ThisGenevieve Callerot4
=285"Down Under" Death Merchants0
=285(THEME) #1 Hits0
=285(THEME) ...and its goodnight from him0
=285(THEME) 2025 Exit Draft0
=285(THEME) 90s vs 90s0
=285(THEME) Aaron Aardvark's Alliteration Association0
=285(THEME) All Death Is Consolation0
=285(THEME) All these moments will be lost0
=285(THEME) Alternative in Death - The Right Deadlihood Award0
=285(THEME) American As Apple Pie0
=285(THEME) And That's a Rap0
=285(THEME) And the SPOTY Winner is… dead0
=285(THEME) Animals to the Afterlife0
=285(THEME) Apollogies For Still Living0
=285(THEME) Apology Accepted0
=285(THEME) Ashes to Ashes XII0
=285(THEME) Assorted Alliterates0
=285(THEME) batstarlord of the whotreklock0
=285(THEME) Boom, Boom, Out go the lights0
=285(THEME) Buying Max Yasgur's Farm0
=285(THEME) Cadaverous Mofos0
=285(THEME) Can't Think of a Music Pun0
=285(THEME) Cardavers0
=285(THEME) Close Up: The Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest Musical0
=285(THEME) Come on Karma, Where's the F@@king Justice0
=285(THEME) CRT to DOA0
=285(THEME) DCAU Demises0
=285(THEME) Dead And Dusted 20
=285(THEME) Dead Beats0
=285(THEME) Dead Continent0
=285(THEME) Dead Leaders0
=285(THEME) Dead... Or are they?0
=285(THEME) Death to all but metal and Dame Shirley Bassey0
=285(THEME) Decaying Orbit-uaries0
=285(THEME) Dey Do Die Don't Dey Doh0
=285(THEME) Dieopics0
=285(THEME) Disney Dizzies0
=285(THEME) Dr Who's Next0
=285(THEME) Drop Dead Diva0
=285(THEME) Dying Donkeys0
=285(THEME) Dying of Pretentiousness0
=285(THEME) Dying Probably's Twitter Page0
=285(THEME) Easy as ABC0
=285(THEME) Easy Peasy Japanesey0
=285(THEME) Empty Chairs at Empty Tables0
=285(THEME) Everybody's Dead Daves0
=285(THEME) Fatal Exceptions0
=285(THEME) Fill the Century or die!0
=285(THEME) Fireball's Play Your Cadavers Right0
=285(THEME) Formula Fatality0
=285(THEME) Francis Of Wrestle-Easy 20250
=285(THEME) From the Middle East to the Middle of the Ground0
=285(THEME) God's Gonna Gettem0
=285(THEME) Gone and Away0
=285(THEME) Gone Solo0
=285(THEME) Good Trouble0
=285(THEME) Goodnight, Seattle0
=285(THEME) Hell's Gender Neutral Toilets0
=285(THEME) Here's Who You Could Have Won0
=285(THEME) He's Not The Family Guy0
=285(THEME) Hispanics and Lati-no's0
=285(THEME) Hits Of 36 Years Ago And Hits Today0
=285(THEME) Hole-in-one0
=285(THEME) I Hear Voices0
=285(THEME) I Made the News Today, Oh Boy0
=285(THEME) In The Hole!0
=285(THEME) IT'S A COP-OUT 20250
=285(THEME) It's a Small World0
=285(THEME) It's time to meet the music0
=285(THEME) Just One More Death0
=285(THEME) Kiddyfiddler Harriers0
=285(THEME) Kill Bills, Vol. 30
=285(THEME) Kiwi fruit sundae0
=285(THEME) Last Christmas0
=285(THEME) Lego Element 46514450
=285(THEME) Lt. Colonel Kilgore's Ultimate Surf Party0
=285(THEME) MAGA Hit List0
=285(THEME) militant leaders0
=285(THEME) Miss DEAD0
=285(THEME) Nature's Way0
=285(THEME) Ncuti Bang Bang0
=285(THEME) Nice!0
=285(THEME) No Mr Bond Villain, I Expect You To Die!!!0
=285(THEME) Nobel Loserettes0
=285(THEME) Nobel Notables0
=285(THEME) Norman Lear and All His Friends0
=285(Theme) Not going in a Black Cab0
=285(THEME) OAPs (Old American Politicians)0
=285(THEME) Old As Dirt0
=285(THEME) Passing of the Passed0
=285(THEME) Peace, Love, and Death0
=285(THEME) Pennsylvania Pushes Up the Daisies0
=285(THEME) Perfect 100
=285(THEME) Players in The Player0
=285(THEME) Poor Little Ghoul0
=285(THEME) Punk is Dead0
=285(THEME) Rappers Delight0
=285(THEME) Rolls Off The Tongue0
=285(THEME) Rushing to Tim Horton's for Maple Donuts0
=285(THEME) Russian Box Players0
=285(THEME) Sad Last Days0
=285(THEME) Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel0
=285(THEME) Scrubber Out0
=285(THEME) sid and marty coffin0
=285(THEME) Six Feet Under the Dome0
=285(THEME) Slippery Soap0
=285(THEME) snooker loopy c*NTS are we0
=285(THEME) Special:RandomInCategory/Living_people0
=285(THEME) St. Peter’s Warblers0
=285(THEME) Stars on Hice0
=285(THEME) Stay Golden0
