Celebrity picks for Derby Dead Pool 2024: U


Uecker, Bob
Born 26 January 1935  (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)
American sports personality, dubbed "Mr. Baseball" by the late Johnny Carson.
[Picture of Bob Uecker]


Ullmann, Liv
Born 16 December 1938  (Tokyo, Japan)
Norwegian actress, one of Swedish film director Ingmar Bergman's many muses.
[Picture of Liv Ullmann]


Unzue, Juan Carlos
Born 22 April 1967  (Pamplona, Spain)
Spanish goalkeeper and later coach at clubs Seville and Barca. Diagnosed with ALS in 2020.
[Picture of Juan Carlos Unzue]


Ure, Gudrun Gudrun Ure is no longer with us
Born 12 March 1926  (Campsie, Strathclyde, Scotland)

Died 14 May 2024  (London, England, UK)

Age at death: 98  (read death notice)
The 'Supergran' of the 1980s TV show of the same name.
[Picture of Gudrun Ure]


Ure, Ian
Born 7 December 1939  (Ayr, Scotland)
Former Arsenal and Scotland centre half.
[Picture of Ian Ure]


Ut, Nick
Born 29 March 1951  (Long An, Vietnam)
War photographer, took the famous snap of the children running away from a napalm strike in 1973. Later became a pap taking Paris Hilton photos.
[Picture of Nick Ut]


Utsi, Per A.
Born 8 March 1939  (Tana, Norway)
Former Norwegian Minister of Parliament
[Picture of Per A. Utsi]

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