=285(THEME) Thank You For The Music0
=285(THEME) Thanks for being a Sport0
=285(THEME) The Big Brain Theory0
=285(THEME) The Cabinet of the Grim Reaper0
=285(THEME) The Dead Kennedys0
=285(THEME) The Fat Lady's singing...0
=285(THEME) The Golden State Strikes Back0
=285(THEME) The Lord God Slayed Them All0
=285(THEME) The Talking Dead0
=285(THEME) The Writing's On The Wall0
=285(THEME) They Were the World0
=285(THEME) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, DIE0
=285(THEME) Trans Girls Hit squad's hit list0
=285(THEME) Turn Off That Telly and Go to Bed!0
=285(THEME) Waiting for Ugo0
=285(THEME) Wheel meet again0
=285(THEME) Where are all the Garys and Simons?0
=285(THEME) Who Goes Before the 5-0 Arrives?0
=285(THEME) Wishing (I Had an Obituary of You)0
=285(THEME) Yes, I Suppose0
=285..better to burn out...0
=28520 Random Guys Part 10
=28520 Random Guys Part 20
=28520 Random Guys Part 30
=2852025 Not Alive0
=2853rd times the charm0
=2855 Feet and 1 to Go0
=285A Pelican In The Wilderness0
=285A Spot of Death0
=285Alternative Observations 20250
=285Always Look On The Bright Side0
=285And they all died0
=285Apricot Crumble0
=285Baby Kissers Taking a Big Sleep0
=285Bad 4 U, You Look Dying & Decaying0
=285Blueberry Crumble0
=285Bucket Of Blood0
=285c. a. daver0
=285Casket Ready0
=285Coffin Fit0
=285Curtains for Carter0
=285Dai YaB'stards0
=285Dead but not buried0
=285Dead Is Dead0
=285Death Becomes Them0
=285Death Stalks United0
=285Death Stinks0
=285Departures Board0
=285Diana Rots0
=285Don't Eat The Figs0
=285Down Under the Daisies0
=285Dust in the Wind0
=285Eddie's Parade of Darkness and Despair0
=285Falling Off The Perch0
=285Final Curtain Call0
=285Flat White and Flat Line0
=285Forever young pups0
=285Francis of Arse-Easy 20240
=285From Here to Eternity0
=285Funeral Furore0
=285Ghost of Alternative Deathlist0
=285God, It's Brutal Out Here0
=285Gooseberry Crumble0
=285Graceful Deaths0
=285Hangman's XX0
=285Have I got Pews for you!0
=285Headstone Hunters0
=285House Of Soon To Be With The Lord0
=285Huddled Masses0
=285I Couldn't Eat Another Bite0
=285I Know That Ain't Who I Think It Is0
=285Ken Dodds dads dog0
=285Kop-ing it0
=285Lard Bazaar0
=285Lidders Late Lamentables0
=285Life Got Cold0
=285Living in a Box0
=285Madonna's Hand Of Bod0
=285Manchester Pity0
=285Mancunian Medley0
=285Manifest Death-stiny0
=285Martin Scorsese’s The Departed0
=285Moldy Oldies0
=285Morbid United F.C.0
=285Moribold Krakatoa's Playhour0
=285Most Unique Picks 20240
=285Mr & Mrs Drummerboy0
=285Naked Florida Gravediggers0
=285Names are for friends, so I don’t need one0
=285Neither There Nor Thereabouts0
=285Not at All Well0
=285Oscar The Beast0
=285Owt to stop me Coffin0
=285Peacocks Anus Horribilis0
=285Pedro's catacomb collective0
=285Permanent Kip 20240
=285Piston Broke0
=285Pool Ghoul0
=285Powder Picks Em Off0
=285Prowlers Goners '250
=285Puppy power0
=285Puppy-dog eyes0
=285Rotting Kanzlerin0
=285Say Hi to Uncle George0
=285Song to the Siren0
=285Stop the of My Felonies Senor Trump0
=285survive while you can0
=285Sweeney Todd's Nutritional Information0
=285Swimming in the Death Pool0
=285Taxidermied Frogs0
=285Team Terminal0
=285The Conqueror Worm0
=285The Douglas Bader Dance Troupe 20240
=285The Forest Lawn Jockeys0
=285The Good, The Bad and Cliff Richard0
=285The Honey Trap0
=285The Long Awaited Return Of The Welsh Jury0
=285The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul0
=285the new team0
=285The Really, Really Rottens0
=285Times up!0
=285Time's-2 Team0
=285Trojan Hearse0
=285Tumbling Dice0
=285Unusual Suspects0
=285Upside Down Planet0
=285Wanted Dead, Not Alive0
=285Wayne Manor0
=285What’s the Story, Mourning Glory?0
=285Where's My Damn List?0
=285Who Turned out the lights?0
=285Wisconsin Reaper Beater 3.00
=285Worm Fodder0
=285Wot The Deuce0
=285You're Dead Now, So Shut Up!0
=285Zero Hit's Wishlist0
=285Zombie Nation0
=285ZZ Topped: Heaven, Hell or Houston0



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